
Through the Eyes of the Creator

When you're thrown into the world you created, what role do you play in it then?

Arid_Landscape · Fantasy
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8 Chs




Tremors ran through my body as I glared at the sight in front of me, and images flashed across my mind which made my already fragile mind collapse, prompting me to fall to my knees.

'No! No! No! This can't be...'

I was in denial. I could not accept the reality I was facing, since only I, among the billions across the globe, was aware of the catastrophic meaning that the card held. Yet, that was not the only reason why; the card also signified that the tragedy I had survived would now repeat itself, but this time, there was no possibility I would get through the ordeals ahead of me.

I was very familiar with the intricate patterns on the card in front of me. Since I was its creator after all. Although I had not provided all the specifics, the image in front of me mirrored, quite literally, what I had thought of when describing it.

This card was one of the intrinsic elements of the novel that I had written and one that would be humanity's greatest lifeline very soon.

A novel that I had painstakingly written based on the cruel reality that I had faced. Although it consisted of many fictional elements, many of the events were ones that I had, at one point in my life, had to go through, most not being very pleasant experiences.

[09:13:56.79 Jan 1, 2020]

Looking at the time did nothing to alleviate the hopelessness I was suffocating from, only working to further affirm that I had truly been brought to the beginning of my novel.

'5 Years'

That was all the time that this world had left, and I was the only one aware. Of course, that's if you were counting from the perspective of those that would not be causing the tragedy.

I didn't doubt that I had truly been brought into my novel. Plus, I didn't have the luxury of time to ponder over it, if I really had been.

Soon the world would delve into chaos, and just like most fantasy novels, a System would appear as the saving grace, however, all will not be as it seems, and there will be countless dangers hidden in the shadows and even more that will make themselves known to the world.

However, I could consider myself slightly lucky, knowing that I was presented with an opportunity, but I also knew that the opportunity that presented itself in the form of the card before me which would allow me access to the System sooner than others, was one that would be laden with misery and suffering I could not ensure I would be able to endure.


'Calm down. Calm down. Now isn't the time to dwell on things that have yet to happen...'

Although the future seemed bleak, I knew better than to let myself drown in my emotions for too long.

After all, when all was said and done, I still had ample time to prepare, and much more than just the card before me. I had knowledge of the future at my disposal, which was maybe the other greatest solace to my predicament.

-Knock! Knock!

"You about done in there? I need to go too..."

Disrupting my thoughts was a sudden knocking at the bathroom door followed by a soft voice that for the umpteenth time made my mind go blank.


Mumbling out a response in reflex, I could feel my throat becoming clogged up as a burning stream crept down the sides of my face and into my mouth, carrying with it a slightly salty taste.

It seems even though I was so easily able to accept that I had been thrown into my novel, I was still reluctant to believe that I was back before 'it' had happened, that I was given back all that I had lost, and now all those emotions threatened to burst forth at once.


In the mirror, I could see the door open slightly, and a small hand make its way through the gap.

"Can you pass me the extra toothpaste, the one in mom and dad's bathroom ran out..."


-Ba-dump. Ba-dump.

I could feel my heart race, attempting to tear itself out of my chest, only accelerating with every word that came from the other side of the door.

Only when the pale hand withdrew, the door closed, and the thumping of receding footsteps rang out that I barely managed to get out of my daze.


'Get yourself together! If today is truly the first of January, then I have to prepare myself for what's to come.'

As far as I could remember, my story was yet to start, and even the 'prologue' should be a week or so away. It wasn't much time, but it should be just about enough.

"Trish! I'm done!"

Walking out of the bathroom, I made my way down the hall, to the dining table, whilst calling out to the figure standing at the other end of the hall.


Glancing at the counter that separated the dining hall from the kitchen, I absentmindedly sat down with my head lowered at one end of the glass top table at which four others were already seated, gossiping amongst themselves.

Without a word, I began wolfing down on the buttered toast and eggs. Only then had I realized how hungry I had been.

"Mom, your cooking is still the best!"

Smacking my lips, I couldn't help but comment, raising my head, only to be met with four dumbfounded faces, looking at me as if they'd just seen the most astonishing thing in their lives.

-Blink. Blink.

"What...? Oh..."

Looking down, it then came to my attention what had startled them.

My pair of shorts.

Well, it wouldn't have been that surprising to see someone's shorts, but it very clearly would be when it was six degrees celsius outside and that was the only thing they were wearing. Especially if it was black in color with a pink polka-dot pattern.

"Oops...I'll be right back!"

Leaving those words behind, I ran with all my might to my bedroom before slamming the door shut.

"I can't believe I forgot..."

Even if I wasn't wearing a single piece of clothing other than my shorts, I didn't feel cold at all, rather I felt quite comfortable. And I wasn't oblivious to why that was so.

It was none other than due to one of the many abilities that came with having possession of the 'card': Resilience. Providing my body with more endurance to temperature, and all other changes associated with the three 'origins of self', according to my novel which were the body, the mind, and the soul, and also provided a faster recovery from ailments or injuries related to them.

"Anyway, since I've got some time..."



Name: Keith Savant

[The Magician](Unawakened)

Disposition: Mortal Body

{Aperture} <H> (Nebula) |Stable|

Level: 0 (Tier 0) [Exp 0/10]

Origin: Root 7

Rank: F-

> Force: F-

Strength 7

Agility 8

Endurance 23

> Energy: F-

Vitality 21

Intuition 10

> Psyche: G+

Flux 0

Intelligence 13

> Spirit: F-

Charm 10

Luck 27

Free Attribute Points: 0




'Damn...I just had to be so elaborate when making the status, didn't I? Anyway, I should pay more attention to my stats instead.'

Although they appear quite low, I was quite stunned by the fact that even at Level 0 I was already an F- Rank user. After all, according to what I could remember, some of my stats were already at the peak of the mortal standard.

The Mortal Body was made up of two ranks, G and F, with G- being equivalent to the standards of a child, G+ an ordinary adult, F- any run-of-the-mill middle-aged athlete or expert, and F+ equivalent to an athlete or expert at peak health.

The Stats were categorized according to the four different combinations of the three 'origins of self'. Force was of mind and body, Energy of soul and body, Psyche of mind and soul, and lastly, Spirit of all three.

Each category had its own Rank based on its subcategories. Most of the subcategories were obvious in their function, except for Flux, which was something along the lines of the amount, quality, quantity, and affinity one had towards and had control over the unique energy that would later be introduced to the world, or rather would invade the world, Quanta.

The values of each subcategory, or attribute as I called it, were decided automatically and changed accordingly as one advanced down their path. Of course, each level up also provided the users with free attribute points that they could allocate according to their wishes.

The Levels weren't much different from ordinary MMORPG game-like settings, but the Tiers and Origin levels were unique thresholds in the path of power.

The comprehensive Rank was, if it wasn't obvious, an average of the Stats of the user.

The 'Aperture' was the unique core of power of the 'self' and was a separate existence to the 'origins of self', as it was artificially produced by the user when they first became a user and was not an 'origin' of power, but rather a store of power, that one had to cultivate, and was generally the central pivot of any user's strength and abilities, as it housed the essential energy, Quanta. Although, its name would change as it developed further.

This core was classified into divisions according to its state and the stage of the state it was at, with a unique letter or word to classify a broader group of states based on the comprehensive Rank. Each state was divided into three stages, Expansive, Stable, and Contractive.

But it seems I've skipped the initial Dust state of the core and ascended straight to the Nebula state due to my comprehensive Rank being F. Still, it didn't seem to produce any noticeable changes to my Flux attribute, since the quantity of Quanta was lacking, rather there was none at all.

Nevertheless, with this power, I was given slightly more assurance that I had a hope of changing the future.