
Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Time Manipulation Technique In Naruto? That's what this webnovel is about! How will Shin use this newfound power of his in this world? Author note: This book will contain a mix of light and serious tone, so don't be too surprised at its occasional inconsistencies

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Talk

"Ah yeah, it's cause I want to potentially travel around in freedom.." Shin said,

The Third slightly smiled and answered, "Ah to be young again, travelling is great, but isn't it also great to help the village where you grew up in. Sure it's a big commitment, but the satisfaction is amazing too! This is our village, where the will of fire will forever live on, and we need young talented ones like you, to help protect the it from any impeding danger..!"

Honestly, Shin thought it was quite funny for the Third Hokage to be here acting like nothing had happened. Mind you, the Uchiha massacre just occurred yesterday, and he could smile as though nothing much had happened. What's the use of the will of fire, and talks about protecting everyone when he couldn't even managed to appease the Uchihas due to his own indecisiveness and stop Danzo tyranny...

"Yeah, sure. However, I still want to be a mercenary instead of a leaf shinobi." Shin said, slightly insistent and disregarding what the Third had said.

At this point, The Third knew from Shin's glance there isn't much he could do, so he left it be and smiled, "Well then, since there isn't much I can say to convince you right now.. Then you can go ahead and be a shinobi mercenary! But remember, you'll always be welcome to apply back as a leaf shinobi whenever you're ready and done with your travels."

Shin only nodded, and the Third looked at Teuchi and said, "Looks like there's a lot we have to catch up on, I'll try to meet you soon.." The Third said slightly smiling.

"Of Course- Of course come whenever to the Ichiraku ramen store and we can have a good nice ol' conversation" Teuchi answered slightly nervous.

Afterwards, both Teuchi and Shin left the tower after Shin received his mercenary id, and as they were walking back to the Ichiraku, Teuchi got mad at Shin

"Oh you owe me, big time kid! My Kid? Jeez now Hiruzen will be probing and your own self and I will be in danger." Teuchi sighed.

"Hehhee.. Sorry..." Shin said with a burst of awkward laughter.. "To be fair, who'd expect the third Hokage to be there anyway.."

Teuchi sighed and asked "Why were you being so cold to Hiruzen anyways, you seem like quite the cheerful type.. Besides, Hiruzen is a good man.. Fair and mind you, he is the Hokage.."

Hmmm... Shin wondered, how well could he put it, "Welp... the best I can say is that there are a lot of things behind his back that he chose to ignore..." Shin answered, knowing of the Naruto world's knowledge and Hiruzen's behaviour.

Teuchi didn't ask for more questions and they finally headed back to the Ichiraku ramen store. Shin remembered and asked for one more favour, "Since we are now father and son... I think it's best.. umm.. for disguise, that I stay with you just like what a regular father and son would do right?" Shin asked, totally not because he needed shelter and found an opportunity in this crisis..

Teuchi only sighed and nodded. It is perhaps the best, in light of recent development for now.

While walking, Shin wondered for a bit, why is he hungry?

It's only been barely several hours since he ate that ramen he had time-shifted, but his stomach felt empty. Meh it's probably nothing~

They walked for about 20/30 minutes before seeing the familiar streets of the ramen shop

As they approached the Ichiraku store, it was approximately 3 pm at this point, however, a weird sight was standing before the two. Ichiraku Ramen Store was closed. Teuchi went in with Shin and he yelled "Why is the store closed!?"

The assistant immediately shouted out "M-master, s-something scary happened in the soup pot... Approximately half of the ramen soup... had disappeared... as though a ghost ate half of it in one gulp.. we ran out and had no choice but to close down.." the assistant said, slightly worried and shivering...

Uh Oh... Shin thought to himself.. and similarly, it looked like Teuchi understood who to blame... "Shinnnnn!!!!"

"U-Uhhhh" Shin said, "I can explain...!!!" but before he could say anything, large punch to the head was delivered to Shin by Teuchi...

"OUCHHHHH!!" Shin yelled. Teuchi then asked, "Your magic, it has a time limit???"

Shin had no such thing, but he did figure out, that he had used his time manipulation several times today, he guessed that the ramen must have reverted back to its original state as he used his abilities. Shin completely forgot about it... "S-Sorry..." Shin said rubbing his head as it regenerated.

Teuchi sighed heavily.

"Urgh, I trusted an idiot.." Teuchi said, "Fine. You'll have to take the night shift in the store until 12 am on most days except for the ones when you do your missions, and even then, your commission fee will mostly come to me until you pay off your debt to me understood?"

Shin could only nod as he agreed, that was the fairest thing that he could do... :')

'Looks like i'll be staying poor for a while…'