

Students bustled about in the canteen as groups discussed the latest gossips on the campus.

"Hey hey, did you see the video on Mr Basil's grand confession to Ms Aria? I heard it was really dramatic and showy, especially that bouquet of 50 red roses."

"Don't you think it's dreamy and romantic, though? I'd die for a man to do that for me!"

"Dream on, did you see how fast his reaction was, though? He managed to move the bouquet out of the way before their bodies squashed it."

"Damn, that's some insane reflex."

"Also, did you notice? Ever since that confession, I've heard from students in the English literature department that they've been coming to school together in the same car!"

"Oh my gosh! Do you think they're already cohabitating?!"

"That's not even the latest gossip; I've heard that even their outfits are well-coordinated, and I bet you they're definitely couple matching."

"So cute! I never imagined Ms Aria had such an adorable side to her~."