
Thrones of the Past (ASOIAF/GOT)

Julius Caesar, How silly! wait your being serious. Woah Woah, why him, he'd be too hard to write, boss. In the World of Ice and Fire as well, Come on Boss your making it harder for me. Atleast let me give him a power up. And So Julius Caesar was thrust into a world simply for our entertainment. Will he survive or simply fall to a faceless assassin

MrEuripedes · TV
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Roman or Greek?

"Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you."



Pericles POV :

I was a man, a politician, A general. However I forever remained Greek, I had lived in the Golden Age of Athens according to the man that had called himself Vaion. However, he had brought great shock upon me, for I was no longer Greek but rather Roman. This world, the world of Ice and Fire as the man had liked to call it.

It was not like our original world, however the time I entered that world. I had seen many things, the sending off of Lady Irene, to be married off to Emperor Caesar. The occasion was greatly celebrated as it had elevated our heights in the view of the Romans. The festivities had went on for days. We had also had quite a few encounters with a island not far off Rome, a pirates haven although it seems as if they had not noticed us. As if Rome had a invisible barrier around it, protected by the gods I assume.

However we had remained under their rule being the force that constructed its powerful navy, It was a nice life until I had witnessed a battle before my very gates. It was of the natives to these lands and a Roman force, the battle had been quick and decisive from what I had seen atop the walls.

The Romans had a large army, at most this was half their force. At worst this had simply been an expeditionary force to scout our walls, A outcome I had highly doubted myself for us Athenians had provided greatly to the Romans. Our wines that had been used for gifts to the Romans. Had been made from the farms around Athens to which it had proven to be quite a expensive gift due to how often the Barbarians had raided us.

It would simply be outrageous for them to invade us, for our cities had made the Roman Empire a powerful force. With a fleet of 40 ships that fit 200 men each, although looking at the now Roman force had made me release a sigh. It was outrageous to try and build ships to fit this many. Our shipbuilders did not have the time to make such a large fleet. 

I shook my head, heading down the city walls. I had seen my troops, a group that had been given to us by the Spartans before their disappearance. Our scouts saying ruins lays in the location of the once proud spartan population.

The soldiers numbered two thousand and were all heavily armored and had been training our forces for a few weeks now. The gates opened revealing a man ahead of me, his flanks surrounded by Praetorians. My face sharp as I stared at the masked man who had just noticed me, his gladius still drawn. Blood dripping down from it, the whole blade had been covered.

He was a frightening ruler, his knowledge of the battlefield was something that could put many too shame that had come before him. The man was taller than what many had said and his statues depicted, He had towered the Praetorians that were around him and they were to be considered tall themselves.

I approached him a jovial smile on my face, " HAIL CAESAR! " I had shouted my spear raised in greeting, I released a small chuckle. " May I know the reason why all your troops are at my gates? "

Caesar had simply turned his head to all his men, he approached me his arms wide, " We were exploring the lands and my wife suggested Athens to visit. " The man laughed hitting hard slaps on my back, " Now, what is your name? " Hearing him I couldn't help but shake my head, has it been so long since I last met him that he has forgotten my name. 

I simply smiled at the Emperor, " It is Pericles, My Emperor. " My mind was racing, his arm was around my neck and it was tightening like a snake, his eyes fierce were burning into my own, sweat dripping down my head, "How is your wife, we have not heard from her in a while? " I released a small chuckle making sure to take deep breaths in case he truly started choking me.

His eyebrows raised at my question on his wife, I truly hoped this would not be the end for me. I was young in this life, I may have been a old in my last but this is my life now and I do not wish to die so early. " Bah, we were busy. Roman politics is quite harsh compared to the Greeks. " 

Hearing him I couldn't help but release a small chuckle, ' Because we don't get stabbed by our own senate or guards. ' I almost lashed out but kept calm, it would only lead to my death and the true fall of democracy if I was to do so.

I tried to get his tight grip on my neck loose by walking backwards, his grip loosening allowing me to walk freely, grabbing my neck I coughed as I walked away from Caesar. It had felt like death had me in its grips and would not release until he had made sure I was truly done. 

I looked at Caesar, he returned my gaze. I pointed towards the gates of Athens. " Why don't we enter Athens, have a rest for your long journey. " Sweat still dripped down my forehead, the man was a wolf and I was simply sheep waiting for him to feast upon my corpse. 

I could see his fangs bared under his mask as he nodded his head, I am sorry my fellow my Athenians for letting a wolf into our den. I shook my head, I may simply have the wrong impressions or it would surely be my last, He was following closely behind me, " We have made quite a few transport ships, although it seems more will need to be built. " A false chuckle leaving me but dead silence behind, most likely meaning Caesar had not been amused at my attempt of a joke.

He was waiting for the perfect opportunities to sink his fangs in my bare flesh, or I was truly overthinking my own emperor. As long as he brings successes, I should not care of his personality as long as Democracy thrives. I nodded my head trying to convince myself.

The Acropolis had stood tall in the middle of Athens, I turned my body around to the Romans that had followed behind, " Welcome to the Ancient City Of Athens. My Emperor. " my arms spread wide like a hawk mid glide.

Caesar reached his hand up to his head, untying the chin strap, he took off his helmet. His blond curly hair flowing in the wind like a free spirit, his orange eyes glowing a almost dangerous hue. He had almost represented Apollo perfectly, if it were not for the fact that he was a Roman, he could have been mistaken easily as Apollo avatar. His beauty was unmatched, it made even the most handsome Greek seem average. 

It was no surprise the marriage between Irene and Caesar was called the marriage of Beauties by the Romans, the games they had held on that day was fantastic. The Chariot racing was equally amusing according to reports, a man had flown twenty feet into a woman. Giving a quick kiss he had jumped and smashed another Roman with a kick taking over his chariot. It had sounded almost exaggerated but I had received the exact same details from multiple of my spies proving it to be true.

The Romans were being made out to be something mythical and the more I hear, the more I am starting to believe. The Romans were more than they had made themselves out to be, their skills at also stealing and changing it to their own was fantastic. No wonder they held such status on warriors, they're army numbering almost half their population, something which should be impossible and yet here they are.

 Their minds were unrivalled whenever it had came to warfare, similar to how a Greeks mind was unrivalled in the art of philosophy or scheming.

Caesar, had been taken to the home of Irene's father. They had given the promise to take care of him for he has taken care of their daughter for the past few years. They were kind people, The Sarantapechaena. They did have a history of scheming but we digress.

If Caesar ended up dead, their daughter would not be pleased as it seems she has a strange fondness of him. Even her parents had been confused of her possessiveness towards her husband, it was as if they were true soulmates. She had shown such affection to him but coldness to others, It was as if he had been the key to her heart.

Non the less, I walked towards my home. A few of the Spartan Guards following close behind, My estate was large and offered a great view of the sea of Sothoryos. Our ships had been out shipping for the day and they would soon start filling the port. Dropping off the fish to fill the markets in the morning. 

The city was lively no matter the time of day or night. The city had a small population too which I had hoped would soon increase once our conquest of Essos is started. The influx of people would allow the Romano and Greco cultures to expand, making this world truly ours. 

Through conquest will the people truly learn of its real masters is what Caesar most likely thinks, I say damn his warrior mind. If you do not win the peoples hearts, then the people shall simply take yours. 

I entered my home, It had been made of mud bricks painted white and blue, columns holding the roof and a large atrium to which all my rooms had surrounded. Walking towards the studies, my candles already lit, most likely due to my wife's intervention. A large book sat atop the table, It was my own diary that had detailed the events of my life before crossing into this world and my life living here.

I placed in something I would have never thought I could do, Writing down how Roman troops had entered the homes of us Greeks. Ten thousand soldiers inside the Greek city, democracy is being threatened as each letter is placed on this page. Athens has slowly become Romanized the longer we are under their rule.

My people look up to Caesar with reverence as they had not seen his wolfish nature, the one that had me almost killed earlier today, similar to my many encounters with him. I do not understand how Irene was able to stay calm knowing a monster like him would sleep with her each night.

Yes, she must have tamed him. He must like us Greeks to not have her killed, the romans had fantasized about us before. It would be of no surprise if he had liked us. But that could be a ploy, a ploy for a bigger plan.

A hand caressed my cheek, I stood up my heart racing. Grabbing a dagger I spun, and saw my wife. dropping the dagger, tears started to pour from my cheek. Her hands pressing my head against her shoulders, " Sh,sh, you must not overthink Pericles. We are as important to the Romans as they are to us. " She was right, I was overthinking. A quick rest should calm my head before I truly do something rash.

My mind was not in the right state, the more I dwell on this topic the more likely I can be labelled as a lunatic. I was no lunatic, I was a founder of Democracy.

The tree in my atrium rustling from the slight breeze of wind making a calming peace, my wife had guided me to bed. Our bodys together, we both descended into a deep sleep. A smile on my face knowing that I was simply over thinking. My brain was quite fickle in that regard.

A chuckle leaving my mouth as I dreamt


Hm, Pericles seems to be far different compared to history. Why is he so paranoid?