
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: "Everything is moving so fast"

When the twins returned from school, Lucas went straight into his room totally ignoring everyone including his best friend, Bree.

But Lucy was rather different, she was sad, terrified, anxious, depressed. Lucas informed her that the reason why Bree would get herself expelled was only because she wanted to leave.

Lucy calmly dropped her bag on the cold tiles and met the gaze of Bree, who had been watching her since she walked in.

"Is it because of me?" Lucy inquired but Bree just shook her head in reply.

"Why do you want to leave if it's not because you feel suffocated here which is obviously because of the way I act around you?" Lucy yelled out a little, but Bree didn't reprimand her. Bree knew Lucy needed this outburst like she needed oxygen.

"Some things are far beyond our control, while some are within our grasp" Bree sat Lucy down on the sofa as she tried her best to sound just like how she felt.

Bree: "it's not because of you, there'll come a day when your twin will have to leave you, when Andrea will take charge of her company and when you will have to come face to face with your greatest fear"

"I don't want you to forget me" Lucy sniffled as she placed her head on Bree's chest, burying her face right in between Bree's breasts.

Bree tried to pacify the crying child for a while but Lucy wouldn't stop crying. Simultaneously, Becca and Andrea both walked into the living room and were greeted by the scene.

Becca frowned immediately as she saw how emotional her daughter was, but Andrea was the first to say "what's going on here?"

Lucy gently lifted her head and dried her tears, she whispered something to Bree and planted a kiss on her cheek as she walked out of the living room.

The fact that Bree allowed Lucy to kiss her was a surprise to the spectators. Becca immediately walked towards Bree and asked "what was that about, what did she tell you?"

"Becca" Bree rose to her feet "it's between Lucy and I, you don't need to be worry about that, your daughter is very much heterosexual"

"No" Becca shook her head "you don't understand, that's not what I meant" Bree gave her a look then glanced behind her.

Becca caught on to the information Bree was trying to pass to her, a flower of hope blossomed in her heart as she turned around and met Andrea's eyes, Becca felt somewhat victorious.

"I'm going to my room" Bree announced as she left the two females in the living room.

"What happened with Lucy?" Andrea asked.

Having her mood elevated, Becca possessed the tolerance for Andrea's stupid question "she didn't say" her gaze was still focused on Bree's retreating figure "She said it was between the two of them"

"Lucy must feel that Bree's decision to leave was influenced by her worship" Andrea guessed as she walked away from Becca.

Andrea noticed the slight change in Becca's mood no matter how she had tried to suppress it. Several times Andrea had made little guesses about Becca's true sexuality, especially when she would catch the older woman drooling at Bree. But today, she learnt something else:

It wasn't that Becca was bisexual.

It was; Becca loved Bree, not the way a mother would care for her child but for the way a boy would obsess over a girl.

After her sudden realization, Andrea couldn't get herself to fall asleep despite the night being so late, she didn't have to check the time for her to conclude that it was deep within the night.

Andrea had gone to bed at 11pm, she had laid on her bed, but she was busy with her phone for an hour and fifteen minutes until she decided to drop it. Still she couldn't fall asleep, her brain kept on replaying that movement Bree's eyes made when Becca said something, she didn't hear their conversation but she had an idea;

Becca tried asking Bree about Lucy but Bree didn't give her her desired answer, telling her not to worry that Lucy was perfectly straight but Becca must've thought that Bree got her wrong and tried to correct the misconception but Bree signaled to her that they weren't alone

Okay, maybe she did hear their conversation.

Andrea couldn't stay rooted on bed any longer and walked out of her room.

She sneaked down the hallway, but her legs moved past Lucy's room, heading straight to the room with a sandalwood door.

Bree heard a knock on her door, the first thing she did was check her phone, it was 1:22am. Bree frowned and walked to the door, she took a second preparing her reflexes for any funny surprises before she proceeded in turning the doorknob.

Bree was greeted with straight black hair, stormy blue eyes, slightly tanned skin and rose colored lips and almond shaped eyes.


"You're not asleep yet?" Andrea asked as she tried to calm her racing heart.

"No, you wanna come in?" Bree invited her in, but Andrea glanced inside her room and decided against it, she didn't have enough courage or self will to step into the lion's den.

"No, I'm good here," Andrea smiled.

Bree cleared her throat and looked away from Andrea "what is it you came for?"

"You're leaving at dawn?" Andrea asked

"Yes I am, there's not much time to waste," Bree said.

"Everything is moving so fast, I can barely keep up" Andrea nervously chuckled

"At least you're not wetting my clothes with tears," Bree joked and Andrea let out a small laugh.

"Lucy really likes you" Andrea muttered but loud enough for Bree to hear.

"The feeling is very mutual," Bree said.

Their gazes locked for a minute. Andrea could swear Bree had never looked so innocent, her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her lips were slightly swollen as a result of constant sucking and biting, her green eyes were kind of luminous and her skin as bright as the moon.

Andrea stopped to wonder what would happen if she didn't take up her father's company and be the woman everyone expected her to be; flawless and capable, strong and self willed, intelligent and phlegmatic.

Would she be able to close the distance between herself and the person in front of her?

If she did close the distance, what would happen next?

Probably Bree leaving and taking the memory with her to toss into the trash can.

This fear was one of the reasons Andrea never made any advancement towards Bree. Now, they were still young and together, what about tomorrow when Bree would be a million miles away, what about next week when she would never receive any emails from Bree and next year when Bree's schedule gets packed, then the next when Bree's feelings turn to dust.

What then should she do with the love she would feel then?

It was only a simple crush now, nothing she couldn't overcome, but it was a simple crush that had lasted for five years, Bree was the model of her sexual awakening, Andrea knew what lust, what crush meant from Bree.

Meanwhile, Bree was in her own world, her lust for Andrea intensified the minute when she saw Andrea's blue eyes staring at hers.

She stared at the young, beautiful, sexy teenager and realized the reason for Becca's hatred, Becca only envied how beautiful Andrea was and how much hold she had on Bree's heart.

Andrea's black hair ironically illuminated her heart, her tanned skin issued peace to her peevish thoughts, her blue eyes rousing her sexual hormones and her perfectly shaped lips calling out for her.

Bree answered the call the same second Andrea screamed 'fuck it' in her head.

Their lips met like snow embracing summer, like water meeting fire, like innocence meeting worldliness, like fire melting gold

A perfect collision.

Teenagers love like deserts on a summer's night; infinite and invincible to sickles and flames.. With a cosset of the wind, the sand meets the sky.