
Thrones of the Past (ASOIAF/GOT)

Julius Caesar, How silly! wait your being serious. Woah Woah, why him, he'd be too hard to write, boss. In the World of Ice and Fire as well, Come on Boss your making it harder for me. Atleast let me give him a power up. And So Julius Caesar was thrust into a world simply for our entertainment. Will he survive or simply fall to a faceless assassin

MrEuripedes · TV
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Caesars' Stay

" And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind is closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and do it gladly so. "

Julius Caesar


Gaius Julius Caesar 279 AC :

Staring off into the Greek city that was known as Athens, a place I had known quite well through stories. I had purchased a book their once, about a warrior. It had been quite a fascinating read, A man named Alexander The Great. The man to bring the Persians to their knees, only to die of a strange illness.

The book was written almost like a biography, one that I had quite enjoyed. It helped me quite a few times in life, whether it had been in philosophy or being a greater warrior. Many had wanted to be like him, after all it was written as if he had been perfect. His choices always being his and not his older generals. It had seemed odd, it was as if they tried to make him look the best as they could. A propaganda of sorts, however it was most likely real after all he had brought the Persian Empire under his very palms. It was as if he had held the world in his own grips.

I had always been fascinated with history, Scipio being one of my favorites. The man that had brought victory over Carthage. Even besting that of Hannibal, he had been a true Roman consul. Leading his armies not looking for rewards but simply to protect Rome from its outside threats. 

He had brought success to Rome one after another, but enough of these leaders. I must enjoy a feast with my wife's family, they had prepared one everyday since I had arrived. They had proved to be quite a wealthy noble house, they however had only one child. My wife, Irene. 

She was their heir, and they had been elated to hear me visiting Athens. Having practically allowed me to stay at their home, their faces had only adorned smiles which had been a strange sight as I had never known people to smile so much.

The dining table had always been placed in the centre of the home, a large tree that had grew oranges above it. Walking through the arches I had saw them placing the meals down, " Ah, Gaius have you come to join us? " My mother in law spoke.

" Of course, it would be disrespectful of me if I had not. " I spoke bowing my head, walking to the chair that had been at the head of the table. Pulling it out, I took a seat a plate of steak and bread being placed before me. 

These Greeks had known how to make luxurious dinners and I can't say I hadn't enjoyed them, " Tell us Gaius, how is Irene? " Her father spoke as he fed the dog a chicken leg.

Hearing him my ears perked, " She has been well, her manners can be cold to the senate but it keeps them in place. " A chuckle leaving his mouth as I spoke, " Did I say something that was funny? " I asked grabbing a knife and cutting the steak.

" Of course not, she has always been cold that is all. " The man waved his hand as he took his seat holding his hands with his wife who took a seat not long after. Their heads entering a bow muttering words of prayer to a man. 

Thinking nothing of it, I stabbed my steak with a knife and took a bite. My senses being overloaded by flavors. The wine had been quite strong in this, " Say, how much wine had you placed in this? " I coughed covering my mouth.

She raised her hands, the number three, " Three bottles, why was that too much Gaius? " She took a bite out of her own and nodded as if the wine had not even bothered her.

Hearing her, I was shocked. Had they been trying to get me drunk off eating this steak, " Indeed, I'd end up drunk after this. " I laughed before taking another bite including a bit of the bread.

They chuckled upon hearing me, giving a slight nod before returning to their meal a uncomfortable silence ensuing. My meal had finished quick, it had been fulfilling even it had been marinated in three bottles of wine. A bit excessive if I had to say anything, although the Greeks were always strange with the things they had done. 

My father in law looked up, wiping his mouth with a cloth. " Tell me Gaius, What will you do now? " His tone steady, his face unreadable. " After all, they're are three cities that need to be visited. After all. " He placed the cloth down, and crossed his knife and fork.

Hearing him I simply nodded, ' What city would be easiest to take back from the wild? ' I wondered to myself,' none of them. ' Why had god picked such a terrible place to start, I had not wished to fight hundred feet long snakes in random jungles, or wild barbarians that were stronger than the ordinary man. I had wished for none of this, NONE!

The man hummed still piqued in interest on my next destination, " If you wish to head to Yeen, be careful. The Rivers get quite bumpy due to the crocodiles below. We have reinforced our ships but more than 5 months in those rivers and the reinforced bottom gets smashed. " The man smiled reaching into his pouch bringing out a letter. 

* DING * " Quest actived: Would you like to accept. " 

Hearing it I simply nodded the man before me ecstatic, " Excellent, As you are heading to Yeen, I'll get some of the best ship makers to quickly build up a force, You'll have 70 full fledged ships to go. " The man happily spoke leaning back into his chair, " If we count the already 43 in the docks. " 

* Quest Activated: Control Yeen and The Rivers shall bend to your will. *

The City Of Yeen, once beautiful. Now laid destroyed, a mystery that baffles even the most skilled scholars. The city is now over run by a force of barbarians, Defeat them and it shall become yours, A new city taking its place. One of much Grandeur, a city widely acclaimed to be ' The New Rome '.

Reward : A New City Under Your Empire.

10,000 Troops to guard its walls. 

The River forms to your wills, its wildlife seemingly afraid of your war party

" Good Luck Host, don't die in battle. It would be of poor taste. " The system happily told me

Staring at my Father in Law, I simply smiled standing from my seat. " Tell me, where are the barracks? I may have to borrow some Athenian Troops as well. " The man chuckling hearing it.

" We don't have one, the rich simply grab their weapons and head to war. " He laughed at his words, " Your troops are most likely helping Garrisoning the walls as of now. " He clapped his hands twice before leaving the area. 

Seeing him, I bowed to my mother in law before backing out of the area, turning to the exit. I was going to visit my soldiers and see if they had been slacking off. The streets of Athens had been filled its population practically exploring its streets, many walking towards the temples. I was unsure of why but I decided not to investigate. * Why you may ask? Cause the author was lazy on describing human interaction. * The system chimed in confusing my head at what it had said. 

I walked longer and longer, the walls getting closer with each step. " Come on Bertramus, you can't be that much of a wuss. " I heard a gentleman that I had recognized. That being Hermanus.

" Must we do this, Hermanus. I can't possibly think of a reason for us to fight. " Bertramus laughed picking up what seemed to be a wooden sword. Their bodies flanked by soldiers, to which I pushed through reaching the front.

Hermanus eyes widening upon seeing me, " Ave Caesar " The man bumped his chest before raising his arm into the sky, the soldiers and Bertramus doing similar things. Their voice booming through the street.

" Ignore me, I simply wish to watch. " I gestured for them to continue, Bertramus eyes staying reluctant.

" Well damn, guess I really got to do this now. " The man spoke scratching the back of his head a laugh leaving his mouth. Both grabbing their Scutum, they got ready. A soldier in golden armour approached, the men muttering his name.

" Unbelievable, Its actually Tiberius " " Is that Tiberius! " " Wait, Where! " " Move out the way, I need to see this. " 

Multiple men had seemed ecstatic about seeing this man, as if he had been the legend in the flesh. Although they had been on the younger end of the troops. The older and more experienced had also been confused, unsure of who they had spoke of. 

The man raised his decorated Gladius into the sky, " I Tiberius Claudius Maximus, declare the start of this bout. " Bringing his gladius down the match started, sheathing it. He joined back among the ranks.

He was useful, the soldiers had increased moral when they saw him, good. I can use him to my advantage, especially when we travel to Yeen. Me and him will be the first to get off the ships. It should allow for a larger increase of moral, to see to of the most looked up men being braver than them. It will make them feel like they could do the same.

Staring back at the duel, they had neared each other. Shield in front protecting their body, their heads low to swoop under any overhead strikes. A technique that had been taught with these shields by our Realm since the Scutum had came to being.

Hermanus sent a powerful over head strike, Bertramus ducking under and smashing the gladius away with his Scutum. Sending his own slash into Hermanus' wrist, a resounding bang as the strike landed. 

Many of the Romans wincing at the strike, It was brutal and yet Hermanus pushed forwards a determined look in his eyes. The eyes of Bertramus widening as he saw the Scutum of Hermanus slamming into his.

Sending both of their bodies three inches back, Hermanus continuing his onslaught started targeting the feet making it so Bertramus had kept his shield low. Waiting for a opportunity to send a powerful strike out.

Suddenly, Bertramus stumbled. A roman staring into the sky as he whistled simply to say he did nothing, his friends beside him laughing giving him a silver coin. Bertramus had hit the ground hard, as Hermanus bashed his shield into his.

Each hit causing a loud resound bang, the Greeks had also started to approach to witness the spectacle. The fight would go on for a few hours at this pace, grabbing my helmet I placed it on. My eyes staring at Maximus who returned it with a nod placing his own helmet on his own.

" Hermanus, Bertramus. Cease your duel, you two are to face us. " I grabbed a wooden gladius from a nearby rack raising it towards myself and Maximus. A look of disbelief on both their faces. 

" My lord, this isn't fair! " " Bertramus is correct my Lord! " They both spoke, stuttering on their own words.

" Come on gentleman, let us give our soldiers a show. " Maximus spoke, a grandeur to his voice, the soldiers cheering. Hermanus and Bertramus staring at each other before releasing a large sigh.

" Very well, please don't be harsh on us. " A signature chuckle leaving Bertramus. His Gladius at the ready.

Maximus and I formed a small shield wall, our shields slightly overlapping giving it a more durability. Approaching slowly, I could see the nervous face on their eyes. They looked at the sky before charging. A desperate last stand, I laughed catching Maximus off guard.