

A/N So here's to hoping I didn't go to far... 😅

Kacchan's POV

I can't stop thinking about yesterday. The way he laughed and giggled or how he looked at me and then that kiss? Dear God, that kiss was amazing! It still feels like my heart is pounding inside my chest every time I think about it. The sweetness coupled with his shy-like assertiveness drove my heart wild and just AH! I want to do it again.

"Yagi!" I looked up to see Eraserhead looking at me. "Since you find the subject so easy that you're smiling, why don't you solve the problem on the board?"

I looked at the board and after just a glance, "Seven." I turned back to my notes and quickly caught up with what all I missed while daydreaming. Eraserhead on the other hand simply frowned and started lecturing about the next problem. It wasn't long before the lunch bell rang and my notes were neat and all caught up again.

"So what makes you two so smiley?" I looked up to see Kaminari giggling while Mina tried to tease Deku and I.

"We had a date last night, it was nice," I answered before leading the way to the cafeteria and leaving her choking on air. Deku's smile was adorable and I can only imagine what I looked like at the moment while Toshi rolled his eyes at us, smirking too.

"When you leave it like that people will assume that you have a girlfriend," he teased and Deku's smile disappeared, making me glare at him.

"I already said they could call me Bakugo. I'm not hiding it," I narrowed my eyes and Deku's sweet smile was back, he reached out and held my hand and I quickly threaded my fingers through his, making him smile bigger.

"I'm glad you two enjoyed your date, you know Dad was pacing long before you got home and I'm pretty sure he almost sent someone to look for you," Toshi smiled, no longer trying to tease us.

"I'm a little surprised he didn't have someone tail us though," I muttered and both of them laughed. "Come on, I'm starving," I winked at Deku who giggled before then leading the way.

"Bro! You have a girlfriend? Already? So manly!" Kirishima popped out of fucking nowhere and sat down at our table.

"At what point did I say I liked girls?" I glared at him but gave up when he just looked at me confused. "I'm gay." His eyes were not the only ones that widened when the rest of the table heard that. They stayed quiet for a long time but it wasn't until someone told Mina, who joined much later, that anyone said anything.

"You're gay?" She practically screeched, yeah I think she made sure everyone in the whole fucking school heard that.

"Yeah, and?" I scoffed as if she were being dense, because she is. This girl is bi and she dated Tsu for a long ass time before she ended up with Sero the first time around and I'm not sure but I think she dated that bubble extra for a long ass time too.

"But, won't your parents get angry?" Kirishima asked and I looked at him confused for a minute. I don't remember his parents being homophobic in our last life.

"Why in the hell would they be angry?" I rolled my eyes but stopped answering their questions. They are drawing way too much attention to me for comfort and as much as I don't want to hide Deku and I, I also really don't want our relationship in neon lights either.

"Leave me the fuck alone, you act like being gay is some kind of crime or something but it's not," I clean up after myself and make my way back to class with Deku and Toshi close behind me. Both of them drooping a little, they are both disappointed that our classmates reacted like that. Even though Toshi hasn't figured out who his blond sweetheart is yet, he was clearly just as gay as Deku and I so the thought that our class was homophobic wasn't a pleasant one.

Of course I know better but it still feels bad, thinking that they are judging me for no other reason than the gender of the person whom I gave my heart to. The day ended fairly quickly but we canceled our plans to go to the mall with them, like that is actually a surprise, and just went to Uncle's office.

He let us in, surprised to see us but smiled anyway. "What's going on? You three have been pretty down since lunch, I'm sure Lunch Rush would feel terrible if he knew," he tried to joke but it didn't help. Deku told him what happened at lunch and he led us to the couch in his office and brought out some snacks for us. I sat in the middle but that hardly matters when Deku swung his legs around so that he was sitting in my lap. The fact that a tear had escaped was easily noticed as I tried to clean his face but more followed soon after.

"It's all going to be okay, they just haven't figured out what it means yet," I whispered in his ear and he nodded, accepting what I said as fact. Over the last few years I was able to correctly point out others that were hiding in the closet so he didn't doubt me at all. Neither did Toshi but All Might picked him up and sat down next to Deku and I, putting an arm around us while letting Toshi sit in his lap, quietly.

Toshi doesn't cry much, instead he just bottles it up until he can't sleep at night, not at all healthy but what teenager actually has healthy coping methods? I don't know how long we were there for but the door chime went off and Uncle had to put Toshi down to see who it was.

"Now really isn't the best time," I heard him at the door but Toshi just leaned on my shoulder. I heard someone talking but I couldn't tell who.

"No, now really isn't the best time," I heard Uncle raise his voice a little more. I let out a sigh and put Deku down and got up to see who was at the door only to see Aizawa Sensei standing there. He froze when he saw me but when Uncle turned around his whole face softened.

"Katsuki, go sit down with the others, I'll be back in a moment," he reassured me but I just nodded and returned to the couch but this time I climbed into Deku's lap. Right where I felt safest in this cruel world.

"Like I said, now isn't the best time for me. We can talk later," I heard Uncle say but this time his voice was much quieter.

"Let me help," I heard our teacher, much louder this time. How in the hell can he help?

Uncle let out a sigh, "You can try."

I close my eyes not ready to deal with anyone at all, let alone our teacher. "So you're all gay," I heard him but I just ignored him. I already know that he is married to Present Mic but Deku and Toshi flinched at the words.

"Hey, there isn't anything wrong at all with loving who you love," I looked up to see him sit down next to Toshi while Uncle brought out some more snacks.

"That's not the problem, the problem is that we trusted them," I grumbled before cuddling back into Deku's neck. Such a sweet luxury I was never able to actually enjoy during our last life but I can't help wanting more of through this one.

I let out a groan, "I even told them they could call me Bakugo," I paused for a minute before adding, "that's my maiden name."

"I see," he looked at me and then at Deku but I tightened my hold on my husband, ready to lash out if he said something stupid. Instead he nodded as if he understood something.

"My husband and I try to keep things under the radar, neither of us took the other's last name so most don't even know that we are married. There is this female "hero" that likes to harass me about never finding a wife and her flirting is atrocious," he explained and I saw Uncle look up briefly surprised but he smiled before finishing the tea, coffee brewing behind him.

"Why do you hide it?" Toshi asked, interested and I could feel Deku relaxing in my arms while we listened.

"I never really thought of it as hiding before but I guess that is pretty much what we are doing. We just don't want people poking their noses in our private lives and after so long we just kind of got used to it," Eraserhead nodded as he talked. I saw him smirk at a thought, "I guess it's about time we changed that."

They talked for a while, I just listened occasionally nibbling on some snacks that Uncle had close by but I never left my husband's lap. I just don't want to. I couldn't help relaxing in Deku's arms though, his warm soothing voice seeping into me while he talked about our lives growing up. How people have tried to attack us ever since we were very young, but even with him talking about such a shitty past I couldn't help closing my eyes and just enjoying his comfort.

"How old were you when you were married?" I vaguely heard him ask.

"We were four it was right after-" he cut off and I felt him flinch, waking me all the way back up again.

"Hmm? What?" I asked, still sleepy and groggy but looking around.

"You got married right after?" Eraserhead asked and I flinched before blocking Deku from his sight which didn't go unnoticed but I don't give a shit.

"You don't need to know," I glared at him, fully awake now and I could see Toshi looking away, trying to avoid Eraserhead's gaze.

"Boys, I think you can tell him. You don't have to but you can," Uncle gently encouraged and I just frowned at him.

"Uncle, that's not your choice to make. It's Deku's," I glared at him and he just nodded in agreement.

"I know but he needs to know that too," he answered calmly and I just frowned at him before turning my attention back to Deku, ignoring our completely baffled teacher altogether.

"You don't have to," I whispered and he nodded before hiding his face in my chest and I let him. Gently combing my fingers through his hair while I hummed gently. I saw something out of the corner of my eye only to turn and see Toshi fidgeting. I rolled my eyes and motioned him over and he scooted over and laid his head on his shoulder.

"Little brother," I whispered and I saw him flinch at that but when he looked up he smiled a little too. Damn, just how soft have I gotten over this lifetime?

Deku refused to say anything else and Eraserhead changed the topic, knowing we have lived all over the world he asked about some of the most iconic romantic cities and we were able to calm down a bit and relax again. Sometimes it's easier to just not talk about it, but some of the stories Eraserhead told us about him and Present Mic even made me laugh.

It's Friday, when we get home we will finish packing and tomorrow we will start moving in, our rooms are together on the fourth floor. Eraserhead brought the room assignments with him and other than the three of us Kirishima was the only other person on our floor on the boys side anyway. My room was in the middle and thanks to my quirk it was also soundproof. Well at least I don't have to worry about Kiri running in after one of my nightmares.

The nightmares from my first life...