

Sasha sat in her doctor's office, tears streaming down her face as she absorbed the devastating news. Her heart stopped for a while as she couldn't believe what she was just told. It was the most terrific news she had received since she was born.

"I'm sorry, Sasha, but the test results confirm that you have a terminal illness and there's not much we can do to stop it from progressing," the doctor explained gently. His eyes were painted with pity as his eyes were locked with hers. She could clearly see that he wasn't kidding around. She blinked to be certain that she wasn't dreaming but unfortunately it was her reality. She had a terminal illness and couldn't believe what the doctor told her. 

Sasha felt her heart drop as the reality of her situation hit her. She had always been a healthy person, never imagining that she would receive such a life altering diagnosis.

She felt overwhelmed with emotions, struggling to hold back sobs. "How much time do I have left?" she asked, her voice shaking. Her eyes welling up with tears as she listens to the doctor's somber words. She felt a deep sense of fear and despair wash over her as she heard the news that she had a terminal illness. Her hands shook and her voice trembled as she tried to process the information. She thought of all the plans and dreams she had for her future, now dashed by this devastating diagnosis. Her mind raced with questions and worries as she grappled with the reality of her situation. She looked at the doctor with a mixture of sadness and desperation, as if hoping for some words of comfort or a second opinion. But deep down, she knew that there was no cure and no way to reverse the illness. With tears streaming down her face, she was overwhelmed with grief and uncertainty, feeling as if the ground beneath her had given way.

"It's difficult to say for certain, but the prognosis is that you have a few months, maybe a year at most," the doctor replied sympathetically.

Sasha's mind raced as she tried to come to terms with the news. So many things she had wanted to do, so many dreams she had yet to fulfill. And now, all of that was slipping away from her.

She felt a deep sadness, not just for herself but for her family and loved ones. She wouldn't be there to see her children grow up, to celebrate milestones, or to simply be a part of their lives.

As she left the doctor's office, Sasha was filled with a mixture of emotions- anger, sadness, and despair. But she also felt a sense of determination, a determination to make the most of the time she had left and to live every moment to the fullest.

Sasha was driving down the road, her thoughts completely consumed by her upcoming meeting. She was so focused that she didn't even notice the flashy red sports car parked on the side of the road. Suddenly, there was a loud bang and the sound of metal crumpling. Sasha's heart sank as she realized what had happened. She had accidentally backed into the millionaire's expensive car.

She quickly got out of her car to assess the damage. The millionaire's car was now sporting a large dent on the bumper and there was a scratch on the paint. Sasha felt a wave of panic wash over her as she tried to think of what to do next. She had never been in this kind of situation before and didn't know what the protocol was.

Sasha stood frozen, her eyes locked on the handsome stranger who was standing beside his car. She couldn't believe how gorgeous he was, with his chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes. He was dressed in a fitted suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and narrow waist. Sasha couldn't help but feel mesmerized by his looks. Even though she was frightened by what had just happened, she couldn't stop herself from admiring him. 

 "Do you have any idea how much this car is worth?" he demanded, gesturing to the damage. That was the first word that he spoke. Contrarily to how she thought he would behave. He seemed so relaxed and cooled as if nothing had happened. His facial expression was unfathomable and she couldn't quite fathom what was in his mind. 

Sasha stammered, "I-I'm so sorry. I was just in a rush and wasn't paying attention." Her voice was shaking and she struggled to stand still. She knew that paying him would be impossible since she couldn't afford to pay for the car. Her time was limited and she couldn't be able to raise the money needed to repay the car. 

The millionaire sighed, "It's okay. Accidents happen. But you'll be paying for the repairs, of course." As expected the guy stated that she would pay for the damage. This is what she expected anyway and knew she wouldn't escape paying his car.

Sasha felt a lump form in her throat as she realized how much this was going to cost her. She nodded, "Yes, of course. I'll take care of it right away." Even though she knew it was hard for her to raise the money needed. She just said that to give him hope that she would indeed pay for it. 

"Dial your number," he handed her his phone. She stretched out her hand and took the phone. Her hands were still shaking but she was trying to stay still. She dialed her number and gave the guy her number. He hastily called her to be certain that it was indeed her number. 

"I will call you," he mentioned. He turned and headed to his car. Sasha was left in a duzzle as she was staring at him while he was leaving. She couldn't believe that the aftermath of her carelessness caused her a fortune. She had no idea of how she was supposed to pay him back. 

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