
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: "What do you want from me?"

"So where are you headed?" Andrea asked

"Police academy, 20 miles away from here" Bree replied.

"Police academy?" Andrea asked like she hadn't heard Bree's reply

"Yea baby, I wanna apprehend criminals, dedicate all my successes to you, beautiful." Bree winked at her with a small flirtatious smile.

"I hope this sudden decision isn't because of me?" That sounded a bit egoistic but Andrea didn't care, she was the least selfless person anyone could find on the face of the planet.

"You're not that important, love" That line kind of accentuated her accent, Andrea blushed softly at her reply and looked away.

"Then why?" Andrea pried.

"It's not a sudden decision, this is something I've been thinking about for a while" Bree informed.

"I see" Andrea stared at her for a moment, nostalgia and envy were slowly seeping into her veins. "At least you get to decide for yourself what you want to become, my life was already planned out even before I was born"

"Don't sound so protagonistic, the world isn't revolving around you" Bree lectured and Andrea rolled her eyes. "If you wanted to be different you would work on that, you're zealous but not devoted, the company can take care of itself like it's doing right now"

"Oh come on, don't act like you don't watch the news, I'd be unfilial if I allow my company to perish in the hands of my uncle"

Ever since Gabriel, Lucy's father took control of the company, the company has gathered a number of liabilities, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, Andrea had tried to talk to him about it, but he only ignored her whilst calling her a child.

"If you really want to do anything other than managing the company, you would, you have savings left by your parents, enough money to sponsor whatever you want, you're only going down this path just for the sake of filiaty" Bree inhaled deeply "but nobody is forcing you, Gabriel would be more than happy if you were to give him the company"

Andrea looked away for a minute, her thoughts travelled to different dimensions before coming back to her.

What Bree said was more or less the truth, if her parents were still alive she would have probably done something else with her life other than managing the company, if she wanted to, even their death wouldn't be able to stop it.

But she could not.

She couldn't sit back and allow her Uncle ruin the empire her father strived so hard to build, even though she would probably kill all her dreams, this was something her parents left to her, although nobody would blame her, but no matter how selfish she was, her conscience was still alive.

"I won't," she blurted out.

"Then don't sound like you have no other option" Bree scolded.

Bree's long hair was caught in the wind, her eyes squinted because of the piercing gaze from the sun, her skin was slowly turning into a cute shade of red, her lips were tucked in between her teeth, drops of sweat appeared on her neck and her temples.

Andrea was mesmerized for a minute until she thought herself to be rather weird. This was someone who just scolded her but she was turned on by the reprimandation.

Andrea shook her head and proceeded to ask "Bree, what do you want?"

This question was asked out of sheer curiosity, out of jealousy and out of unresolved feelings.

Andrea patiently waited for Bree's reply, thinking that she was probably stomped by the question, until Bree replied "Wants are unlimited, every second of everyday I want something new and each wants differ in aspects, so tell me Andrea, what aspect are you referring to?"

Bree had answered the question confidently as expected of a honor student, but she was also shaken within, she knew exactly what Andrea was referring to but it was impossible for Bree to be simple, if simplicity was added to Bree's personality then she wouldn't be Bree anymore.

Meanwhile Andrea was feeling acute bewilderment, she figured Bree wouldn't want to seem shaken by that question but she never expected her to make a counterattack.

Andrea had her lips sealed shut, the aspect she was referring to was none other than the relationship and sexual aspect, but there was no way she could look into Bree's eyes and say it so simply.

Before she could wave off the question, Bree asked "if you don't know the answer, then let me ask" Andrea's heart skipped a beat "what do you want from me?"

Andrea stared at Bree for a minute, at that moment she felt a heavy sense of indignation towards Bree. The latter had turned everything around on her, Andrea who was supposed to be the sender became the recipient in a number of seconds.

"I don't want anything from you" Andrea said sternly, perfectly keeping her emotions in place.

Bree rolled her eyes. "What about you?" She heard Andrea ask "what do you want from me?"

Bree sucked in a deep breath, at first blush she seemed rather calm, but only she could tell her her mind was in disarray. The next words she would utter could determine the future of their relationship. Even though Andrea had said she did not want anything from her, Bree could tell, an idiot could tell, Andrea's tongue was only laced with lies.

Bree swore if Andrea ever told the truth she would wear a pink dress and hold her hair up in high curly pigtails.

"I want you to be brave" was Bree's reply to Andrea's question.

Andrea sucked in a deep breath. Bree did not have to explain any further, what comes with bravery, Andrea would know.

Before Andrea could say anything, the two teenagers heard the sound of footsteps heading their direction, they both turned around in sync and saw Becca walking towards them.

Before she even got to where they were standing, Becca tossed the car key over to Bree, which the latter caught in a swift clean move.

"Let's go, there's nothing here for your guys anymore, I can't believe how shallow these people are and to think I thought so highly of them" Becca lamented and got into the backseat of the car, Andrea knew better than to accompany her there, she found her seat in the front passenger seat while Bree drove the car.

When they arrived at the house, Andrea walked straight into her room, leaving Becca and Bree to talk things out.

"Don't tell me your choice of sexual awakening is Andrea" Becca said as she collapsed on the sofa.

Becca had noticed the slight tension between Bree and Andrea in the principal's office, while she watched them talking and in the car. Even now, before Andrea hopped to her room, she stealthily avoided staring behind her and even informing Becca she'd be in her room, just to avoid meeting Bree's gaze. Bree's gaze that was locked on Andrea the whole time.

Bree didn't respond, she only gave a small smile. To which Becca rolled her eyes, it would take the Holy Spirit coming down to earth before Bree would open up to anyone about how she was feeling.

"Do something about your hair, you look weird and don't just stand around like a guard, have a seat" Bree still had her straight jet black her falling over her shoulders, and while standing in the corner hands behind her back, she gave off an eerie feeling.

After being told to do so, Bree gently pulled her hair up in a loose ponytail and sat down on the sofa, patiently waiting for Becca to continue.

"What do you want to do with your life now?" Becca started "Seeing that you got yourself expelled, tell me what your plans are."

Bree moved her lips to say something but Becca interrupted "I thought you'd be a doctor, saving lives and doing what's right and of course making money, but it seems like you don't care about that stuff, tell me don't you think becoming a doctor is a good idea?"

"I want to become a police officer, Becca"

Becca choked on her saliva.