
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Chapter Fifty-Seven: "Smooth"

Andrea knocked on the door twice before it was opened by a tall brown skinned teenager of about fourteen years old. He had curly full hair and his skin was pale, the sun gratifying his features, highlighting his boulder expression giving him a very handsome appearance. However, his face was scrunched up and his eyes found it hard to adjust to the glaring light of the sun. He spoke with difficulty if sight.

"Hi, how may I help you?" Edwin asked.

On seeing the boy, Andrea muttered a low 'wow' she thought it was no wonder that Lizzy liked him, he really was a handsome teenager.

"I'm detective Vaughn and this is Andrea Queens, we're here to ask about the disappearance of Elizabeth Hart, may we come in?" Bree said