
Tierra del alma 5: Renacimiento de Tang San

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What is Tierra del alma 5: Renacimiento de Tang San


Una generación de rey dios renació en el mundo mágico de Falan. Se sorprendió al descubrir que todo aquí es tan maravilloso, y tuvo suerte de encontrar la reencarnación de su esposa. Sin embargo, no recuerda nada de su vida anterior y es una transeúnte cuando se reencuentra. ¿Puede renacer una generación de rey dios en este mundo que no sea amigable con la humanidad, podrá recuperar a su esposa de nuevo? ¿Qué tipo de camino hacia el renacimiento le traerán todo tipo de extraños monstruos y dioses? ¡Todo en el viaje de una generación de dioses para perseguir a su esposa, la quinta parte del continente Douluo, el renacimiento de Tang San!

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Wolves of Asgard

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Legend tells us that knights always appear when the forces of evil try to take over the world. In a remote era, there were a group of warriors who protected Athena, the goddess of war, they were called Athena's knights, and they always fought without weapons. It is said that with a movement of the hands, they were able to tear the skies and that with just one kick they opened cracks in the earth. Today, that power that had been sealed and removed from human hands, once again awoke when an unexpected event broke the seal created during the cataclysm that forcefully recreated the universe. -----------------READ THE AUTHOR NOTE, DO NOT BLAME ME LATER IF YOU DON'T. A/N: Okay... author here, friends I'm not a fan of a harem, truthfully saying, while I like High School DxD, I really hate harem stories, and this where you come in, you the reader, will help me out in my journey of learning what a harem story can be. All I ask is, don't be a dick, let us be like the ladies and gentlemen that we truly are in our hearts, and make the best story of this platform, or at least something above average, you will help me with the path that the Main Character will take if I see you guys did not like the direction, I'll open a specific chapter just to discuss the issue with you, what would you have liked to see happening, to where you wanted to see the plot developing. However, let me be clear of somethings, the whole Saint Seiya thing will have its own plot eventually, and it will be a major one, other than that, I won't change the personality of the Main Character, it will evolve as the story progress, after all, no one likes one-dimensional characters, but he is and will always be the good guy. I hope you can understand this. Also, the power levels of Saint Seiya is fucking broken, if you know that universe as well as me you know what I'm talking about, multiversal power levels is a thing already in Poseidon arc, that's fucking BROKEN. For that reason, the progress of the mc will be basically closely related to the progression of the plot. I don't have any problems with OP characters, but I don't like Gary Stus, so no, the MC won't be invincible, he might be defeated once or twice during more important battles, while others he might overpower an enemy or match the enemy battle prowess.

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