

Kacchan's POV

I could feel my ears heating up thanks to Toshi's teasing and I grumbled to myself while I put another cooking sheet into the oven after putting the last one on a cooling rack with a note that said "if you touch you die," on it. That should be more than enough warning for my fucking idiots to stay away.

I turned back to the stove and after checking that everything was set correctly turned to the counter to mix the glaze like frosting, I'll let it sit out to thicken while the pastries cool. It wasn't long before I heard my still bratty sister in the living room so I turned the oven down before leaving the kitchen.

"Will you come off of it you little brat?" I all but snarled at her. She snarled right back and it took a minute before I noticed that we had an audience. All of my idiots plus Icyhot were watching from next to the elevator and I snapped at them, when my phone alarm went off telling me that the egg bites were ready. I left the room in a huff to the sound of the other two girls' amused giggles and when I came back with the egg bites I gave them each four before shoving one into Yuki's mouth. "Now calm the f- down!" I was able to censor myself when I saw the newest set of red eyes trained on me. God, all this censoring is going to kill me and neither Toshi or Deku were helping with their giggles.

I grumbled for a while before I ate an egg bite too, making sure the girls had enough before anyone else was allowed any and I feel a shit ton better now. I swear, dealing with hungry, grumpy Yuki is worse than dealing with myself!

"So um-" I looked up to see Kirishima looking around but not knowing what for until he continued. "What happened to the demon you killed?"

I rolled my eyes and Toshi absolutely lost it, holding his sides while he laughed hysterically at our expense. I frowned at him before I pointed at Yuki who was bright red.

She quickly stood up and bowed, "I am terribly sorry for disturbing you this morning!" Her red face only brightened when they didn't say anything in response. So like the big brother that I am, I stepped in.

"Yuki is type one diabetic, when she first wakes up in the morning her sugar levels are low. So we have to work on getting food into her as soon as we can," I sighed before ruffling her hair but her embarrassment didn't go away.

"Uh… What does that have to do with the screeching demon this morning?" Kaminari asked, rubbing his eyes. Again she bowed and apologized again.

"Don't embarrass her any more," Deku chuckled before he tried to run his fingers through her tangled hair and I messaged Ponytail on my phone. "Her blood sugar was low and she can't help her explosiveness until it's within a normal range. Toshi and I call it the Bakugo switch, it's-"

"Please stop big brother Deku!" Yuki whined and I could see tears in her eyes while she refused to let them fall, she covered her face and I glared at Deku annoyed. He is usually the last person to make either of the girls cry.

"Too much sugar in her blood makes her cranky, not enough sugar in her blood makes her a different kind of cranky, but cranky. It's really not that hard to understand," Toshi shrugged, still smirking, while I stood up and got her bag from the doorway. I pulled out her meter and very carefully helped her stick one of her fingers. 86, I frowned, before walking into the kitchen and grabbing three plates and putting a pastry on each of them before coming back out to the common area and giving them to each of the little girls before returning and getting a glass of milk for them too. Yuki's blood sugar was technically okay now but considering she already ate it must have been dangerously low beforehand, even if the egg bites didn't have a lot of carbs in them.

I walked in to see Tokoyami starting to make his way to the kitchen when Dark Shadow basically spasmed and attacked Aiko's plate before she could even touch her pastry and I set off an explosion making him back off while Aiko cried out.

"What the fuck is the matter with you?" I demanded but Tokoyami didn't actually seem to know either. It took a minute before he was able to get an answer.

"It seems like it had strawberries in it, I apologize Dark Shadow has an unhealthy love of the fruit and can't seem to control himself around them," I felt my blood freeze up in my veins hearing that.

"What the fuck did you just say? I didn't use any strawberries," I hissed, grabbing the bird by the collar of his shirt.

He held up his hands in defense and Dark shadow was hiding behind him but nodding energetically.

"You're telling me there were strawberries on that plate?" I demanded and again Dark Shadow nodded and I dragged them to the kitchen and reopened the jars of preserves and fruit I used to make the treats. "Where are the strawberries?" I demanded but I didn't really have to, Dark Shadow was already devouring a container that was supposed to only have raspberry filling in it.

"Uh Bakugo? What exa-" I glared making Tokoyami stop midword while I dumped the container into a bowl and gave the bowl to Dark Shadow who was very confused but happy to be given the fruit. I called the quality control number on the back and I know for a fucking fact that everyone in the common area heard me screaming into the phone about how they nearly killed a little girl because of their incompetence. I only stopped long enough to give Aiko one made with apples that I cut up myself before returning to the kitchen and telling Dark Shadow he could have all the ones with strawberries in them before I returned to cursing at the people on the other end of the phone.

By the time I was done Dark Shadow looked overly full, Tokoyami looked highly uncomfortable but I just handed him one of the pasties and he looked better after eating and I returned to the common area to find Aiko sitting in Deku's lap with a tear stained face while she slowly ate her apple pastry. The other two girls gently consoling her with her brothers while the rest of our class watched, not sure what they should do.

"Alright," I said after sitting with them for a while. Aiko looks exhausted mostly from being frightened so badly but otherwise she seemed fine. I wiped away her tears, cleaning her face while she hugged Deku. "Bird! Go get her another pastry, her favorite is raspberries but if there aren't anymore then any of the others are fine." I paused for a moment before adding, "If Shadow wants another one they can. He just saved Aiko's life." Thankfully I had used more than one container of raspberry preserves so there was a chance that there were some untainted ones left.

That got a lot of attention and as surprised as he was that I was speaking so softly he did as I asked and when he came back Dark Shadow was the one that gave Aiko the food. It was honestly really cute how he nervously and shyly tried to give it to her without frightening her anymore and she and the other two girls ended up giggling before she thanked him. I make a mental note to include Shadow in the future whenever I make desserts, obviously not strawberries but still. Now that the excitement had died down and the girls had eaten I checked Yuki's blood sugar again and this time it was much better but she was fidgeting.

"What do you want?" I sighed, sometimes I wish she were more outspoken like Aiko but at the same time I don't really want her to change at all.

"We did take baths this morning," she reminded me fidgeting even more and I grinned at her before calling out for Ponytail to give me the things I asked her for. Obviously I don't have a bunch of hair ties and hair clips laying around. Having said that, Yuki happily sat down in front of Toshi and Aiko got on the floor in front of Deku leaving Eri very confused as to what was going on.

I showed her my phone and asked her which one she wanted her hair to look like and the way her red eyes sparkled at the different styles made me groan internally, I already do Aiko's and Yuki's hair so much I want to scream but fuck it. It's whatever, it's fine!

The rest of our classmates came down, most staring at how we were doing the girls' hair so easily and (of course) skillfully. No one could do Aiko's hair except for Deku since she got the perm and Yuki and Toshi were still thick as thieves. I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss this kind of time with them but Eri was just amazed at how hair could be braided at all.

"Um, Mr. Dynamight sir?" I looked up the comb handle currently between my teeth so I could use both of my hands. "Could you show me how to braid hair?" I blinked several times before I remembered that she didn't have anyone to help her to do any of these kinds of things before, let alone teach her.

"Sure thing Princess," I answered taking the comb out of my mouth, "We just need someone to practice on." As if the universe was already planning it, Aizawa Sensei walked in.

"Oi! Go wash your hair!" I demanded and he stopped in his tracks, not sure who I was talking to or why. "Yes, you Caterpillar. You're her guardian aren't you? Wash your fucking hair already!" I pushed him towards the common area showers while ignoring Iida basically screaming from behind me about language especially in front of children (I gave up censoring myself. I just can't.) and how dare I talk to a teacher like that. I'm sure there was other bullshit too but I don't actually care.

"Wash your hair, you can sleep while I show Eri how to braid your hair. There are pastries if you're hungry," I shrugged but when I handed him an extra bottle of shampoo that was kept in the showers for whoever needed it he stopped me.

"Why are you taking care of her like your sisters? Why would you go so far as to teach her how to braid hair?" He looks so confused at the moment but not angry, I'm sure the fact that I mentioned a nap had something to do with that though.

"Because she asked, do I need any other reason to be a decent person?" I asked him, actually confused. Even in my first life I would have done this if she had asked me too but in this life I have been far calmer and more patient so why is he even asking?

"You're only 16?" He asked it like a question and I laughed while exiting the room.

"Wash your hair," I reminded him before the door closed.