

Kacchan POV

Why are we even here in the first place? The mission we accepted without even reading; it was actually a question and answer session at the World Wide Hero Fest. Deku of course was brighter than a fucking star, but then again he was eating up all the questions and the fact that he asked questions about the fans quirks made them feel so special that several cried. Particularly those that had been branded as villainous quirks.

"People can be so fucking dumb!" I cursed, shaking my head annoyed and getting everyone's attention. "Think about my quirk," I held up a hand and set off an explosion that most everyone stared at. "My quirk is the very definition of destruction. It destroys, an explosion yet somehow people make it out as cool and why? Because it's strong. If I were a villain I would be able to do far more with it just because I wouldn't need to think about property damage or possible injuries but I'm not. I'm a hero. How is my quirk heroic and your venom villainous? Have you ever heard of Lady Fairy in Rio? Her quirk can melt a person in under two minutes but she isn't a villain. She is Rio's number three hero. So don't let any fucking extra tie you down with a label they made without asking you shit."

Of course several burst out crying at that, leaving me irritated beyond belief so I started setting off sparks in my hands to try and calm down. I was really fucking hoping that I was going to be able to kick someone's ass while we were here. Kaminari was asked a few questions and when they found out he was interning with us everyone got super excited.

"As the first intern of the heroes; Dekiru, Dynamight and Mockingjay, what are your suggestions for hopeful students of the future?"

"Well, so long as you're not a bigot and generally a good person then you have a chance. For one thing the rainbow community gets a lot of crap thrown at them for no reason and they refuse to have anything to do with those hateful people. I've never met more accepting and genuinely caring people before in my life," Kaminari smiled and THAT got a lot of attention. I mean did he not bother to read the folder on the local laws and prejudices we gave him? I went through a lot of effort to make that damned thing!

"Oi, talk less," I glared at him but the damage was done. Here in Italy it's not that crazy to support the rainbow community, in fact it's one of the more vocal governments on equal rights and protections. No, the problem is after we return home, after all this is a a World Wide Hero Fest so all the cameras are broadcasting this worldwide.

"But you said," he started and I sighed and just waved him on and Deku and Toshi were enjoying themselves far too much but whatever. I could watch Deku's smile all day everyday.

"Do what you want," I sighed, leaning back in my seat. Oh well, it's not like the world wouldn't know soon enough anyway, eventually they'll learn that Deku and I are married but that isn't happening today. Several more people asked Kaminari questions and a few he had looked at Deku or I before answering, thankfully they were pretty much harmless though.

When the Q&A session was done we were dragged to another area just so we could sign autographs. I hate this part. I don't mind signing autographs, I really don't. I do however mind how my hand cramps up after so many at once and judging from the stack of hero posters on each desk my hand is going to really fucking hurt.

Each person had a little small talk, most just gushing about how amazing we were to be the youngest heroes in history. We also let almost all of them take a single photo with us before we moved on to the next person. The event took all day and Kaminari was actually really helpful, getting us drinks, helping to keep the lines organized and taking the pictures with the fan's phone. He also brought us food and even closed a privacy curtain to allow us to take a brief break while he entertained people still in line, letting us use the restroom or eat. All in all Kaminari did an outstanding job.

"Oi, Dunce Face?" I groaned while stretching now that the day was finally over and he turned back smiling at me. "Want to be our sidekick after graduation? You did pretty damn good today."

Deku and Toshi both chuckled at how excited he got from my offer. I don't talk bullshit and I meant it when I said that Kaminari did damn good. I mean fuck, where has he been all these years? He was able to distract several people who had gotten upset about only getting to the front of the line as we were going on break and those that were being just plain difficult he was able to gloss over the fact that we were still only teenagers and needed to eat properly in order to stay in top shape, after all we are heroes and had to respond if anything happened. He was even able to get the fans to start gushing about why they were our fans and before any of them knew it, we were back and they were all happy again.

Like I said, he was outstanding.

It took a while but his excitement had won out and Toshi sent a message to Dad saying that I recruited Kaminari for the agency. I could hear him laughing even through text. I mean did he have to send all that in all caps? Really?

Photos were selected and posted to our professional social media accounts and the fact that Kaminari was scouted for the All Might agency was also released which got several comments speculating that today must have been a trial for him since we actually announced it publicly. I mean fuck it. I think most of our class is being screened for the All Might agency but I mean that is kind of the purpose of the UA summer sports festival, for hero agencies to scout talent and it's pretty much a given that the other teachers do the same thing for their own agencies.

"Wait, you were serious?" Kaminari's voice raised a few octaves in his excitement but he was jumping up and down unable to contain himself all over again.

"Okay, now time to de-stress and I swear if you tell anyone about this I will end you," I narrowed my eyes at him and he flinched back. Toshi and Deku however cheered before leading the way. Once we were changed and we had a face mask on, Toshi brought us to the one place on earth that took second place of heaven on earth, right behind being with Deku that is.

The cat cafe.

We booked a room and ordered our food and drinks before removing our face coverings and thanks to the sweet smell that I released at least five cats started climbing on me and I relaxed into their purring cuddles. I'm a cat person, the world would probably end if people realized just how much they soothed me but I can't actually own a cat. Thanks to my quirk I would either give them a heart attack by scaring them or they could overdose if they were exposed for too long thanks to them licking me.

So I can only be around them for short periods of time. Which means cat cafes are a favorite for all of us, that and pet shelters, although now I'm required to tell the workers that I'm not supposed to be around dogs... One jumped on me when I wasn't expecting it once, I didn't hurt it but I did set off an explosion from being surprised and all the animals there went a little crazy from it.

I laid down on the cushion instead of sitting on it and the felines climbed on top of me purring loudly while I laughed at their cuteness. The fact that I run warmer than most people also helped with how much cats liked me.

"Am I actually seeing this?" Kaminari whispered, very scared.

"Nope, it's an illusion," Toshi answered with a straight face and I rolled my eyes. Deku sweetly fed me small cakes and drinks while snuggling into me and the cats made room for him more than happy to cuddle with him too and it wasn't long before I looked up to see Toshi giggling with several cats on him too.

I will take this secret to my grave! Our double date ended with Deku and I kissing and rubbing against each other like cats, nuzzling not something perverted, while Toshi and Kaminari weren't quite as physical but they were holding hands. Well, I guess this trip was worth it, I smile to myself. At the end of our session we left and stopped for ice cream on the way back.

Lemon, is there anything better?