
Through the Gates of Cydonia

"Through the Gates of Cydonia" plunges you into the heart of a secretive underground facility, where an elite unit of soldiers prepares for an operation shrouded in enigma and peril. With advanced weaponry, cryptic inscriptions, and a colossal metallic ring known only as "the gate," the stakes are unimaginably high. As the clock ticks down to a Christmas night assault, questions multiply and tensions soar. Why does the facility recognize the fingerprint of a man who's never been there? What's the connection to a mysterious breakdown that shattered a family years ago? And what unimaginable horrors—or wonders—await beyond the gate? As the mission unfolds, secrets unravel, loyalties are tested, and the line between reality and the unfathomable blurs. Prepare for a mind-bending journey that challenges the very fabric of reality, loyalty, and the unknown. This gripping tale is a labyrinth of suspense, action, and psychological drama that will keep you riveted until the very end. Are you ready to step "Through the Gates of Cydonia"?

Phosphorous · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

The Surge - pt2

"Kutran, call for backup!" My voice erupts, laced with a raw urgency.

My Alizom slices through the air in a chaotic pattern, its blades singing a death song as they cleave the atmosphere. The Twisted, a monstrosity with a single, lance-like limb, targets Teshlain. Its appendage spins erratically, seeking to impale his skull.

But my Alizom is faster. It strikes the Twisted's core, triggering a grotesque implosion that sprays a crimson mist around the nightmarish figure. The weapon splits, reverses its course, and fuses back together just in time for me to catch it.

Instead of being thrown back, the Twisted's resilience is so absurd that it propels itself forward, somersaulting through the air to land between Teshlain and me.

By now, Mjiah and Valhya have engaged, their weapons flying and detonating upon the creature. A guttural, almost deafening growl reverberates through the air—a signal that we're about to be bombarded.

Kutran lunges at the creature, his distress signal already sent to the bastion. He wields his Alizom as a melee weapon, the most destructive form of its use.

The Twisted's silhouette emerges from the explosive cloud; it's airborne, its three limbs flung in random directions, tracing erratic paths to find the nearest target. All hit Kutran.

He manages to activate his shield, but the Twisted's power is overwhelming. His weapon shatters upon impact, hurling him yards away, his form a mere blur as it whizzes past me. He crashes into a tree, splintering it into shards.

No one has time to react; the creature is already on another onslaught.

Teshlain's Alizom strikes its back, activating its shock mode, creating an electric cloud around the target. Twisted are mildly vulnerable to electricity, but it has no effect. In less than a heartbeat, it's upon Mjiah.

Its frontal cavity opens, revealing various-sized spikes dripping with luminescent, colored fluids. It grabs her by the waist and hoists her up.

The scene is horrifying. The creature holds her aloft, its limbs dangling as limply as its body, shaking her like a beast about to devour its prey.

"Mjiah!" I scream, my dear friend is on the brink of being devoured.

I sprint toward the creature, my Alizom set to melee combat mode. Its blades glow a scintillating white, ready to unleash a plasma cut. Valhya is paralyzed, her arms trembling as she drops her weapon, unable to face the horror before her.

The Twisted is too preoccupied with trying to maul Mjiah. I seize the opportunity to get close and slice just below the cavity where Mjiah is hanging. I plunge my weapon into it, and for a brief moment of agony, its grip on her slackens. I leap up, grabbing her and pulling with all my might.

Teshlain also drives his weapon into the creature's backside. For a moment, we have the upper hand, and I manage to pull her out. Using the enhanced strength provided by my suit, I kick off the Twisted, sending Mjiah flying back into Valhya, and both tumble to the ground.

I land just beneath the creature. It thrashes, and my Alizom is flung aside. One of its lower limbs morphs into a needle-like appendage and pierces Teshlain's torso. Blood sprays in all directions.

Then its limb thrusts with terrifying force near my head, its maw full of spikes just inches away. It lets out a bellow like an enraged colossus. For a moment, my mind goes blank; the effect is so overpowering that I black out for a few seconds. When I regain my senses, utterly terrified and expecting to be devoured, I see an Alizom embedded in the creature's upper body, near its limb. The weapon glows and detonates—its self-destruct function activated.

I have just enough time to roll aside as a massive thud shakes the ground around me. It's the Twisted's body hitting the ground, creating a small crater.

I look back to see Valhya, her expression still one of terror, her arm outstretched.

I barely have time to get up when the creature is already looming over Valhya, its limbs spread wide in a grotesquely frightening manner. With a swift motion, it sends her flying, a thick line of blood spraying across her chest.

"Valhya!" Desperation engulfs me. We're all doomed. There's no hope in fighting such a powerful creature. Everyone around me is down, pools of blood forming around them. The regenerative properties of our suits can't keep up with the overwhelming damage.

I'm the only one left standing. The creature growls, its body contorting as it turns toward me in an unnaturally sinister motion.

The singular focus gripping my mind is the well-being of my companions. I must elude this monstrosity. Now, with a clearer perspective, I realize this Twisted is a juvenile, standing no taller than 8 feet, a stark contrast to the towering 13-foot adults of its kind. My heightened emotional state had clouded this crucial observation.

Why is this revelation significant?

Because juvenile effective lack the cognitive faculties to assess their environment. If I flee, it will instinctively chase me, sparing my fallen friends from its immediate wrath.

I pivot and bolt into the forest, my advanced suit augmenting each stride. Behind me, the cacophony of the Twisted's pursuit fills the air—its guttural growls harmonizing with the clattering of its fanged maw.

The forest is a surreal landscape, bathed in the glow of bioluminescent foliage. Towering plants with floating luminescent orbs instead of leaves illuminate my path. Vines dangle from above, and the ground beneath has a sponge-like quality, absorbing the impact of my steps and propelling me forward.

A roar reverberates through the air, followed by a thudding sound. The Twisted has hurled one of its limbs, narrowly missing me and destroying a tree upon contact. I veer left, adrenaline surging through my veins.

Ahead, a river-like flow of glowing, viscous liquid stretches across my path. In a split second, I seize a low-hanging vine and swing across. The Twisted, unable to replicate my maneuver, plunges into the liquid, emitting a screech as its body sizzles. Its rage intensifies.

I dart through a cluster of tall, reed-like flora with razor-sharp tips. The Twisted's anguished howls echo as it follows, its hide slashed by the plants. Though its regenerative abilities are swift, the delay grants me a few invaluable moments.

The ground suddenly gives way, and I slide down a slope into a cushion of feather-like flora. I rise and glance back. The Twisted hesitates, its primal instincts sensing peril. Seizing this brief respite, I sprint deeper into the forest's labyrinthine maze.

Each close call, each evasive action, heightens my resolve. I cannot afford to slow down. The Twisted's roars grow distant, but caution forbids me from reducing my pace. My lungs ache, my muscles scream, but my determination remains unshaken.

My heart pounds in my chest like a frenzied drum as I burst through a thicket of luminescent flora, only to skid to a halt at the edge of a precipice. The ground falls away into an abyss below, shrouded in an impenetrable darkness that even the radiant plants around me cannot pierce. My breath catches in my throat; I've reached the end of the line. There's nowhere left to run.

A wave of terror engulfs me, so palpable it's as if the air itself has thickened. My eyes dart frantically, searching for an escape route, but find none. The forest that had been my sanctuary now feels like a trap, its beauty twisted into a haunting tableau of despair.

The guttural growls grow louder, reverberating through the air like a death knell. My hands tremble, but I force them steady. If this is where my path ends, then I will face it head-on. I reach into my suit and pull out a dagger, its blade glowing with a radiant white light. I grip it firmly, my knuckles whitening, and assume a defensive stance.

With a bone-chilling roar, the Twisted bursts through the foliage, its grotesque form a nightmarish vision of predatory malice. Its front lock onto mine, and for a moment, time seems to stand still. Then, with a speed that belies its size, it lunges.

I dodge to the side, narrowly avoiding its clawed limb. My dagger poised, I aim for its vulnerable underbelly, but the creature's erratic movements make it impossible to find a clean angle. It swipes at me again, and this time its claw grazes my side. A searing pain shoots through me, and I'm sent tumbling to the ground, rolling uncontrollably until I come to a stop perilously close to the edge of the cliff.

For a moment, all is silent. I lie there, my body aching, my breath ragged, staring into the abyss below. The Twisted looms over me, its form a dark silhouette against the luminescent backdrop of the forest. 

My vision starts to blur, my senses fading away. I feel blood oozing from my abdomen, but the pain has vanished, replaced by an intense burning sensation where I was struck. The creature approaches, growling as if celebrating its victory over its prey. It draws closer, its gait awkward and clumsy, sending shivers down my spine.

Instinctively, my hand presses against my wounded abdomen, applying as much pressure as I can muster. I don't know if it makes sense to try to stem the bleeding at this point, but my instincts are geared toward self-preservation, and thus, irrational.

My suit is compromised; I can't rely on its systems to save me now. There's nothing left to do but wait for what I hope will be a swift end. The Twisted stops just inches away from me, its form towering, its upper limb raised as if to assert its dominance over its fallen prey. My vision betrays me; I can barely make out the blur of lights before me.

Then, a loud thud echoes through the air, followed by a violent tremor that shakes the ground. The monster lets out a pained growl; I can clearly hear its agony. Something lifts me up and starts carrying me away. All I can hear is labored breathing close to my ear, and the sensation of being whisked across the ground at great speed.

After a few moments, I feel something cold against my abdomen. My vision starts to clear, my senses gradually returning. I'm gently propped against what feels like a tree. Finally able to open my eyes, I see a shadowy figure disappearing into the distance, and what sounds like a frenzied battle taking place not far ahead.

I touch my abdomen; it's been treated. Beside me lies an emergency tube, known for their extreme efficacy in wound treatment. My abdomen is coated in a white substance; whoever it was, they saved my life.

Leaning against the tree trunk for support, I cautiously make my way toward the sounds of battle. My movements are still unsteady, but I can move.

I lean on any available surface for support, careful not to strain myself and risk reopening the wound. The sounds of battle grow louder as I approach—growls and shouts intermingled, signaling a fierce confrontation.

Finally, I reach the edge of the cliff. Before me, two figures stand a few meters apart, each cautiously circling the other, clearly respecting the other's strength. On one side is the Twisted, its monstrous form altered. I notice a luminescent liquid oozing from above its mouth. It appears wounded. Its posture is not as menacing as before; it seems to be fighting for its life.

On the other side, words fail me.

A familiar figure stands there, his clothes torn, his right arm visibly injured, assuming a combat stance I've never seen before. The moonlight glints off multiple wounds on his body, blood trickling down from cuts all over. He's panting, fatigue visibly accumulating despite the short duration of the battle.

Though my senses are dulled, I feel that not much time has passed for them to be in this state. Despite their appearances, it's counterintuitive—the Twisted seems to be at a disadvantage and more injured. Yet, the outcome of this battle remains uncertain.

My heart races, and a different kind of burning sensation fills my stomach. It's not the pain from the wound; it's something else.

His hair dances in the breeze, each strand seemingly imbued with the essence of the night. His muscles tense and relax with each movement, a testament to both his strength and vulnerability. There's a raw, untamed beauty about him, a magnetism that's hard to ignore.

"Ruri!" I instinctively shout.

He looks at me. I can barely make out his eyes, but I can clearly sense his concern from here.

In that brief moment, the creature leaps off the cliff, its grotesque form swallowed by the darkness below.