
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Wealth and wealthy people.

They both saw it as a rational thing to do at the moment and both went their separate ways. No, actually, Sophia went to a separate way while Bree remained in the precinct trying to figure out who the killer was hy brainstorming and going through all the available information trying hard not to miss anything.

Meanwhile, Faye was still distraught over her fight with Fabio. Seeing that the killer was caught, Fabio had stopped being a suspect. He was more or less now her love interest.

There were things she needed to weigh out. For example, Fabio worked as the head of staff in a club. The salary he would receive for five months was a mere bag in Faye's closet. Her own salary coupled with her family's wealth, Faye was considered quite rich and her mother set her eyes on someone far richer than them.

Faye suddenly remembered one of the absurd things her mother ever said. She remembered that day was like two days after she got the job as Andrea's secretary.