
Chapter 78: Surprising Outcome

I just posted the character image in the last chapter before this. Feel free to take a look and tell me what you think of it!


In the Kurta Clan's village, tension hung heavy in the air as everyone waited at the entrance, the setting sun casting long shadows around them.

"Do you think Kurapika will make it in time?"

Kurapika's mother asked, her voice tinged with concern.

"He'll be fine, dear. He's our son, after all," her husband replied, trying to sound confident despite the gnawing worry in his chest.

As the minutes ticked by, the worry etched deeper lines on the father's face, his fists clenched in silent apprehension.

Pairo stood alongside the other members of the Kurta Clan at the entrance gate, anxiously awaiting Kurapika's return.

He couldn't stop thinking about his decision to swap the vial of eyedrops for Kurapika.

The idea of his friend failing weighed heavily on his mind, but he also felt a glimmer of excitement at the possibility of Kurapika's success and the adventures that awaited his childhood friend.

"Kurapika should be fine with Grain around..."

The Elder felt a wave of relief as he glanced down the path leading out of the village. He trusted Grain to keep Kurapika safe.

Among the villagers, there was a palpable sense of anxiety as they waited for Kurapika's return.

"Oh? Is that Kurapika?"

Suddenly, a small figure with blonde hair emerged on the path, prompting exclamations of relief and joy from the crowd.

"He's back!"

"Kurapika made it!"

Their worries dissipated as they looked at Kurapika's eyes, glad to see them unchanged.

However, Kurapika couldn't hide his disappointment as he made his way back to the village.

"I messed up," he muttered to himself, feeling defeated.

Despite his attempts to stay calm, Kurapika knew he had slipped up by revealing his Scarlet Eyes during the earlier incident.

Glancing at Pairo standing nearby, Kurapika felt guilty.

"Sorry, Pairo," he whispered, realizing he wouldn't be able to keep his promise to help restore his friend's vision.

Approaching the village entrance, Kurapika felt a heavy hand on his shoulder.

It was the Elder, trying to offer some comfort. But Kurapika's frustration lingered as he clenched his fist, unsure if anything could lift his spirits.


"Congratulations on completing the final test, Kurapika," the Elder announced.


Kurapika responded, surprised by the unexpected declaration.

The Elder's words sank in, and Kurapika's eyes widened with disbelief.

"Now that you've passed the final test, you are free to leave the clan and venture outside," the Elder explained, mistaking Kurapika's shock for excitement at the prospect of exploring the outside world.

The Elder sighed, fondness evident in his expression as he regarded Kurapika.

Despite frequently reprimanding him for his mischievous behavior, the Elder had a soft spot for the kid.

Kneeling down to meet Kurapika at eye level, he spoke softly, "When the time comes, make sure you return to us and share your adventures..."

Kurapika's initial confusion melted away, replaced by gratitude and determination.

"Ah? Yes, thank you, Elder!" he replied, bowing respectfully.

Though unsure of how he managed to pass the exam, Kurapika was resolved not to waste this opportunity.

That evening, Kurapika celebrated his success with his parents and Pairo. Excitement bubbled within him as he eagerly anticipated leaving the following day.

Despite the less-than-pleasant encounter in the town, Kurapika remained curious about the world beyond.

He still yearned to see if the ocean was truly as blue as described in books.

"What the hell?"

In Meteor City, Luke couldn't contain his surprise as he watched Raymond skillfully craft wooden bowls, plates, and chopsticks from gathered wood.

The others were equally astonished by Raymond's handiwork.

As Luke observed the stone stove that Raymond had constructed himself, he turned to him with a puzzled expression.

"Raymond, is there anything you can't do?" he asked incredulously.


Raymond paused his crafting, setting down his tools and looking at Luke and the others.

"I can't go on a hunt with my hands full like this. You go get some meat for the restaurant in the forest. I saw some wild board while going out a while ago," he directed, gesturing towards the forest.

Luke let out an exasperated sigh, feeling weary from days without sleep.

"We haven't slept in almost two days! Can't we rest first?" he pleaded, hoping for some leniency.

But Raymond remained firm.

"Don't be lazy. Just do it," he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument.

"Sigh... Alright, boss." Luke massaged his temple wearily.

With a collective sigh, the group gathered their belongings and headed out into the forest.

Taka observed the interaction with a mischievous smirk, clearly finding amusement in their predicament.

"I saw it, you brat!"

But when Luke shot him a sharp look, Taka quickly averted his gaze, feigning innocence.

Luke's warning didn't deter Taka's attitude, though.

As soon as Luke had left the restaurant, Taka retorted defiantly, "Hehe, what can you do, even if you saw that..."

"Quit it, kid..."

Raymond's hand swung swiftly, connecting with Taka's head, earning a pained groan from him.

Taka rubbed his head, shooting Raymond an annoyed glare. "Why'd you do that?"

Raymond merely shook his head, unfazed, having already prepared everything necessary for their kitchen.

"You've got a task too..."

Taka's apprehension grew as he eyed Raymond warily, recalling the brutal efficiency with which Raymond had handled his own subordinates.

"What do you want me to do?"

Raymond chuckled softly at Taka's cautious expression, "Lead me to that old man's place. We're opening shop tomorrow, and I want to extend him an invitation..."

"Eh, that's it? I can take you right there, Aniki!"

Taka's enthusiastic nod conveyed his readiness, relieved he wouldn't have to undertake the same arduous tasks as Luke and the others.

With a nod, Raymond followed Taka through the city streets until they reached a dilapidated building.

Its roof sagged, and its wooden walls showed signs of decay.

"Grandpa Jiro, you home?"

Taka's voice echoed through the quiet surroundings. Ignoring protocol, he pushed the door open, revealing Sakujiro inside, his expression dark.

Taka's excitement faltered, replaced by embarrassment as he scratched his head, "I can explain."

"...Clearly, you can," Sakujiro responded, directing his attention to Raymond.

Raymond acknowledged Sakujiro's gaze with a nod, then turned to Taka. "Alright, kid, your job is done for today."

"Alright," Taka replied, then turned to Sakujiro. "I want to buy some bread as well, Grandpa!"

"Just take some. It's on me," Raymond interjected, prompting a delighted exclamation from Taka.

"Really!? You're the best, Aniki!"

Without a word, Sakujiro handed Taka some darkened bread, which he happily accepted before bidding farewell and departing, leaving Raymond and Sakujiro alone.

After a brief silence between them, Sakujiro finally opened his mouth, "...Now, pay up."

"...I don't have the money," Raymond admitted, his tone steady despite the weight of his words.

"...What did you just say?"

Sakujiro's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as he processed Raymond's response.


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