
69 The End

Deku's POV

This time when I woke up it was only Kacchan in his bed, now we are much closer than last time with our beds pushed up together. The room is otherwise empty. I'm sure the nurses huffed and generally complained about that but I could only smile when I saw his face, softened from sleeping. I watched as the soft light from the lights outside drifted in, the soft sounds of a normal peaceful night flooding my senses.

Our lives changed so much. Now not only do we have sisters but there is Toshi and of course my new baby brother. Todoroki was basically adopted, although unofficially, the same as Dabi had when we were children. Their other brother and sister came around a lot now but not in the same way, trying to somehow forgive their father but it was slow going. The league of villains never even got a real start let alone causing a war to break out. And now? Now Kacchan loves me. Sure he said he did back then but I was too hurt to believe him. Not anymore though.

How long did Kacchan withstand obvious PTSD without me even realizing it? So many times as kids he would get so angry or scared for seemingly no reason. A book dropping without warning once had made him all but jump out of his skin when we were seven. Seven! From what I understand he was sent back to the age of four. And I couldn't help him at all.

I carefully pulled out the needles in my arm and pulled the sensors off after silencing the machine, having had plenty of practice from my first life to keep it from sounding an alarm. I scooted closer to my husband and gently stroked his face.

All the things from the recent past were finally making sense, how he avoided intimate contact unless I initiated it. How he never pushed for more than what I freely gave. Even how he pushed back when I decided that I was ready for sex. He was so meticulously careful with my feelings, to never push past what I wanted or when.

But now I know. I remember everything and I can only love him more. I kept lovingly stroking his jaw, tucking the loose hair behind his ears until he opened his eyes and smiled back at me.

"Someone is happy," he whispered, maybe it was because it was dark outside and that the overhead lights were off but he kept his voice down.

"I just love you so much. It feels like my heart is going to burst," I whispered back and he chuckled until he got nervous.

"You're joking right?" This time it was my turn to laugh and he relaxed again. "I love you too."

"Can I take you somewhere?" I asked suddenly, not sure if what I was doing would be okay but changing the subject all the same.

"Let me get a nurse to unhook me," he moved to hit the nurse call button but I stopped him.

"I'll do it, I took mine out," I smiled and he let me. He didn't even question it, simply held his arms out and I took out the needle before silencing the machines and then taking the sensors off of him. By the time I was done he showed me where they had clothes out for us and we quickly got changed before escaping out the window. They'll figure it out sooner or later.

He followed easily and when I stopped at a hotel he barely looked surprised.

"Let me just get our room key," I smiled at him and he waited for me in the lobby.

"I'm here to pick up a room key for Midoriya," I told the receptionist and she looked confused, probably because I was so young. She had me verify the card on file before she finally gave me the key.

"Oh, and we will want food and dessert delivered with a do not disturb sign. It's kind of our honeymoon," I whispered and she looked even more surprised but this time she smiled. Let me pick out what all I wanted delivered to the room before I gave her the cash. Usually hotels don't take cash and require a card on file but Mom and Dad would track that if it was charged before we left. So I used my hero license number instead so I could pay with the cash that I drew out on the way here, right outside the hospital.

"I'll have a package delivered later if you can keep it at the desk until I call in the morning. That would be amazing. I wanted this to be a surprise so I couldn't actually pack a bag for us," I lowered my voice and she started giggling at the romance I was wanting to shower my partner in. The package was just a change of clothes and a few necessities like toothbrush and toothpaste and what not but still. They would be needed.

"Is there anything else at all that you need?" She asked and I saw her eyes shift towards a bottle of lotion on the counter. I smiled and she discreetly gave me a small bag with the supplies I wanted.

"Enjoy!" She called out smiling and Kacchan looked so confused but I smiled really big.

"Don't worry about it," I told him and he let me grab his hand. I led him up to our floor and once I opened the door there was already a maid with the things I ordered arriving. Once the delivery was done and she left I pulled Kacchan to sit down and eat. I don't think either of us have eaten real food since we woke up but we also know better than to eat too much.

"So what did you want to show me?" He asked while looking around, his eyes going to the large bed again and again but he was trying not to overthink it. At least that's what it looked like. Or is he maybe getting hopeful?

I smiled and pulled him towards the window before opening the blinds. I remember this, this was the hotel room that I stayed in after a mission once, I wasn't allowed to go home until the paperwork was done so they stuck me here. It was late and I decided to look out the window and I could never forget the sight.

The city laid out below, lights twinkling like stars while the cars on the street zoomed by like shooting stars. The red brake lights offered a steep contrast that only made it all seem so much more real.

I heard a hitch in Kacchan's breathing and when I turned my eyes to him he was looking down in awe. He obviously wasn't expecting the sight and I didn't disturb him. I paired my phone to the sound system and let some music play before putting it back down.

"I'm going to run the bath," I whispered in his ear and I saw them turning red even as I was just breathing next to him. I leaned in and gave him a light kiss right below his ear on his neck. "I'll come get you when it's ready," I kissed him again before walking away.

The water set and hot I came back to see him still looking out the window. I gently put my hands on his hips and hugged him from behind.

"We don't have to do anything you don't want," I whispered in his ear, content to just stay like this. My memories feel so heavy and our first lives together were both hard and heavy on my mind but that didn't stop how I felt then or now. I love him. I love Kacchan with my whole heart and I don't think I could ever stop.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked, barely turning his head towards me. I could hear how his breathing picked up, how excited and scared he was.

"Yes," I whispered, my lips brushing the edges of his ear and I both saw and felt how his body stiffened at such a small word. I lightly picked up his hand and led him towards the bath. The hot water felt nice but by the end I still didn't cross the line while we were in there. No, I want all of him and I want to take my time.

I stepped out smiling as I used the towel and I kind of like seeing his confused and flustered face.

"Don't take too long, I'm going to go and get the bed ready," I smirked at him and this time his whole face turned red before I walked out of the room wearing nothing at all. I like this, I like teasing him and turning him on, building him up while I gently lead him to where I wanted us to go, but what I like more is the fact that he is following. Every step I take he is right there ready, willing, hoping but never pushing.

I took out the supplies and opened the packaging, not wanting to lose any momentum fighting with them later. It wasn't until I had everything the way I wanted it that I looked back at the bathroom door to see it finally opening with Kacchan still blushing but considerably better with a towel around his waist. I could clearly see his excitement but I chose to ignore it and smile and pull him towards me.

"Hey," I whispered and set my hands on his hips, holding him to me.

"Hey," he tried to smirk back but he looked almost giddy and he was having trouble controlling his facial expressions.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered and he quickly nodded as if I just took a large weight off his shoulders.

One kiss turned into two, then two turned into three and keeping each of them slow I gently guided him to the bed. His body relaxed against me as his focus seemed to zoom into our kisses. I picked him up and he wrapped his legs around me so I could carry him into the bed. His towel fell off at the same time but neither of us stopped for it.

"I love you," I breathed the words between the kisses and he hummed, his excitement growing as he tried to pull me closer and I laid myself on him. "I love you," I repeated again and again between the kisses.

I slowly slid down his neck before either of us had to break for air, his sharp gasps filled my ears and when I started sucking he moaned.

Yes! I let my teeth bite into him carefully and this time his whole body flexed into me his head pulled back at only the slight pressure and his moans filled my ears with the music and my heart seemed to skip a beat. We're really doing this!

I slipped one hand down to the small of his back and pulled him closer to me, it wasn't much just the pressure of my hand holding him against me but by the way he reacted I would have thought that I had already pushed inside.

Guess I'll need to be more creative then!

I went down to his collar bone before going back up again, this time to his ear and I loved how he whimpered at the slight touches and I couldn't help growling at how erotic he is being.

"Deku? Are you sure? You can still chan- Aaahh~," he moaned at the end, not able to fight me at all.

"Oh Kacchan, you taste so sweet," I teased him before licking the edge of his ear and another moan filled the air.

"Nnnmmm!" He tried to hide his moans from me but too little too late.

"Oh Kacchan~," I teased his name, tasting each syllable only for him to pant in response. When that was all he did I leaned in and whispered, "Katsuki~." This time I didn't give him time to respond and just dived into the kiss.

I pulled him close and ran my hands over his still smooth skin. Will he always let me touch him like this? Can I even dream of something so amazing as Kacchan loving me? Yet all these years he has stood at my side gently loving me even when I was at my worst. How could I ever question him? Sure now I know but Kacchan has known since we were four. He has known and he has never tried to take advantage of me.

I made my way down his chest gently rubbing the oil on him, massaging his thick muscles while I carefully gave them a small taste of the love I plan to show them. My tongue sliding over his tight skin, his nipples hard peaks from the attention I grin before giving one a small nip.

Kacchan's body flexed under me and thanks to me pulling away to move down I could see his painfully hard shaft throbbing in the air.

"Hmm, I wanted to do things a certain way but this looks good too," I hummed and he looked at me with his blushing face and I couldn't help going back up to kiss him. "Do you mind if I torture you a bit?" I asked softly but his focus was on my lips and I could vaguely hear him telling me to do anything that I wanted to and does he really have to be so cute while saying it? His face was blushing hard, his eyes focused on my mouth or when I was high enough, down my body, he couldn't seem to really grasp what it was that I was asking him at all.

But he is willing.

I slid my tongue directly along his, not letting our lips meet as I toyed with the erotic sensation before I pulled away again and went directly to his cock and kissed the tip.

"That-!" He flinched at the contact but didn't say anything else so I kissed up and down the sides for a little while and when I opened my eyes again I could see him watching in a daze. The way his face nearly glowed but he couldn't look away was so much more erotic than I could have ever guessed.

I stuck out my tongue and started licking up and down the sides only for his body to flinch and flex under me but his eyes never left me. I sucked the tip in and even when his head was pulled back only to stop abruptly while he forced himself to keep his head up so that he didn't look away.

I swirled my tongue and even with his will power he couldn't keep silent and his eyes slowly glazed over as the pleasure got more and more extreme. I slid more of him down my throat and this time he couldn't help but let his back and neck arch back, his hands tangled in my hair while his voice rang out.

I felt him throb but all the same I didn't let up and when he came explosively in my mouth I swallowed before swiftly cleaning him up, enticing more breathtaking moans from him. His body jerked and shuddered under me and by the time I let him go he was gasping for air.

I sat up and looked down only to see him shaking, the obvious pleasure still coursing through him. I switched out the oil for lube and slathered it on careful not to startle him but he seemed to be far too gone to really notice.

I pushed in a finger to find it fairly easy and with a second finger that didn't really change. The only real difference between the two was how his hips responded. With two fingers they rocked against my fingers, so I decided to try a third. His whole body froze for just a few moments before he started rocking against me again.

When I looked up at his face again it was sheer bliss, his eyes now completely glazed over with pleasure. He didn't try to hide how much he was enjoying my touch.

I used my free hand to get more lube and this time I slowly coated myself, worried he would change his mind if I was too excited. I can feel myself throbbing in my hand but Kacchan was still moaning in bliss.

"I want you," I gasped, fighting to control the urge to take everything right now.

"Yes," he answered and even with his eyes glossed over he focused his eyes on me.

"I want to feel you all around me," I added and I couldn't help crawling closer.

"Yes," he answered again, his eyes widened and I could see him blush a little harder.

"I want so much more," I gasped, stopping just short of his lips. The way they were slightly parted while he panted below me and I just couldn't take my gaze away from them for long, or it would hurt.

"Yes," he didn't wait. He pulled me in and our tongues met before our lips did. I could feel my shaft rubbing against him, my body was practically begging just to feel him and I can't stay away anymore.

"Can I?" I asked one last time and something in his eyes softened.

"Yes," he whispered again and even though I was kissing him I was feeling my way around, lining myself up and when I found it I pushed inside. His whole body arched, picking me up a little before I pulled out a little and pushed back in again.

"Ha~!" The noises escaping us would have made me blush if not for the fact that he was making just as much of them as I was. Each thrust got easier and smoother and I was biting him again. Anything I could reach, his neck, his shoulder, his back or abs. Whatever I could reach and no matter how many times we changed positions.

"I love you," I repeated diving into another deep kiss right before I came but neither of us were willing to stop, not yet. He pushed me with what little strength he had left and I rolled off of him just for him to climb on top and carefully slide me back inside.

"So fucking good," he moaned his eyes completely glazed over now that we were getting exactly what we wanted after so long. We really didn't want it to end.

We were spooning and I was about to cum when I realized he wasn't responding much anymore. I looked only to see him barely awake at all, his hips only responding to my touch.

"Do I have to stop?" I asked, willing to pause and start over tomorrow.

"Fuck no, give me everything, even if I pass out," he grumbled and for a moment I heard the old Kacchan. The Kacchan that only wanted the best and was determined to be the best. I moved without thinking and slammed into him.

"Yes! Right there," he moaned, his hands clenching handfuls of blankets and sheets while the rest of his body tightened around me. I did exactly what he said and I slammed into him again.

"So fucking good," he moaned, breathless, his back arching in the way that I like. I did it again and again until we were both screaming out in bliss and I couldn't take anymore. I hugged him tight in my arms.

Kacchan fell asleep in moments and I closed my eyes and followed.


"So fucking hard," I woke up hearing the irritated voice and I felt him squeezing around me and I moaned out loud before I could even open my eyes.

"Damn it Deku, how do you feel so fucking good while your asleep?" Kacchan grumbled and he tried to pull out of my arms but instead of pulling me out like I thought he would he pushed himself back on me again.

"Deku wake up! I need you," he groaned and I started kissing the back of his neck and lightly thrusting into him again.

"Kacchan tastes so sweet," I hummed, letting myself do exactly what I wanted.

It wasn't until after we came and I was cuddled around him again that he jerked in my arms. "Deku!" He flinched but I carefully pulled out of him and helped him turn onto his back.

He looks so tired but at the same time beautiful. His skin has a healthy glow to it thanks to all the activity and his sparkling red eyes cut through me even with his long lashes fluttering while he tried to keep his focus.

"How are you so beautiful all the time?" I whispered, kissing him gently on the chest, letting my eyes glide down his body. He is younger now than some of my memories and he didn't have almost any of the scars he did from our youth during our first lives.

I slid a hand over where there was once a scar from an attack aimed at me that he had taken instead.

"Does it ever hurt?" I asked him, leaving my hand on the smooth skin but Kacchan just hummed, nodding in agreement.

"Not much, just sometimes," he yawned before hugging me close and I relaxed on his chest. It wasn't long before I felt him jerk though and I sat up as if he woke me up.

"What's wrong Kacchan?" I asked, looking at his very confused face. He ran a hand down to where mine was just a moment ago but the skin was still smooth.

"How-?" He looked up and I saw panic in his eyes, I can't let him suffer. No way in hell.

"It was a part of the deal I made," I yawned again and pulled him back into my arms again.

"I need you to say it clearly," he whispered the words as if he were about to break apart just from the noise.

I smiled and snuggled in his arms again and kissed his neck. "We were 23 before I died saving you and you, Mom and Dad were sent back in time to change the past." I looked up smiling at him when he still didn't move. "Don't worry, I'm here to stay. No more tiptoeing needed." I kissed him again.

"Do you really remember everything?" He asked, still nervous.

"Yeah, I love you," I smiled and he started to cry.


"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO?!" Mom and Dad were screaming and generally very upset and well I mean I left a note that we were leaving for a few days. It's not like we disappeared into thin air.

"How old am I?" I smiled looking at their very flustered faces.

"Your sixt-," Dad froze as the correct answer seemed to come to his mind all on their own.

"I'm seventeen, not sixteen," I shook my head as if I were disappointed in them. "And what did we agree would happen when I turned seventeen?" I pushed a little more.

"You were in a coma!" He immediately started to make excuses and Mom was just staring in shock at this point while Aizawa Sensei looked confused and amused but stayed silent.

"Which is why it was delayed for as long as it was," I nodded as if I agreed. I know it's not fair, they don't realize yet that I have my memories as an adult and Kacchan agreed not to tell them until I was ready. The fact that right now he was holding my hand with his head on my shoulder while Mom and Dad were obviously upset, had caught Aizawa Sensei's attention but he stayed quiet regardless.

"Anyway, we are a bit tired so we are going to go to bed," I smiled, carrying the bag of things we ended up buying for the weekend of bliss, the fact that more supplies were hidden in the bag for later wasn't something they really needed to know.

"Where did you go? You weren't home or in the dorms, there wasn't a hotel or motel with a room registered to a Yagi anywhere in the country!" Dad tried to change the topic and I just smiled back at him.

"Even a hero has a few secrets," I answered and Kacchan snorted but the smile on his face was just nice so I led him towards the stairs not caring that Dad was following me while Mom just liked horrified with what was racing through her head.

"You were gone for three days!" Dad tried again, not willing to give up.

"And the original plan was two weeks. I still plan to take that time by the way, we were only gone for the weekend and it really shouldn't count," I grumbled and I heard Aizawa Sensei finally cave and asked Mom what we planned to be away for two weeks for.

"Their honeymoon," she whispered and not only Aizawa Sensei but all of our classmates were screaming "WHAT?" As if we killed a man or something but I kept climbing the stairs anyway.

"Kacchan? What do you think of Fiji? I like the idea of the sun and beach while we hide away from the rest of the world," I grinned but Kacchan was too busy trying not to lose his shit laughing while my Dad tried to argue.

"Then again skiing would be amazing," I sighed and I saw his eyes flash at the idea. "Skiing or scuba diving?" I sighed as if I were conflicted before another thought hurt me. "What about a cruise?"

Kacchan joined in on my teasing and when we reached our room he slammed the door behind him, not letting Dad inside.

"You're going to give him a heart attack," he warned, still grinning as if he won the biggest prize in the world.

"He'll get over it eventually. Right now I have a husband to satisfy," I pulled him in for a kiss that he eagerly returned.

"Damn straight you do," he smirked and the fact that I now know about our whole life together he is so much more relaxed and some of his old habits from our first life seemed to surface but not in a bad way. His need to compete was much healthier than before, that's for sure.

"I love you," I whispered, helping him out of his clothes after double checking that the lock was secure.

"I love you more," he grinned and I smiled at the playfulness in his tone. Yes, I love our life together, the good and the bad over both lifetimes. I love Kacchan and there isn't anything anyone could do about it and I would fight anyone that tried. Time changes us, in the very best of ways. At least this time anyway.
