
TIMY: Chapter 6


I was awakened by the alarm clock.

As I get up, my head feels so heavy.

Shit! Damn that picture, it didn't let me sleep properly!

I walked like a zombie going inside the bathroom.

I opened the shower letting the cold water flow throughout my body.

I rubbed, messed and brushed my hair hoping it could help me to erase and forget that picture. But damn! Nothing is effective!

I sighed deeply and tried to ignore and brush it off as I continued showering.

After taking a bath, I went out of the bathroom with only a towel covering my lower body.

I go to my closet and get my uniform.

As I button up my polo, I look at myself in the mirror.

"Damn it Michael! What's happening to you!?" I said to myself as I stared at my reflection on the mirror.

"How could you get so affected by that picture? More importantly that's a man" f*ck am I going crazy?

I don‘t even know his name. All I know he lives where Han Geol also lives because Han was the one who took the photo.

Wait a minute! Where is Han living?

Shucks! I already forgot since it has been so long already.

It will be too awkward if I ask Han about him.

What reason and excuse should I give to him if he ever ask me why.

I was brought out from my thoughts when my phone suddenly rang.

I take my phone to see who is calling.

It's Min.

"Hello hyung?" I said to him as I answered his call.

"Michael what time your class will end?" Hyung asked me.

"Around 3 pm hyung, why?" I replied to him.

"I'll pick you up," he said.

Pick me up? What's wrong with him?

"Why hyung tell me" I curiously said to him.

But it's not just curiosity but also nervousness.

"I'll tell you later. I need to go. Bye" then he hung up.

What the f*ck! Great! Just great! He just left me hanging!

I took a deep breath and looked at the mirror once again.

"You're full of nonsense Michael. Maybe it is just the effect of not having any relationship. You're just overthinking things. No love means no destruction, focus on you dream Michael!" I said as I tried convincing and reminding myself.

I got my car keys and went outside of my condo going to the parking lot.

I got inside my car and drove off.


Gabriel POV

"Gabriel!" I was brought out of my thoughts when dad called me.

"Yes dad?" I answered him.

"What's happening to you?" he asked me.

Yea what's really happening to me?

Since I wake up this morning there's nothing else in my mind but that handsome vocalist.

Handsome!? Handsome your face Gabriel!

Just forget about him! But damn it I've been telling that myself hundred times already!

Why can't I erase him in my head!?

I badly want to hit my head on the wall just in case it could help me to forget about him.

"Gabriel!" dad shouted that made me flinched and get back to my senses

"D~dad?" I stuttered upon answering him.

I looked at him and it's so obvious in his face that he is getting angrier.

I immediately look away from him.

"I said what's happening to you," he said gritting his teeth.

"Aah...umm..." sh*t I can't speak properly.

"Is there any problem?" He asked me. Now he sounded worried.

Wow! He's so fast to change mood.

"No, nothing dad. I'm just thinking about the demo. I'm just worried dad you know" I explained to him as I tried to smile.

He just raised his eyebrow to me and took a deep breath as he slowly nodded to me.

Damn it looks like he is not convinced.

"Are you sure?" He asked me again.

Of course it's sure because if I tell you dad that I am thinking about a man you might have a heart attack even if you didn't have any heart disease.

"Yes dad, I'm sure" I replied assuring him.

Come on dad!

"That's good to hear then. Here take these files and look at what you did. Revise it and give it back to me. Finish it before lunch time since you have a class at 1 pm and I also need that this afternoon" he said to me.

"Yes dad, I understand," I said to him.

I walk back to my desk and place the files on my table and sit down on my swivel chair.

I lean my back on the chair and close my eyes.

I took a deep breath. Damn it, what should I do?

He just can't leave and stop messing in my head!

I sighed deeply and opened my eyes.

"Focus yourself Gabriel on your work and study, for sure you will forget it in no time. It might just be the effect of so much stress that's why you are overthinking things" I said trying to convince myself.

I look around to see if someone is here and hears me.

Luckily no one is here or it would be so embarrassing.

I sat up properly and took a file to see what mess I made.

Shit! Some spellings are wrong.

Some letters are missing in each word.

I face palmed myself.

Great job Gabriel! That's what you get from thinking about that guy.

And god only knows who the hell is he!

Now what did you get from it huh!? Just another headache!

I shook my head and started to work on these files.


From the company, Chen dropped me off at the school.

I walk towards my room.

As soon as I entered the classroom Han greeted me.

I was shocked. What happened to him?

He looks so happy.

Normally, Jay is always the hyperactive in our group.

"Hey Jay, what happened to him?" I secretly whispered to him.

"I don't know either. He arrived here first and he did the same to me, I was also shocked. I tried to ask him but he didn't say anything. How about you ask him" Jay said to me.

I turned and looked at Han again. I just stared at him like I'm reading him.

He really looks so happy! I went closer to him.

"Han" I said to get his attention because he is busy with his phone.

He looked up to me.

"Yes?" he said while smiling.

"Han don't get me wrong but what made you so happy?" I said asking him.

"Aah this?" he said pointing to himself.

I just nodded to him.

"It's because last night I got reconnected to my brother" he explained.

Brother? For all we know he is an only child.

I look at Jay, he also has the same reaction as me.

"Brother? You said that you are only child and we have been friends since senior high school but I didn't even encounter or even heard from your mom about it" Jay said full of curiosity.

"Yes, I'm an only child. The person that I am talking about is~"

"Good afternoon class!"

Han's words were cut off as we turned around hearing our professor.

We got back to our seats and class started.

After the class I didn't have time to talk to Han about the things we talked about earlier because I needed to go back to the company.

While we are on the way to the company, I can't help it but to think about it.

I wonder who he is talking about, why do I feel this way as if I know him.

I laughed at myself. Here you go again Gabriel! You and your craziness!

I rest my head on the headdress of the car seat and close my eyes getting some rest before I work in the office.