
chapter 1:LI JIN


Xu Xia was pacing back and forth from the look on her face it can be seen that she's very worried 'what could be the cause of Xia's restlessness 'her colleagues wondered but they dare not speak out because she's close to the boss only God knows the kind of relationship they share sometimes her colleagues always think that she's in a relationship with the boss.The bold one among them walked up to her and asked "Xia what is the problem?"

although she's not in the mood for any chit chat but at that moment she needed help"I misplaced the proposal that was supposed to be submitted to the boss to the boss today?"

"so what ?you are close to the boss just explain to him he will definitely understand ".the male colleagues said in her playful tone

"am not in the mood for jokes Chen,am serious"xu Xia explained in a serious tone

seeing that Xia is really serious with what she's saying they all looked at her with pity evident in their eyes "so sad we would be losing another honest and loyal colleagues"Chen said looking devastated

"what does that mean?"

"you just courted death , don't you get it!"Chen said raising his voice slightly

"I know that is why am asking you guys for help the boss will soon arrive".

They all stared at her with blank expression ,Xia groaned and went back to her seat cracking her brains for a way out 'only God knows what the boss will do to her when he arrives '.xia thought inwardly.

just then they heard the horn of a car" thinking of the devil"xu xia muttered underneath her breath



An auston martin latest edition stopped right at the entrance of li CO OPERATION,then there come's the most eligible bachelor in city s li JIN "boss I will park the car in the garage "his driver bojin said , without replying li JIN came out of the car , stepping out of the car the aura in the whole place changed into a suffocating one "five minutes to park the car and meet me in my office"Jin's vioce echoed in the whole place

"but boss it takes up to ten minutes to get to the garage"bojin complained

"I dare you to repeat what you just said ,I promise you your girlfriend would not even miss you on bit because I will make sure to provide your duplicate".saying that li JIN turned back and made his way to his office

"what a meanie boss!oh no bojin you just have five minutes"saying that he started the car .

"four minutes left"JIN voice sounded again before his figure disappeared .