
Till Mountains Flattens

Caught in the crossfire of a fight between the love of her life and a group of men called The Underground, Bree has to rely on the ever dishonest woman that wanted nothing more than wealth and power, to come to her rescue.

Airende_Juliet · Urban
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164 Chs

Chapter Eighty: "Can I go?"

They kissed for a short while, Bree had forgotten how kissing Andrea used to feel like. The intensity of the kiss, Andrea's body melting into the kiss and their tongues. When kissing, most tongues fought for dominance, but not Bree's, all she wanted was just to feel Andrea's tongue against hers, it was like Andrea had become a part of her, melted together with her. That was one of the magic of kissing Andrea. Bree was so lost in the kiss she had forgotten her principles until she felt Andrea push something into her mouth, abruptly bringing Bree back into the fucking reality they existed in.

"Keep it, it'll help us find you" Andrea said into the kiss.