
Time Control Release Non-Ninjutsu

Time Manipulation Technique In Naruto? That's what this webnovel is about! How will Shin use this newfound power of his in this world? Author note: This book will contain a mix of light and serious tone, so don't be too surprised at its occasional inconsistencies

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The Real End of the Night

"H-Huh... Why am I back here..." The Anbu said as he saw the devil in disguise staring at him with a smile. As a last ditch effort, the Anbu tried to stab him with a knife, but it was obviously paused by Shin.

"Whew.. Alright... Let's do this instead!" Shin said as he stripped naked the Anbu and made sure he had no other weapon. He would then unpause and The Anbu would be slashing at the air.. as his blade was no longer there with him.

"What in the devil's way..?" The Anbu said as he began to fear what is happening.. and he then realised, he was naked except for his undies. "W-What is happening to me!? You, What do you want!?" He said as he knew it was hopeless to fight against Shin alone.

Shin finally smiled in front of the Anbu... "Finally... A good smart question to ask. Great!"

Shin took out the Anbu's own kunai and played with it, "Well, all I want is some simple question to be answered, that's all." Shin said as he stabbed the kunai to the man's shoulder.

"Urgh!!" He yelled.

"So that you know I don't like being messed around with.." Shin replied in explanation to why he stabbed the Anbu, "I hope you answer me well."

"Are you always spying on Naruto?" Shin asked the man.

However, the answer was merely silence. "I'll never tell you anything...!" he said after a short while...

Oh Good. Another idiot.

Shin stabbed once more at the stomach of the man, this time, he made sure it hurts just enough for him to still be barely alive..

"Dumbass.." the Anbu spits out blood and bite on something inside his teeth. After a short few seconds, foam began bursting out his mouth, and there it was, the death of the last Anbu.

Shin was curious about something truthfully, and it looked like this was the perfect time for him to try it out... Shin began to concentrate and envisioned...


The foam began coming back in the mouth and the man said "ssabmud" and went back to the state before he was stabbed by Shin in the stomach...

Fear. That was the easiest and simplest emotion that the man felt. His state reversed, but his memory stayed. He had just felt death by poison, and the pain in his brain was still there, but his body was fine.

"Will you talk now?" Shin asked once more.

The Anbu could not help but nod... It felt like, the man in front of him was God. To be able to control death was no light feat and any power seemed meaningless.

"Naruto is always heavily spied on by our members.. to avoid anyone from trying to steal him as he is a valuable asset to the leaf..." the Anbu explained

"What would be the consequence if Naruto were to kidnapped?"

"He'd be hunted down, they won't kill Naruto, but an army personally led by Danzo would likely be coming over to kill whoever tried to kidnap him." The Anbu replied.

"If Naruto chooses to leave?"

"He doesn't have that option. The Root would never let him" straight and simple answer was given.

*Sigh* Looks like Shin had confirmed it, Naruto would be a liability, knowing that his power could only control up to three entities. Shin wondered, could his ability grow stronger?

"Alright, let's make this fun. Where're Danzo's hideouts?"

"D-Da" *slash* the Anbu's tongue was cut. The Curse-mark implanted by Danzo had been activated. The man was alive, but he could no longer talk. Shin sighed for a while, before finally, he released his time ability.

The man instantly dropped dead, as foams once more appeared and the cut on his shoulder and stomach came back.

Death is permanent. It is a rule to the time manipulation technique that he immediately understood after killing the Anbus with it; as though he received enlightenment. So, his 3 slots had reverted back to zero as he killed the Anbus he had frozen previously, but when he resurrected someone from death, it continuously took up one of his slots. Thus, resurrection is only temporary, while death stays permanent.

It was quite a long night, and Shin was tired. It felt like his time manipulation also has limits, though he doesn't know exactly what it fully was yet.

Regardless, this is great! He could go ahead and loot the three Anbu's bag!. He managed to get some ninja tools, but the most important thing he wanted was... cash!!!

Where is it!? Shin continued searching for it only to be left disappointed, he found approximately 500 ryo combined by the three Anbus, but that was it :')

Shin now felt like his efforts were wasted, and he sulked slightly. However, he took the Anbu masks and apparel as Shin felt it might be useful later on.

'Well, a small amount of money is better than nothing I guess' Shin thought to himself, changing to a fresh pair of clothes before skipping back home in happiness, leaving the four corpses and skeletons behind.




After several moments walking, he had finally reached the Ichiraku Ramen Store... It was already 10 pm at this time, so it was time for the store to close. However, Teuchi was there, standing in annoyance.

"Hey Mister! What are you doing over there..! Wait.. Why do you look so mad..????" Shin asked.

Teuchi looked at Shin with obvious fury in his eyes..











Teuchi said.

and it was then Shin realised... He promised to do night shifts at the ramen store...

"U..Uh..." Shin immediately kneeled down in forgiveness... whereas Teuchi just smacked the head of Shin once more...


Thus.. ending the long day Shin's had. Yep folks, this is day two of Shin's Naruto life :) damn, it's a long day!

Hi guys, I just realised it was quite the long day (spanning over several chapters), but I had too much fun writing this segment and lost track of it. Hope you all are good with it! Enjoy!

MarSuscreators' thoughts