
Through Thick and Thin

A person who has aspirations and dreams is a normal person. Then what do you call a person who follows his aspirations and dreams through ‘any’ situation? A Madman… or A Legend…? Follow our curious protagonist cum student, Raj, through thick and thin in his journey in overcoming all obstacles in order to satisfy his curiosity. His aspiration lies in his curiosity and his curiosity is his aspiration. And this curiosity will make him outstanding, to the point that he would shine as brightly as the sun. And it will be this same curiosity that will fill his path with all kinds of obstacles. He will be joined by his bunch of friends on this tumulting journey. See how they are affected by his aura of curiosity. And as part of the icing on the cake, he somehow gets a system, Curiosity system. Hard Work alone cannot make an extraordinary person, luck works hand in hand with hard work. And our protagonist isn’t short of luck… until obstacles start to hinder his path. The world, which is called Zamin, on which Raj lives is not normal at all. Although it has its own kind of wars and threats, it is quite different from our earth in sense of religions and races which altogether changes history and technological advances. There are some similarities too, which includes an education system, an industrial system, and a government. The thing that makes it a truly unique world is that this world doesn’t only have humans on it. Anything further is anyone's guess.

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Time System of Zamin

As per Human Country

4 Phases a Year (3 Months each)

Spring ( Month Eka, 31 Month Be, 30 Month Trana 31 )

Summer ( Month Chara, 30 Month Pancha, 31 Month Cha 30 )

Autumn ( Month Saata, 31 Month Atha, 30 Month Nava 31 )

Winter ( Month Dasa, 30 Month Agiyara, 31 Month Bara 30 )

24 Hours a day.

10 days a week.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

3 Weeks a month.

Last Day for 31 days Months is Funday.

4 Major days in a year.

Only 2 New Moons and 2 Full Moons a year.

Spring Equinox - Poonam (Full Moon) Start of Spring

Summer Solstice - Amavasya (New Moon) Start of Summer

Autumn Equinox - Poonam (Full Moon) Start of Autumn

Winter Solstice - Amavasya (New Moon) Start of Winter

Date Format in Zamin World - Day/Week/Month/Year

Sample - 01/02/Eka/2018



Day Values (1 to 10)

Week Values (1 to 3)

Month Values (According to Names)

Year Values (0000 to XXXX)

Fundays to be written without week and only for 6 Months with 31 days. (Eka, Trana, Pancha, Saata, Nava, and Agiyara))

Note: Reference for Time Frame in the Novel world of Zamin.