

All Might's POV

The mission that Aizawa requested was accepted immediately by the boys and they even took Young Todoroki, Kirishima and Kaminari with them. They were only gone for two days but that alone was really too good to be true and I should have known better.

I really should have known better.

Todoroki, Hitoshi, Katsuki and Izuku were hit with a quirk while they were gone and it's been more than a headache since they've returned.

"Boys, we are in the middle of class," I reminded them again for what has to be the hundredth time since class started today.

"But Dad," Izuku whined and I am very close to taping his mouth shut. "Kacchan is just so amazing, how can I stay away?" He giggled and for what must be the twelfth time today I walked over and pulled them apart by their collars.

The quirk they were hit with was called true intentions; it makes the victim act on their impulses so they couldn't hide who they were and sadly that includes their mouths. Izuku and Katsuki have been talking dirty and flirty all day now and the only time any of us get a break is when they get too close to each other and start making out.

"Dad!" Izuku whined when I once again ripped them apart from each other.

"It's because of a quirk, it's because of a quirk, it's because of a quirk," I repeated again and again, trying not to lose my mind. I think it would help if they weren't getting so touchy every time but as it is, I'm not that lucky.

My wife appeared, giggled at my distress and considering Aizawa had all but recorded my day, it has been difficult.

"Sir? Aren't they married?" Young Iida raised his hand while asking. Seriously, what is the purpose of raising your hand if you don't wait to be called on?

"That doesn't stop the fact that they are in class at the moment or the fact that Izuku is only 16 still," I answered, the two boys I just pulled apart still giggling flirtatiously, making my head hurt.

"Dear, they were hit with a quirk. The fact that they are only kissing should be considered a relief," Inko gently lectured me and I dropped the boys who were once again hugging each other and littering each other with kisses.

"Inko, they can't be doing this in class," I sighed and she giggled some more.

"Then send them back to the dorms, they aren't in any condition to pay attention anyway," she waved off my concerns but even now the two in question are hugging each other close and giggling as the other sprinkled light kisses on apparently ticklish places but neither were fighting the other.

"Besides, look at Hitoshi. He was hit with the same quirk," she pointed out and I looked up to see Hitoshi holding Kaminari's hand and blushing bright red while leaning on his shoulder. Kaminari on the other hand was extremely red but also smiling at the soft affection.

"Young Todoroki was also hit with the quirk and he isn't disturbing class," I pouted and I turned to see that Young Yaoyorozu was handing the young man yet another Endeavor plushie just for him to slowly burn it. His entire focus on how slowly he could destroy the toy.

"Nevermind," I sighed before raising my voice. "Young Todoroki, go to Hound Dog's office. Young Yaoyorozu? Could you send a few of those with him?" I groaned trying to school my face only to reach out and pull Izuku away from Katsuki again. I really don't like where his hands keep reaching.

"Hmm," Inko hummed, still smiling at me. This pregnancy has been driving me crazy. Now that the boys are home safe, any time she can pull me away I have ended up between her legs, no matter how much I have fought the temptation. Inko always wins but I won't complain about that.

To make matters worse, Izuku seems to have put his guard up around Young Todoroki and I don't understand why and of course right now I'm not getting any answers. The fact that since they came back from the mission they have included him in almost everything that the three of them do together is also worrying. What did I miss exactly?

I give up and send the three of them back to the dorms stipulating that they all had to stay together. Until the rest of their class joined them at the end of the day. Hitoshi hated that while Izuku and Katsuki hardly seemed to notice. Kaminari looked like a kicked puppy but thank God that he wasn't hit with the same quirk. I swear, I'm not that strong. Really.

"Sensei? How were they all hit with the same quirk?" Uraraka raised her hand to ask and their classmates murmured their agreement.

"I have no idea," I groaned and that seemed to get all of their attention. "I was not included in the mission briefing so I don't really know what the mission was about. Only their young age helped them."

"You don't know every mission they go on? Kero," Asui asked, tapping on her chin before tilting her head.

"Nope, I would probably go crazy if I did. Knowing all of mine and my wife's missions is already a handful and since the boys are fully licensed I usually just get an overview at the most. Unless something goes wrong," I answered, giving them a smile now that my boys weren't driving me crazy.

"Wow, you must trust them a lot," Sero seemed more surprised than anything and I just chuckled.

"I have faith in them to come home and keep each other safe," I smiled before returning to the lesson. Class was almost over when Nezu arrived and I frowned. The man had been avoiding me ever since our chat and he wasted no time in climbing onto Aizawa's shoulder before he said anything at all.

"All Might, you seem to have a guest to see you, from France," he motioned to the door and when I turned I felt my body stiffen.

"My answer won't change even if you somehow get Nezu on your side," I quickly turned and picked up my things and sent a message in the family chat.

"But All Might, can't you at least let them choose for themselves? This isn't the old days anymore," the woman hissed, she was truly an eye-catching beauty with long silver hair, fair skin, sparkling black eyes. The problem isn't that she isn't beautiful, it's the fact that all my boys are gay and no matter what I tell her she won't stop pursuing them. She doesn't even care which one, she just wants a son of All Might to be her husband.

"Their futures are already chosen by them. Leave," I picked up my bag and she tried to block the doorway.

"I suggest you don't block my path little girl," Inko smiled brightly and I felt a shiver pass through me. Before she found out about our boys she had tried to get at me. The age difference didn't even matter to her.

"Green Demon, I heard that both Katsuki and Hitoshi were injured-," she stopped and I don't blame her. Inko had grabbed the door handle and instead of staying in her hand it flew across the room and embedded itself into a concrete brick.

"No one has given you permission to use their given names. Surely you're not so rude as to push your luck?" Inko giggled and finally the girl slithered out of the way. Yes, slithered, not walked. She doesn't have legs and instead has the lower body of a snake, the reason she hisses while speaking is because of her forked tongue. Her quirk is called viper and she is known in the fashion industry as Ms. France.

"Green Demon, please it was an honest mistake. You know that it isn't like that in my country," she tried to defuse the situation.

"And yet, we aren't in your country now are we?" Inko smiled before joining me. She turned her attention to me, "Dear the local hero agency from where their mission was called. The quirk will stay in effect for another two days."

"Isn't that just great?" I grumbled but thanked my wife. I had already dismissed class but most of the students were watching the exchange and that suits me just fine.

"All Might? Surely there isn't a problem if I meet with them?" France tried again, pushing her luck.

"Their partners have already been decided, what you're asking is permission to break them up or commit adultery. No," I narrowed my eyes at her but she still isn't backing down.

"Nezu, I know that we haven't been on good terms but for you to bring this woman to harass my boys," I turned back to him and he shook his head.

"I simply let her meet you, I was never told the purpose of her visit and it was never my intention to allow her to meet any students without permission," he quickly cut in. At least our conversation about what he can and can't discuss about my children seems to have stuck in his head.

"Leave," I tell the girl and she huffs her chest, ready to argue. "You came to ask permission and the answer is no, I was never under any obligation to agree in the first place. Katsuki and Izuku already have marriage licenses and Hitoshi is in a serious relationship. They have never once in all the time we spent in France shown any interest and have repeatedly asked when we were coming home to Japan every time we were stationed there. Go home and leave my children alone," I lectured and she finally left in a huff but I know better than to believe that she would leave peacefully. I picked up my phone and called Hitoshi.


"Ms. France is here," I told him, only to hear their panicked whispers on the other end in less than a minute when he came back.

"Dad, we are taking a two week mission in Canada. We leave in an hour," he hung up the phone.

"Those boys are always so fast to leave whenever she is mentioned," I chuckled, putting my phone away.

"They took a mission didn't they?" Inko chuckled at their predictableness.

"Yep, they'll be gone for a couple weeks, they'll send me the mission details later. Hopefully the quirk they're under won't affect the mission too much."

"Did they really take a mission to get away from that girl?" Aizawa asked and I looked back at him.

"Yeah, she has been chasing them since they were six. Claims it's love at first sight but she also doesn't care which of the boys she gets her hands on. They are always running from her," I shook my head at the ridiculous situation. "Even when she was told that their partners were already picked she hasn't let them go. She won't stop."

"Hmm," he turned to face the door and I followed his gaze and saw the tip of her tail still in the doorway.

"They are going to Madagascar so feel free to ask them questions when they get back," I raised my voice a little as if he had been walking away before showing him my phone that I already wrote Canada on.

"Interesting destination, I'm sure we'll all love to hear about it when they return," he smirked and the tail disappeared.