
Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Time Manipulation Technique In Naruto? That's what this webnovel is about! How will Shin use this newfound power of his in this world? Author note: This book will contain a mix of light and serious tone, so don't be too surprised at its occasional inconsistencies

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The World of Naruto

'A man once told me that the world is not unfair, but you're just not working hard enough to change your fate,' Shin thought, 'Well, I did try my hardest at least as far as I can get on my own, but I still ended up suffering, and no one else tried helping me.'

It was a white void filled with nothingness. Shin looked around to find nothing, at least until an oddly bright light appeared at the sky of white colour. With that comes a sound,

'Shin, you see, sometimes miscalculation happens, and well, I won't get into details, but in conclusion, we have indeed seen your life as unfair... sorry about that.' Then, it speaks out, 'We will now grant you a new life in a world you are familiar to, and that is Naruto. As an apology, we have provided you with a powerful ability called time manipulation, and along with that the power of a continuously regenerative body, nothing would be able to kill you.' the voice said.

Shin then asked, 'Wait, then what am I supposed to do in this world? Do I have an objective?'

The voice replied, 'No, consider it as an apology from us, live your life. I'm sure you'll be able to use your ability to the maximum.'

Everything was happening so quickly, and Shin was immediately in a nauseous stage until, he fainted.


Shin finally woke up, his eyes that were dizzy finally adjusted to the surrounding; however, what he'd seen were buildings everywhere surrounding him. It was nighttime, yet something was weird. This scene looked familiar...


"Urgh...!!" Shin thought to himself as a blade pierced his body. Blood began spilling out of his own body. He could see his meat and blood; it hurt a lot. Yet, after a while, his wounded figure healed on its own. Its body reconstructed what had been lost, and the blood that spilled out was moving back in on its own to Shin's body. The pain that was hurting him a lot disappeared slowly.

"How did you survive that?" The figure that slashed him appeared. He was wearing anbu clothings and emerging from the shadows were a pair of eyes that would haunt anyone. It was the Sharingan. Shin slowly realised that it was someone he knew from the Naruto comics. The monster who died at a young age, A clan-killer and loved his brother even more than his Clan, Itachi Uchiha.

Without allowing Shin to talk, Itachi rushed once more to slash him with his blade, but to no avail. Shin wailed out in pain, but his body once more regenerated at an unprecedented speed. However, mentally, Shin was hurting a lot. It was as though he kept dying, and he had to think of something fast. Shin recalled the voice in the white void. Time manipulation. He thought about it in his head and did the very first thing he could think, to pause this bastard from stabbing him and slashing him over and over again. Shin couldn't think of anything but shout out like what people would do in an anime.

"Pause!" Shin yelled out. Yet it worked. Itachi stopped moving... Or so he thought... Itachi was merely confused before he unleashed a massive fireball towards Shin for a quick second.

FUCK. Shin thought to himself. He knew he wouldn't die, but being burnt is not a pleasant feeling. On the other hand, he knew he couldn't dodge it, so he had to believe in his ability. So Shin tried something else. Instead of just blurting it aloud, Shin envisioned the fire to pause and stop moving.

The roaring fire moves slower and slower towards Shin until it stopped Mid-Air. Shin felt his energy dropping slightly, but it was fine. He was quite amazed at what was happening in front of him. The fire had stopped roaring and was doing absolutely nothing. However, Shin knew he could only be amazed by it for a short while, as he felt Itachi coming in closer also to investigate what was going on.

Itachi looked in surprise, and he couldn't help but be speechless. 'What the hell is this. It was as though time stopped but only for the fire.' Itachi thought to himself. However, similar to Shin, Itachi also knew that he needed to find Shin and kill him quickly. Time was of the essence. Itachi was already in a very desperate mood after killing his parents and even wounding his beloved baby brother. He wanted to kill everyone in the Clan and escape quickly. It was dark thus he didn't know Shin was not part of the Clan. He was already in a state of confusion, and this phenomenon had made it worse.

Shin, who was hiding behind the fire, had managed to sneak in slightly beside Itachi, 'Pause' Shin thought.

As he envisioned, Itachi stood there, frozen in place. It looked like.. it works!

Hey, this is a fun and light novel for me but if u do enjoy it please add it to your collection ;) enjoy!

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