
TIMY: Chapter 4

Gabriel's POV

"I'm home!" I shouted as I entered the main door of our house.

I walked inside and I heard my mother answer me from the kitchen. She's preparing for our dinner.

"Oh son you're home! Go, wash up and rest. I'm still preparing our dinner. I will just call you when it's done" she said to me.

"Okay mom" I replied to her.

I went to my room and took a shower. After showering and changing clothes I sat on my bed while my back was leaning on the headboard.

I get my phone and open my facebook account.

As I scrolled down, I saw Han share a video of a boyband. It caught my attention because of the caption "Tonight by FM Static Cover"

It's my favorite song. They are singing one of my favorite songs.

I watched the video and my eyes were glued to the vocalist throughout the song.

Shit! For Pete’s sake Grabiel! it's a man! No way!

The last time I checked I'm straight. I'm a man who loves beautiful and sexy bodies.

But this man, gosh how should I say this? His face is like an angel. He's so handsome.

His eyes are so beautiful, it's so dreamy and so captivating like it's hypnotizing me.

It looks like he was trying to say something But what is it? It's like speaking to me to be his.

Say what!? No, no, no, Gabriel! Erase, erase no! Are you crazy!?

"Yes, I think I'm going crazy!" I said to myself.

I closed my eyes but what the hell! His face flashed in my mind.

Damn what's happening to me!?

"Aaaaahhh!" I screamed and punched my pillow out of my frustration.

"Son are you okay!?" my mother suddenly shouted outside the door of my room as she repeatedly knocked.

I immediately got up and fixed myself and ran to the door.

As soon as I opened the door my mother immediately checked my whole body.

"Son what happened? Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Mom don't worry I'm okay. I screamed because ahh...a lizard suddenly jumped on me so since it's body is cold so yea I was surprised" I explained to my mom.

I hope she buys it. Crossed finger, come on mom.

"Are you sure?" my mom is really worried.

"I'm sure mom. I'm okay and I'm sorry if I made you worried" I said to her.

Damn I should take note that next time just don't scream all of a sudden especially if your room is not soundproof.

My mother sighed in relief.

"That's good to hear then. Come, let's go down stairs, dinner is ready" she said as she smiled at me.

We went down stairs and went to the dining area.

I saw my father, he is already sitting there waiting for us.

“Good evening dad!” I greeted him.

"Good evening son!" he greeted me back. Take note with a big smile.

Woaah! Seems like business is doing great. Nice! Perfect timing. I hope so.

"Come son sit down Let's eat" said mom.

I seated down. I'm facing my mom and my father is sitting on the end of the table.

Silence consumed us as we began eating our dinner.

"Dad, mom?" I suddenly said breaking the silence and getting their attention.

They raised their heads and gave me a questioning look.

"What is it son?" my father asked.

I took a deep breath and my hands and knees were shaking.

You can do this Gabriel!

I crossed my fingers under the table. Damn even my hands are also sweating.

"Dad, mom... well...um..." sh*t I can't talk properly.

"Come on son, you tell us anything, you know that right?' my said.

"Yes mom, I know" I said smiling at her.

"Tell us what it is," said my father.

"Well, um... dad, mom, you know semester break is near?" I said.

"What about it?" mom asked me.

"Well...Han is going to have a vacation in South Korea. He told us that he wants to bring us with him" I explained to them.

"So, you're saying this to get our permission, am I right?" dad said seriously.

Shit! now my whole body is shaking and I'm sweating a lot.

Come on Gabriel, you can do this.

"Yes dad, you are right" I nervously answered him.

I heard him sighed and also my mother.

I alternately look at them.

They are staring at each other. It looks like they are talking to each other through their eyes.

Please, please just this time.

"Who are you going with and where are you going to stay there?. Is the place safe? Will you be safe there?" dad asked me like a detective.

"I'm going with Han and Jay. We will be staying in Han's family house" I said to him.

My parents know Jay and Han. Our families are quite close because Jay and Han are my best friends since senior high school.

I look at dad but he's face is giving a look that he is still not convinced. He raised his eyebrow.

Now what should I say to convince him.

Think Gabriel, think!

"Dad, I promise I'll behave there. I promise I will not go outside the house of Han alone. I promise I will take care of myself and I'll always keep myself safe" I said as I raised my hands as a sign of promise. Damn I look like a little kid who's getting permission to play outside.

Dad just raised his eyebrows at me.

Sh*t! What else do I need to promise to convince him?

"Dad, I promise to always message you and tell you my whereabouts," I added.

Come on please! Please Dad!

I look at my mom with puppy eyes.

Mom please say something, help your son.

But mom just sighed and shook her head.

I looked back to dad. He is just staring at me. It looks like he is contemplating if he should say yes or no.

I met his eyes and looked at him with puppy eyes.

Please let this work. My hands are still on the air.

He signed deeply and closed his eyes for a while then he looked at me again.

"Okay, fine, you can go" he said.

Yes! I smiled widely at them. As I was about to stand up to give them a hug as a way of saying thank you, dad suddenly spoke.

"Yes, you can go but with two conditions" he said.

What!? The smile on my lips suddenly disappear.

"What do you mean dad? I mean what condition?" I asked him.

"The two conditions are..."