
Till' Death Do Us Part

THIS STORY IS COMPLETED AND FREE When you love someone so badly, you want them to be happy, even if it means not with you.

Missrealitybites · Urban
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61 Chs

It Was Autumn In Central Park

Because Ludwina didn't pick up her cellphone, Andrea finally called Johann to find out where his wife was. From Johann, he learned that Ludwina had already left for New York. Andrea immediately booked a flight there but then realized that the American visa that was in his passport had just expired.

He remembered applying for an American visa 5 years ago because he intended to travel there with Ludwina. However, they got married in Bali and only left a year later. His visa was valid for 5 years and only expired this week.

What a heartbreaking situation. When he finally found out what had happened to Ludwina, Andrea couldn't go and see her immediately.

Andrea hurriedly returned to England and applied for an American visa through the US embassy in London. He was very restless and couldn't sleep while waiting for his visa to be processed. He tried to take his mind off Ludwina by working but to no avail.

"Joe, I need to talk to you ..." Andrea walked up to Joe in his office after he returned to the office. "I have to resign."

Joe was very surprised to hear that. He did not expect that Andrea would suddenly resign after returning from Bali. He suspected that this must have something to do with his meeting with Ludwina in Bali. He knew the reason Andrea accepted the invitation to speak at the conference was to meet his wife.

"What is wrong?" asked Joe attentively. "Had something bad happened?"

With a choked voice, Andrea told him about Ludwina's diagnosis and how his wife had been trying to make him leave her for a year so that he would get back together with Adelina and Ronan. Andrea had decided to quit his job to take care of Ludwina completely.

Joe was shocked to hear what had happened and he immediately hugged Andrea to show his support.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, man..." He patted Andrea's back and tightened his hug, "You have my support. You take as much time as you need. I can take care of the company. You take care of Ludwina. Focus on her health. "

"Thanks, Joe. I'm waiting for my American visa so I can go straight to New York to look for her."

Andrea felt very grateful to have a boss who was very understanding. Joe considered Andrea to be on leave indefinitely and could return to work whenever he was ready.

A few days later, his passport returned with an American visa and Andrea immediately bought a ticket for the fastest and earliest flight to New York. He didn't even carry a suitcase, just a backpack containing a laptop and his documents. During the trip, he could not get a wink of sleep. He hadn't slept very well for days and his body felt very tired.

As soon as he landed and left immigration, Andrea immediately took a taxi to Central Park. He had tracked down Ludwina and knew her location. At a time like this, he had disregarded his promise not to track Ludwina down.

He already knew what happened. Ludwina had forgiven him and still loved him very much. The girl would surely forgive him if he tracked her down for once in order to find her.

As expected, Ludwina was in Central Park. As soon as Andrea got out of the taxi, he immediately rushed to their usual place. From afar, he had seen the girl's figure near the lake. Andrea's heart was devastated when he saw Ludwina was crying despondently.

During the past year he thought Ludwina was still angry and was always cold to him ... He never knew that behind her cold treatment, Ludwina was hiding her sadness and tears alone...

Oh, Ludwina ...

Why are you so kind? he thought sadly.

"Ludwinaa .. !! Winaa ... !!" Andrea immediately called out his wife's name. He wished he could fly and hug her as soon as possible. "Ludwinaaa .. !!"

Ludwina, who was sobbing, raised her face to the direction of the sound. From behind her tears, she saw Andrea's figure running toward her. Andrea wore a long gray jacket and ran as fast as he could towards Ludwina.

"Winaa ..."

Finally, the owner of the voice arrived in front of the girl. His breath was panting and he looked very tired. "Wina ..."

Andrea hugged Ludwina very tightly.

"I came as soon as I knew..." he said softly. He kept hugging Ludwina and didn't want to let her go. "My American visa has expired ... The new visa application took one week and I came straight here from the airport. I'm sorry I can only come now .... I'm so sorry ..."

It took Ludwina a while to be able to process what had happened. At first, she thought she was dreaming.

Finally, she realized... this wasn't a dream, and Andrea already knew.

Ludwina tried to break free from Andrea's embrace but her husband did not give up. Andrea whispered softly over and over in a voice that almost choked with tears. "Please ... please don't tell me to leave ... Please, Wina ..."

"I finally gave up and followed your wish for a divorce. After the conference in Bali, I stopped by Singapore to pack up the rest of my things. I noticed that nobody lived there for a long time and our apartment was very dusty. I decided to clean up for one last time ... and I saw your diagnosis report from last year in the trash. You never told me ... I immediately came to the hospital and I met your doctor, and he told me everything..." Andrea said his words between his tears. "I know you've been looking for second and third opinions to several hospitals in America. I know the diagnosis is always the same. I know you purposely stay away from me and do everything you can to make me get back together with Adel. You intentionally never reply to my emails and calls so that I will give up and leave you ..."

Ludwina finally gave up in Andrea's arms. She realized that Andrea already knew everything ....

She forgot to throw away the documents from the hospital because she did not think Andrea would come to Singapore ...

Finally, the girl burst into tears and she sobbed in Andrea's chest

"On that day, Doctor Chou showed my test results .. He said it was uterine cancer, it's in an advanced stage. My heart was broken ... "Ludwina's defense collapsed and she told Andrea everything that happened while sobbing. "Not only I can't only give you a child, but I can't live with you either until we are old and gray, like our plan. I know how heart-broken you would be... I was going to tell you after getting a second opinion ... but then I didn't have the heart, Andrea. So I tried to reunite you and Adelina. I hold back my desire to see you and reply to your e-mails. I've been waiting for you to leave me ... But why don't you move on ....? Why ....? Why can't you let me go and get back with Adelina and Ronan... You should just forget about me ..."

"You're trying so hard to kick me out of your life. You made me think that you've turned into a selfish woman who doesn't want to forgive my past and you don't want to accept Ronan .... You think I'll never know what happened ..." Andrea cupped Ludwina's face with both hands and looked at his wife deeply. "And I wouldn't have found out if I didn't come to get my stuff from Singapore... Now I know, and you can't run away from me anymore. Wherever you go, I'll follow ... I promise you, you can't get rid of me this time ..."

" I am sorry for keeping things from you," said Ludwina quietly.

"I am sorry that you even felt the need to keep things from me ... I'll do better." Andrea tried to smile and loosen his hug. "Come on, let's feed the swan ... They are already starving .."

Ludwina nodded weakly, smiled back while wiping her tears. "Ah .. yes, let's feed them together, like the last time..."

"After that, we can go to your coffee shop ..."


"After coffee, I need to buy clothes because I didn't come here with a suitcase."


"Please, never chase me away again."

"I promise, Andrea..."

"We face it together ... 'till death do us part."

"Yes ... till death do us part," Ludwina repeated Andrea's words with a smile, although the tears flooded her cheeks again.

Andrea was very relieved to receive the confirmation that Ludwina actually still loved him and did not want a divorce. All he needed to do was clarify that Ludwina did not want to leave him.

Andrea kissed Ludwina gently. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he rubbed his wife's hair and tried to smile. He must look strong in front of her.

The two of them walked hand in hand to Central Park West after they felt satisfied feeding the swans.

"Are you tired? Let me carry you, Honey."

"Ah, there is no need to do that. I'm embarrassed if other people see us," Ludwina tried to refuse, but Andrea would have none of it. He ignored his wife's protest and carried Ludwina on his back, "Sick people shouldn't protest too much."

Ludwina's body felt a lot lighter than he remembered and it made Andrea's heart ache, but he held himself back and said nothing.

He didn't understand why the women in his life lied to him to protect him. He was not a weak man.

He understood that Adelina and Ludwina were lying so that he wouldn't get hurt, but in the end, their actions that hid the truth from him made him suffer even more.

If he had known about Ludwina's illness from last year, he would have done everything he could to be with her, look for treatments, quit his job, and cared for her.

During this one year, he didn't know anything and let Ludwina face everything alone. This thought made his chest felt so heavy.