
fresh start

Guess it was around six  in the evening when Nathan came by to bring my mom some groceries, a real contrast to the pain in the back I met. They actually seemed to get along quite well, wonder why he was so harsh on me.

For the first few minutes of the drive back we didn't speak much but I did get to see his soft side when he was talking to Mom so I guess he wasn't that bad.

"Hey Nate?" I couldn't help smile, "Your mother told you my name huh? And it's Nathaniel." There it was again, the harshness, but I was focused on  getting a fresh start to knowing this guy anyways. "I'mma call you Nate anyway." I rolled down the window and unmade my hair from a bun and stuck my head out the window and let the breeze hit me.


Nathaniel's P.O.V.

Hmmm, Nate , it has been quite a while since I was called that, kinda missed it , Gina was really annoying but there was this aura of warmness around her, I liked it. she didn't really seem to mind my cold stares or my not caring for a thing , she reminded me of someone, the one I now despised with my heart.

"Hey ,stop right here!" She kinda yelled. I for one was confused and instantly pulled over. "What is it?" She didn't even answer just opened the door and well , ran.

I followed , I couldn't believe this she was running into a supermart. "Well Nate, you've been here a while but I doubt you've tried this town's own locally made ice cream." Oh Lord she made me stop so she could get ice cream, I left her to go and wait in the car. She came some minutes later with a hug container labelled farmer Joe's , oh yeah I'd heard of him, but I've never really bothered to get the ice cream. Gina was skipping towards the car like a six year old, she just happened to be one of those people who were happy with the little things.

I started the car as soon as she got in. She wouldn't shut up the whole way back . I could see it was drizzling which probably meant a downpour was about to happen.

I pulled up right in front of the main house , and she got out, " Nate would you like some ice cream ?" I kinda wanted to brush her off but she was convincing, " I'd like us to have a fresh start." I couldn't say no to that . I got out and followed her to the kitchen and where she picked two spoons and we sat down in front of the fireplace , literally on the floor.

" I know I haven't been the best person but I'd like it if we became friends." She smiled I have to admit she had a good one." Sure thing Gina."

"Yay, does this mean you're gonna stop banging the roof early in the morning?" She made me laugh but there was some seriousness in the question. "I'm not gonna apologize for that but feel free to thank me." I wasn't really being sarcastic but she laughed anyways and she wouldn't stop and next thing I knew she dropped the ice cream on my chest. " I'm so sorry, really that wasn't intentional. Although it's all your fault." Huh! This was something new I wasn't angry infact I found it funny usually when anyone annoyed me I would have walked away by now.

" Take it off I'll go and soak it for you , unless you want an everlasting reminder of me." She was sincere actually.


Virginia's P.O.V.

You know I was never that clumsy but he made me laugh that much it was his fault. He took off his shirt and handed it to me. " So am I supposed to stay like this till my shirt is ready?"

Oh,  I hadn't really thought about that but am sure there's a room upstairs with my grandpa's clothes " follow me ,naaate." I really enjoyed seeing him cringe every time I called him that.

We went upstairs into my grandpa's former room and just as I suspected there were some clothes ,my grandad was of the  same build as Nate and fortunately he was in the military so there bodies didn't vary that much. "Here I think this will both fit you and look good on you." I couldn't help looking into his eyes , it's like they were alive and had minds of their own , they sort of changed colour from now and then. They were just captivating. " Uuh something you wanna say ?" I was lost in his eyes for a short while . Then suddenly we were quite and we just stared at each other. Then there was a loud creak from across the hall. " Is there anyone else here ?" That was a stupid question , he led me slowly out the room pulling me behind him as he held my hand . "What's behind this door?" It was the room my grandmother used to lock her self in when she painted. "This was my grandmother's room , she only let me in here once ." He opened the door and turned the lights on in the room. Everything was covered under sheets , at the very end was a really old clock one of those that chimed really loudly but this one was kinda worn out so it was just creaking. "For a moment I thought the house was haunted ,huh." Nate was already working away at the clock trying to turn it off.

I got drawn towards my grandmother's last painting before she disappeared, I pulled the sheet off it and the painting was a beauty it was the a painting of the house actually. At the bottom were her initials "O.L"

" Nate would you be a dear and carry this out for me?" I could have sworn he cursed under his breath but he did it anyway. I followed behind him, then a folded up paper fell from the painting, on it we're the words " to Stan my one and only love."

A letter from my grandmother, maybe this had the answers we all looked for.