
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Chapter Forty-Five: "Have I ever provoked you?"

Bree took two steps back like she was avoiding a predator, like behind the door was an abominable monster that fell right out of a horror movie. However, in this case was a person who would bring about a situation that was detrimental to her health and state of mind.

Bree couldn't help but wonder why Andrea had chosen to act this way, to be so nefarious, not regarding how anybody felt and just doing what she wanted, even dissembling Bree's own feelings, just to get what she wanted.

She was toxic to Bree.

Andrea opened the door with her spare key and walked inside. Standing in the middle of the room was Bree in just a black bra and loose pants holding a knife at Andrea, there was not a hint of fear in her eyes, contrary to fear, she looked powerful but at first blush, Andrea could tell that her appearance was simply fake. Maybe Bree learnt to use this technique from the masters she trained with, to appear mighty even though she felt otherwise.