
Through the Wings of Timeless Love

The strong connection within the three (3) guardian angels ( Godem, Seb and Nomin) put the evil Demido into a mind-wrecking confusion. Demido, the right hand of the dark had a vengeful mission to Gante and Psyda, the two (2) immortal spy and parents of Karla, who deceived and betrayed the dark shadows. The antagonist Demido used Gloria, Seb's mother, who believed too much on luck and superstitious beliefs, and who unbelievably sold her son's soul to the dark shadows in lieu of wealth and in order to separate Karla and Seb. One day, when Karla was abducted, she was saved by Nomin whose immortal body was lodged by the wandering soul of Seb. Since Nomin was the guardian angel of Karla, so he allowed Seb's soul in his body. In contrary, Godem, as Seb's guardian angel tried to rescue the empty human body of Seb whose death was not registered in heaven. In a way, Godem's soul entered Seb's body and lost his identity as angel while playing the role of Seb - the drunkard and the said widower foreman. After eight years, Seb in Nomin sought a way that his body through Godem in Seb can make his wife bear a child. Eventually, Karla and Godem in Seb met and the acquaintance led the way that Banli (one of the elders in heaven) mercifully freed Godem out of punishment and revealed, that Karla, was his wedded wife for three consecutive centuries in the past life. When Godem in Seb was forgiven by heavens, Banli gave him a mission to fight against Demido. With this, in order that his marital life and mission will not be hindered, Banli sent the soul of Nomin to lodge temporarily within Karla wherein later, Nomin's soul used Godem's immortal body to coexist and backup Godem in Seb, Seb in Nomin and the rest of the angels at war with the demons. Due to the deceiving triangulated presence of the three angels protecting Karla, Demido fell in the angels' unplanned trap and finally vanished. The faithful, shameful Seb in Nomin was totally forgiven and was sent to heavens together with Nomin in Godem while Godem in Seb was put into trial. But fortunately he won and finally celebrated the freedom in a lifetime with his wife, Karla.

fraulein1423 · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Official Turnover of Duties

The board meeting day.

The manager arrived in the board room, the earliest. Nomin brought some piled up of documents and Arzelene was ready for the minutes. Princess followed bringing the attendance sheet along with the certificate of appearance reserved for those board officials who have requested in advance. The CEO arrived at exactly 8 o'clock, followed by Lemuel, the father of Camille. Then 14 more shareholders filled the boardroom. The meeting had started around 8:15 am but like a blast, someone came in, its Camille being with someone on his 40's. The discussion opened up to the appointment of Seb as the manager and hiring of 3 foremen, 2 secretaries,4 plumbers, 3 supervisors, 1 supplies custodian, 5 security guards, 20 staff and 1 accountant.

" Some of the newly hired will be assigned to the new site. So far, this is the HR's report in progress."

Some of the department heads updated the board and have shown slides presentation as evidences. Likewise, the last presenter was the Accounting team, not bad, they winnowed so far and filtered the best report on increased profitability of products and manpower which are getting more in demand in the labor market. Their construction labor force agency, land and housing development corporation, construction supplies, for rent equipment and the like, have been outsourcing more staff. No noted downsizing within a year for a good company income. The board officials stood up and gave their warm round of applause for a very well-done reporting.

Camille, stood up and introduced a visitor who would timely invest in their company and would wish to become a stockholder.

" Introducing Mr. Demido Salazar, and will be investing 5omillion pesos on the first quarter, by January, next year. Everyone wowed the preliminary capital he had to put in. Seb and Nomin were conversing through their thoughts.

" That one...had bigger plans in here." Nomin initiated the conversation to Seb.

" Hmm...what really keeps him going for racing after us, interesting. That evil I know would like to scrape us into pieces." Seb replied.

A lot from the agenda have been tackled and the CEO's announcement followed.

" Hi all. It is my pleasure to announce and recognize the presence of our new manager, Sebastian Manibay (Seb), a trusted fellow since then. For now, after hearing the good news, I deserve a short break. The manager will take over. Seb knows every corner of this company and knew how to gauge strategies in gearing solutions. Please support him throughout his management. Everyone applauded except Demido who sarcastically smiled looking at Seb.

"Thanks everyone, I'll do my best to sustain positive leadership and fuel great relationship among us. God bless us all.

" The CEO had the biggest smile for Seb and had a handshake with him before the meeting was adjourned. Everyone got out including Demido and Camille who delivered the cheque to the accounting office. The CEO then stood up and whispered to Seb.

" Your Secretary is beautiful, well-chosen one and thank you for accepting this appointment, keep smiling buddy." Marlou smiled at him.

" Marlou passed by at the HR office and learned from Princess that the manager just got married.

" Whattt? Why he did not even bother a call for me to just witness his second wedding? That is much more than of a betrayal!" He sat down angrily while Princess and the rest of the team were smiling at him.

" Sir, honestly, that's how we feel after seeing his leave form and indicated "just got married. We were all amazed and wondered a lot, but he said he did it for privacy. It's it, we missed his wedding." Princess sighed.

" I will disturb him tonight, can't believe this. I was once a groomsman in his wedding, been into picking him up whenever battered of being a drunkard. Can't figure this out." He felt funnily betrayed and the HR personnel smilingly sighed for him.

Seb and Karla fetched Nomin from his office at 5:00 pm. Seb was still very serious thinking of Demido and foresee that the coming days would be creepier for all of them. Moreover, they decided to just have their dinner in a restaurant and bought some wines. But Nomin was busy returning all he'd picked.

" Fine...I just don't even know why I'm grabbing those bottles. Okay, let's go home wineless." They laughed.

When they reached the gate, someone is opening the door.

" Seb, its Marlou." Nomin and Karla both said."

" Great heavens! My dear, go close your eyes, I'll fix you for a while, sorry for now." Seb said

" Hello! I'm a little drunk now, come in, just dropping by to see the groom haha! He just got married! I'm just the only one who didn't know." Nomin got down first and walked him inside the house.

" Hep! hep!" Nomin said.

" Hurrah!" Marlu replied.

" hurrah!" Nomin reiterated.

" Hep! hep!" Their halt code of friendship way back in college. He smiled and Nomin brought him so drunk inside. Seb persuaded him to sit down on a couch too.

" Hey Bud, here's my wife." Marlou smiled at Karla.

" Wow! beautiful wife, I will call you...Karla, haha! Seb had been waiting for you and made me a liar, drunkard, his aide and yet I wasn't invited in your wedding, haha! I'm just kidding, what's your real name, Sorry, I know, sorry..." Marlou asked before he vomitted and finally collapsed.

Nomin cleaned up his mess and Seb put him on his room while Karla prepared some tea when he wakes up.

" Hmm... my old friend, he did not change and still loves ruminating. He's really like that way back then." Nomin smiled.

" Yes, when its my turn to be Seb, powerless and hopeless, he kept following, saved me several times and even had a key here, don't know where he got it. The worst is, I taught him to drink." Seb recoiled and sighed.

The three of them started to yawn and were extremely tired. After they all washed up and getting refreshed Karla went back to the bedroom and sought their approval before she slept. She usually did it that even appeared funny. The guys laughed and replied.

" Yes, you may sleep now." In chorus.

They also went inside the room and seated around the coffee table beside the window.

" The cute girl was really very tired." Nomin jokily said.

" Yes she is. She oftentimes yawn facing to all the documents after the board meeting, she had been religiously rewriting and editing the minutes. but its good we'll keep her busy." Seb descriptivey said.