

Tia is a girl who doesn't hate both of her parents because they didn't want her to be pregnant. Divorced from her father, her mother remarried to a man who raped Tia. This man chased them away again because Tia told her mother of her husband's crime, but because of her hatred for her daughter, she accused her own daughter of being the cause of her misfortune and took her away. hate more. Abandoned by her mother and father at the age of 8 . She chained 2 jobs to be able to survive, pay her rent and her studies at the age of 16 years. She fights against winds and tides to finish her studies but still ignores the handsome Neal who advances her because of this trauma that eats away at her heart and hates men. Despite this ignorance, Neal is still waiting for her for 5 years and helps her to forget this act that ruins her soul and to know the happiness that is love.

niv_dita · Urban
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15 Chs


The house gradually empties and I sit with tears in my eyes. I did not ask to come into the world so why am I despised so much? Why don't I have parents like other kids my age? I thought to myself.

Grandma: Don't cry Tia, I'll take care of you, we'll get through this!

A few months later, mum got married to uncle Bernard. She went to live with him, abandoning me with Grandma because, according to her, I had to taint his happiness. She didn't want to see "my rat face like my father" in her house.

At that moment, I felt abandoned, and I realized the extent of his dislike for me.

Several months later, granny fell ill, I was 11 years old and I was alone with my sick granny, taking care of her every night. This made me repeat sixth grade because I had no head for school.

The day before I turned 12, Grandma passed away and I felt like my life was coming to a halt. The only person taking care of me had just left, I knew I was going to suffer.

There were meetings because my aunts had decided to rent out granny's house so I had to "get the hell out" with my father or my mother.

My mother didn't want me.

My father ? Shouldn't even have dreamed. I just wear his name but he doesn't care and doesn't consider me.

One morning, my aunts went to dump me like a slut in front of my mother's gate. I was shocked that my mother lived in such a big house and let me live like an orphan. She let me suffer when she had the dream life!

If only I knew what to expect!

To be continued....