
Through the Wings of Timeless Love

The strong connection within the three (3) guardian angels ( Godem, Seb and Nomin) put the evil Demido into a mind-wrecking confusion. Demido, the right hand of the dark had a vengeful mission to Gante and Psyda, the two (2) immortal spy and parents of Karla, who deceived and betrayed the dark shadows. The antagonist Demido used Gloria, Seb's mother, who believed too much on luck and superstitious beliefs, and who unbelievably sold her son's soul to the dark shadows in lieu of wealth and in order to separate Karla and Seb. One day, when Karla was abducted, she was saved by Nomin whose immortal body was lodged by the wandering soul of Seb. Since Nomin was the guardian angel of Karla, so he allowed Seb's soul in his body. In contrary, Godem, as Seb's guardian angel tried to rescue the empty human body of Seb whose death was not registered in heaven. In a way, Godem's soul entered Seb's body and lost his identity as angel while playing the role of Seb - the drunkard and the said widower foreman. After eight years, Seb in Nomin sought a way that his body through Godem in Seb can make his wife bear a child. Eventually, Karla and Godem in Seb met and the acquaintance led the way that Banli (one of the elders in heaven) mercifully freed Godem out of punishment and revealed, that Karla, was his wedded wife for three consecutive centuries in the past life. When Godem in Seb was forgiven by heavens, Banli gave him a mission to fight against Demido. With this, in order that his marital life and mission will not be hindered, Banli sent the soul of Nomin to lodge temporarily within Karla wherein later, Nomin's soul used Godem's immortal body to coexist and backup Godem in Seb, Seb in Nomin and the rest of the angels at war with the demons. Due to the deceiving triangulated presence of the three angels protecting Karla, Demido fell in the angels' unplanned trap and finally vanished. The faithful, shameful Seb in Nomin was totally forgiven and was sent to heavens together with Nomin in Godem while Godem in Seb was put into trial. But fortunately he won and finally celebrated the freedom in a lifetime with his wife, Karla.

fraulein1423 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

That Painful Heart

Notable aftershocks still rocks the epicenter of the quake and even reached to the neighboring places. On the other hand, since Seb declared suspension of work for three days to ensure employees' safety, everyone were all in their respective homes, preparing their go-bags for possible emergencies and some advantageously relaxing in that nonchalant morning. Over and above the catastrophic earthquake phenomenon, Karla's situation was more than ever challenging as well. The physical ordeal on rushing to and fro to the bathroom, pressing tummy and declining spine through pains and cramps, biting the lips during the strike of nerve-racking and needle-like pinning spots around the body were collectively a psychological battle. Meanwhile, Seb was trying to be tekky surfing the net on dysmenorrhea while they were momentarily exchanging communication with Nomin through through the cellular phone and on his way home. Insistently, Seb tried to use his skills to pacify her pains and it was successful that could be her last, Seb had assured her for a lifetime wellness against dysmenorrhea, before menopause take place. He almost did not think of it as a resort, but luckily had read everything on it and even exceeded to menopausal syndrome. He shook his head thinking how women carry such a situation. Looking back how Karla underwent such life in the lagoon where Nomin assisted her throughout. Though not all woman have dysmenorrhea but everyone have monthly struggles and yet they still go to workplaces, hardworking despite sleepless nights or difficulties.

" I will order all women within the company, from 22 years old up to 52 years old, single or married to file a leave within two to three days with minimum pay and get rested at home. Women's rights, it was a night with my unbearable testimony of it. It wasn't easy...now I know." He thought as he sighed.

Prior to leaving Seb's place, Karla restored the room the way it was when she arrived. She was saddened by the memories around, her old stuffs were still in the cabinets, then she was teary eyed and walked off.

'Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! The doorbell rang and it was Nomin with his big and frantic smile to both.

"My Karla, belated happy birthday!" Nomin was overwhelmed upon seeing her walked and cheerfully approaching him.

" Ayieee...welcome home Nomin! I miss you a lot. Hmm..." She blissfully greeted and held his hand as they walked together inside. Seb was just following them inside, looking at them, holding hands.

" So how are you, how is your health..." Nomin asked her as he put down his bag.

" I suffered with my monthly problem but Seb religiously helped me." Then she turned her head and looked at Seb.

" Wow! that wholesome elder angel seemed doing great with you, does it mean I'm a little outcasted these days? haha, just kidding." Nomin jokily said and winked to Seb while Karla proceeded to the kitchen and the two guys were conversing;

" Hmm...What's up Seb? Thanks last night, we had a good job together and I presumed you healed her pains too, that's so much of a sacrifice. But today, it's my assignment to take care of her. Regarding to that night we agreed, it was a failure. Its okay, but I think we were wrong. Anyway, I will change first and feed a little rest for this body. See you around." Then Nomin left.

While Seb passed by at Karla and Nomin's room, she saw her through a little opening of the door where she fixed the bed for him to rest. He was a little jealous inside and made him escaped from the compound and further slowly walked on the alley near them, placed his two hands inside jean's pockets and bowed down his head without even looking to anyone around.

" Hi Seb!" It's good to see you, how are you" A beautiful lady greeted him.

" Ah...hello Carmen, I'm just okay, how about you?" Seb shook hands with her lovely wrist filled with shimmering bracelets, necklines hanged some voliminous necklaces and a golden anklet below.

" Shall we drink?" Carmen looked at him with her tantalizing eyes.

" Hmm...not bad, let's get a try." Then he smiled.

"Come on in, go, grab some chair and I'll get some bottles in the fridge."

" So where's Roland?" Seb asked while waiting for some bottles of wine around.

" We've separated already, just last month." The lady said.

" Oh, sorry to hear that." Seb empathized.

" It's here...this is what you and Roland used to drink, let's toast for a happy life being single." They both smiled.

Hours rolled so fast while Seb and Carmen were almost down. Noticeably, Carmen already stayed and seated on his lap, caressing his face and begging to him while crying.

" Let's get married Seb...I waited the time of...separàtion, now I'm alone again...let's...let's get married. And they bumped at each other's faces and she kissed him gently while holding his lifeless face then slowly dived to removing his shirt and hers till they both fell on the floor - unconscious.

On the other hand, Seb's phone kept on ringing inside his pocket. It didn't stop from ringing till someone rushed in and opened the door. It was Klara, the wedded wife.

" Oh my...Seb, Seb...wake up."

" Then she cried sternly while Klara was holding Seb's hands. Nomin tracked them that way and angrily carried him back to the house. When Nomin left while carrying Seb, Klara properly returned Carmen's blouse before she left and whispered to her right ear.

" Please...don't touch my husband again."

When Carmen was left alone, she slowly woke up and pressed her head.

" A woman's voice whispered at me, she was gently requesting me not to touch her husband. Husband...someone's husband...was it Karla? Damn! A ghost just warned me!" As she attempted to run outside but suddenly collapsed on the doorway.

Back to his room, Seb was still snoring and sleeping while Karla was just very silent doing some laundry. Nomin kept urging her to stop from exerting too much effort from doing the laundry when they can just send it to the shop, but she refused and several times she had been signaling him to back off.

" She is...really...angry." Nomin mumbled.