
1 Turning page

I had always been the weird kid. It was nothing new. Ever since i got my powers, everyone called me 'Lucifer', no one wanted to be my friend. To be fair, if I had seen myself I wouldn't want to be either.


My clock read as it went off, signaling I had to get up and get ready for the first day of high school.

Today was my first day at my new school because my mom decided I needed a 'fresh start.'

I agreed because maybe I do.

After I had got out the shower and got dressed I ran downstairs and greeted my mom.

"Hey sweetheart, up and ready I see. I made breakfast if your hungry" she said.

"Hey, thank you!" I said, rushing to put my shoes on. I had spent way to much time in the shower and need to hurry if I wanted to make it on the clock. I grabbed breakfast and stuffed it in my mouth, running out the door

"Bookbag!" My mom yelled as I did so. Coming back to grab it then rushing back out the door.

"I love you!"

"Love you too, mom!" I said in reply

I had slowed down when I saw the school in my view so I didn't seem like a crazy person running to school with food in their mouth.

I looked at my phone to check the time

'6:56' it read

Just in time

As I checked a message came to my phone.


First day huh?




I hope you make friends, I can't be the only one

I chuckled at the phone


Shut up idiot. Anyways, I'm gonna miss you


Don't worry. I can come visit


yeah I hope you do.

Charlie was my friend. My only friend. He had asked to be my friend in kindergarten and since then we have always been friends, even though he knew my powers were messed and wrong. He still wanted to be friend, we've had our ups and downs but we came out on top. That's what I loved about him.

Putting my phone away I walked into the school and stopped in front, looking around for the main office.

I didn't get my schedule because they said they needed to register my first and they would do that on the first day.

It was a professional private school. Only people with powers were allowed to go.

When I saw the sign

'Front/main office' on one of the doors I walked up to it.

I was super nervous so before I walked in I took a deep breath and opened the door.

Walking up to the receptionist someone had dumped into me.

"Oops, my bad" they said giving a little chuckle and smirk as if they did it on purpose.

I said it's okay and they gave me a disappointing look.

He had seat down in one of the seats still staring at me.

"I'm new" I said to one of the receptionist.


"Noah lu"

"Power?" She said back


My mom said that her friend ran this school so if I said powerless all I had to say is 'casie adams recommendation' and they would put my power as a weak one

"Powerless aren't allowed to go to school her" she said looking up from her computer and at me.

"casie adams recommendation" I said, as my mom told me.

She looked at me weirdly

"you said your name is Noah Lu, right?"

She asked, I nodded.

She called another receptionist over and he told her to put my power in as mind control.

Mind control was considered the weakest power because only 10% of people who had this power knew how to control it and when it was controlled, it could become instantly dangerous.

She put in my power and headed me a dorm key, I knew there were dorms here but I left my bags at home. Mom said she'd bring them later.

As I was walking out the kid who had dumped into me looked at me weirdly, as if I was a ghost and he was the only one who saw me.

First time writing

Chriswritehcreators' thoughts