
self reflection

It's a warm Friday afternoon, the sun on my face feels great,I close my eyes and lay back on the office chair, one of the perks of being C.E.O was the corner office with a gorgeous view of the city and to watch the sun set everyday.

Today was a different vibe I couldn't quite get it, I didn't hear my assistant walk in, "miss Lee you have a call from our investors fro Johannesburg, they would like to know whether you'll it for their branch opening ceremony?"

now don't get me wrong but I was sick and tired of these ceremonies, having attended three in a span of two weeks was enough, ever since my company went international these ceremonies just quadrupled,it was abit too much for me.

"Tell them I have something with my family in a few day, uhm I don't really wanna go."

Alice my assistant just smiles and leaves,I was once again left to my thoughts, something was definitely amiss.

"urgh,I need a vacation." I sighed,but wait that was it,I needed time off work, finally.

"Alice!, I'm gonna go on vacation." I yell over the phone on my desk.


On the drive home I couldn't help but brainstorm on places I'd like to visit but I just couldn't place myself in any location for long, as I drive up the curb and my house comes into view (mansion really) I couldn't help but remember my childhood, running in the corridors of my grandad's guest resort in the woods and I would yell, "when I grow up am gonna live in a huuugee house, bigger than yours grandpa." he'd laugh and say to me , nothing would make him happier. I miss grandpa though,wish he could have lived long enough to see my company thrive like that.

Now that I think of it my house was abit too large for a single woman with no kids, I needed to be away for awhile.I took a look at the family portrait I had hung on the hallway and there I was 12 year old me alongside my grandad,mom and baby sister, she was two years younger but always knew what she wanted with her life since then.

Then it hit me, all I needed was time away from this stressful environment, and I could finally pay mom a visit and she'd stop nagging me about abandoning her. I'll visit her a few days after I arrive in town.

Aah yes, I could see it already, nothing but me and the resort and the sweet woods, finally inner peace.

I got right into packing up my bags I'd head out tomorrow but pass by the office.

first light,at last damn the night was long, today was different though I was feeling exilirated and happy.I got a hot shower and some breakfast afterwards, I dumped my bags into the trunk of my Chevrolet Camaro ss, yes I'm a woman who knows about cars so what, having spent most of my childhood with grandpa I learnt alot about cars,this and being an independent rich woman drove most men away, I guess you could say I intimidated them,my mother on the other hand was always on my neck telling me to get married before it was too late. Menopause, she'd say, even my sister beat me to marriage,I didn't mind it though,I had not met a guy I really liked.

In a few minutes I was in the office and informed everyone of my impending absence and well, I left.

Driving through the city made me happier than I had been in a while, it was a great start. The  drive was a massive  two and a half hours drive. It  was already dark when I pulled up to the resort entrance,the gates were open but looked worn out considering their age I just ignored the and drove in, a few meters the main house the unthinkable happened, my car got a puncture.

I stopped the car and got out my right  front wheel was slowly and loudly deflating, looking back there was a rake in the drive way, "what the hell?" I mean who in their freaking sanity would leave a rake lying around,I couldn't possibly change the wheel now, so walking the rest of the way would do, besides the main house was already in view, I picked one bag from the trunk and dragged it behind me.

A few meters there I saw a figure of a man sitted on the steps and he was smoking, only other thing I hated apart from bad hair days was cigarettes.

"can I help you miss?" his voice was deep, he didn't look at me though from the tiny flicker from the cigarette I could see his jawline. "Yes , my car got a flat on the way in and I'd like for you to leave my property." I wasn't usually like this, sarcastic and rude but I know people in this town like to hop on free chances,one is an empty house.

"Oh yeah,if this is your property,then I'm the president of America,look honey I don't really care what you want if you need a place to crash, stay but be gone by the time I come back tomorrow morning." he threw the cigarette in my direction and walked away.