
Till' Death Do Us Part

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED AND FREE When you love someone so badly, you want them to be happy, even if it means not with you.

Missrealitybites · Urban
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61 Chs

Ludwina, I Love You

Andrea knew that he had low alcohol tolerance, and he wasn't the type to drink a lot of wine. But tonight was a special night, and he needed some courage, because...

He wanted to propose to Ludwina.

The man took a sip of his prosecco, "I'll still drink to keep you company, but only a little..."

"Thank you."

Ludwina was now at her fifth glass. Her head began to feel light and her heart was excited. She really loved being here with Andrea. She remembered the time they spent together in Europe for 12 days. It was always 24 hours a day being with each other, but never once she felt bored or tired.

"You rarely post on Instagram now," said Andrea when they were chatting about their past travel photos, "Are you no longer active on social media?"

"No. I usually posted photos to get comments and likes from other people... ahahhaha. However, now I just want to hear comments and likes from you... Other people don't matter anymore," answered Ludwina honestly. She then pressed her lips in a shocked manner, "Ah... Am I being too honest?"

Andrea laughed and shook his head softly, "It's okay, really. I want to be your number one fan. I don't even mind if I'm your only fan."

Ludwina touched Andrea's cheek with her right hand and patted him like a child. "And I don't need any other fan. Only you would suffice."

"Wina... I..."

Ludwina and Andrea both remembered the time they were like this in Paris, and Ludwina shook her head. She wanted to prevent Andrea from saying the word 'love'. She was not ready, back then. But, it was a decision that Ludwina regretted even until a month later.

This time, Ludwina nodded slowly. A smile etched on Andrea's face as he put down his glass and touched Ludwina's hand on his cheek with both hands.

He pulled Ludwina's hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand gently.

Ludwina was stunned, speechless. She had hoped for this, but when the moment came, she still couldn't believe it happening.

"Wina ... I have fallen in love with you when we first met at the airport. You're funny and adorable, and I can't stop thinking about you," Andrea smiled a little.

He put Ludwina's hand on his lap, then he brought his face closer to Ludwina's face. The girl was still stunned. Andrea's hands held the girl's head and supported her shoulders as he landed a sweet kiss on Ludwina's lips.

For a moment, Ludwina was unable to react. Her brain failed to think.

Andrea continued to kiss her more intensely, and unknowingly, Ludwina responded. She put down her glass and wrapped her hands on Andrea's neck.

Andrea had imagined kissing this girl from the first time they met, but for almost a year, he could only hold back his desire. Apart from the fact that they didn't meet often, he also didn't know whether he could continue his relationship with Ludwina as more than just a friend, because he knew that the difference in their social status was quite big.

But now he knew that Ludwina's family wasn't like Adeline's family, who placed an importance on wealth and status. Ludwina herself had confessed her love to him last month on the plane. Now, Andrea felt that there was no obstacle to his love...

The nights when they both stayed at the Pullman Paris, when the girl slept beside him yet he couldn't do anything to her, returned to Andrea's memory. It excited him to kiss Ludwina even more aggressively.

A few minutes later, he finally broke free from their intense making out. As hard as it was to hold back, Andrea knew he couldn't go any further.


"Andrea..." Ludwina looked at Andrea loving eyes. Finally, the confession of love she was waiting for had arrived. Andrea sincerely confessed his love to her!

Andrea stared at Ludwina for a long time, his hand stroking her hair affectionately.

"Do you want to live in Singapore with me?" he asked her gently. "There are two rooms in this flat, one is still empty. I can put a nice desk there so you can write or read while looking for inspiration. If there's anything here that you don't like, we can replace it. I'll let you redesign everything here to how you want it to be."

"Eh... what?" Ludwina gasped and the haze in her mind suddenly disappeared, "What did you say?"

"I'm asking you to marry me."

Ludwina hurriedly gulped down her prosecco.

She just wanted Andrea to confess, not propose.

Ludwina was not ready for marriage. No... not this early. She panicked internally.

"Andrea... I..." Ludwina looked at Andrea, who was staring at her lovingly. Now, she didn't have the heart to say no. Ludwina was also worried that if she refused this time, Andrea would change his mind. "I love you too... But..."


Ludwina took a deep breath.

"You know, I'm not the type of woman who wants to get married and have children. I've said it many times..." She looked a little guilty as she continued, "But I love you and I want to live together with you. If you want to get married so that we can be together, I'll accept it, as long as you're okay with me not going to have children."

Andrea nodded. "I know."

"Do you mind? Until we get old, there will only be the two of us. We won't have any children..." asked Ludwina in an urgent tone.

"I don't mind. I remember our conversation in Paris with Laura and Pierre. If you compromise on one thing, I also have to compromise on one thing. If you want to marry me, I'll accept you for who you are, including your principle of not wanting to have children."

Ludwina widened her eyes, she still couldn't believe her hearing.

"Are you serious?" She asked to get confirmation.

"If I fell in love with you, and found out that you can't have children, of course, I have to accept your unconditionally. What I love is you as Ludwina, not you as a woman who will become the mother of my children," Andrea said in a slightly hoarse voice, "I mean, if one day you change your mind and want to have children, I would love to be their father, and I would be the best father any children would ever want. But if you don't want to be a mother, how would I ever have children with anyone? You're the only person I dream of having a family with. I can't see my life without you in it."

"Oh... Andrea..." Ludwina was very moved, hearing his proposal, and she spontaneously moved her face forward and kissed Andrea lovingly. "I do want to marry you. I will be the best wife you could ever dream of having."

Andrea kissed Ludwina with great love. His tongue thrust between her half-open lips and explored her mouth. They kissed passionately for a long time.

When Ludwina slowly unbuttoned his shirt, Andrea held her hand and shook his head. He whispered in Ludwina's ear,

"Not now, Honey... I'll take a week off next month so we can get married."

Ludwina bit her lip pleadingly, "Andrea..."