
The Beginning Of The End <Aiden>

<Avery: Baby when will you be here? I don't feel good.>

 still haven't told her the truth about how I feel, I don't like her. I...I don't like girls. I haven't told anyone if I'm being honest. 

I also just don't want to leave the house, its been foggy lately, and there have been reports of new deaths everyday. I don't know what's going on, but the news won't tell us. Nobody will tell us. We're just little guinea pigs, used as the governments test subjects.

I don't trust anyone anymore...

<Avery: Baby are you coming?>

I don't feel like answering her, or explaining anything to her, so I swipe up and block her number. If the world really is ending then maybe it won't matter, maybe nothing will matter.

<Unknown: Hi!>

I rub my eyes and look at my phone...I don't normally give out my number so I don't know who this could be.

<Unknown: My name's Kai incase you're wondering. You don't know me yet, but I'm like you!>

I don't understand what he means by "like you", it just doesn't make sense.

I'm just like you...interesting

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