
Throne of Shadows: The Conqueror (HxH)

Imagine waking up in a dangerous Hunter x Hunter's universe. That is what happened to Raymond. But instead of fear, he feels a surge of ambition, setting his sights on conquering this fantastical realm. Join his journey on his quest for world domination! Follow me on Twitter (X): mythoast Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/mythoast

mythoast · Anime & Comics
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128 Chs

Chapter 23: I Am Rich!

With Raymond taking the first round in such a ruthless way, the group felt a bit uneasy, but they stayed focused on winning the next two rounds.

Luckily, Bodoro was up next, striding confidently onto the platform.

But his confidence waned when he saw the next prisoner.

The guy was skinny and looked mean, carrying something wrapped in dark clothes.

Bodoro's eyebrows shot up in alarm.

It seemed this prisoner was serious about the game, and whatever he was hiding under those covers spelled trouble.

"Wait, isn't he Remy The Swindler?"

Kenmi's surprise was evident as all eyes turned to him for an explanation.

Kenmi flashed a knowing smile as he elaborated, "Yep, that's him alright. Remy made quite a name for himself as a con artist. He had a knack for forging famous artworks with a staggering 99% resemblance to the originals."

"Thing is," Kenmi continued, his tone darkening slightly, "his talent wasn't limited to art forgery. He had a twisted hobby of abducting young girls, aged around 14 to 19, and... well, let's just say his intentions weren't noble."

Ponzu's expression twisted in disgust at the revelation, her frown deepening with each word.

Meanwhile, Raymond and Bourbon remained stoic, their silence speaking volumes as they fixed their gaze on the platform ahead.

"Hey there, old-timer, you look like you've got some muscle on you, hehehe..."

Remy's awkward laugh grated on Bodoro's nerves, deepening his frown.

"Wait just a minute..."

Remy continued with a mischievous glint in his eye.

He revealed what he had in hand, and the group's surprise was evident as they saw two nearly identical paintings.

Remy then placed them side by side on the ground, his smirk widening.

"Hehe, here's the deal," Remy announced gleefully, "I want you to guess which one is the real deal. No time limit, no fancy rules..."


Silence fell over the group as they realized Remy's game was designed to waste their time completely.

Raymond's frown deepened as he examined the paintings, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise as he noticed something unexpected.

However, the mood shifted as the others furrowed their brows, their attention drawn to the paintings.

One depicted a woman, its style slightly artsy with a minimalist color palette of oranges, yellows, and reds.

Bodoro's forehead glistened with sweat, caught off guard by the unexpected challenge. He hesitated, murmuring to himself, "Here's hoping luck's on my side..."

"I'll cho---"

"None of them are real."

But then, Raymond's voice cut through the tension like a knife.

Confusion rippled through the group, all eyes turning towards Raymond, searching for an explanation.

Yet, despite Raymond's claim, the prisoner's smile remained unfaltering, though a hint of unease flickered in his eyes before he concealed it.

"Seems like you've got yourself a helper. Well then, make your choice," he urged Bodoro, his tone smooth as silk.

Bodoro hesitated, torn between trust and doubt. The swindler's composure was unsettling, refusing to crack even in the face of Raymond's bold statement.

Unable to shake off his uncertainty, Bodoro finally voiced his question, "But if one of them is real, how do we prove it?"

A confident smirk danced across Remy's lips as he responded, "Simple. We'll toss them to the ground and see which one breaks. The real one won't shatter."

His assurance only deepened Bodoro's inner turmoil, leaving him trapped in a web of indecision.

"Both'll crack under pressure. Take my word for it..."

"And how're you planning to prove they're both fakes?"

Bodoro shot back, his gaze fixed on Raymond.

Meanwhile, Remy met Raymond's gaze with a subtle challenge.

His replicas were flawless, a testament to his mastery of the craft.

He'd honed his skills to the point where he could dupe even himself had he not known better.

Every stroke, every detail, meticulously crafted from his own hand.

"Let's see you figure that one out, hehehe..." Remy's eyes twinkled with a mischievous gleam brimming with cunning.

Raymond simply shook his head, casting a critical eye over the paintings once more before confirming, "Yep, those are definitely fakes. And why I'm sure of that?"

"Because I happen to own the genuine one..."

He dropped the bombshell with an air of nonchalance.


Silence fell over the room, each person frozen in disbelief.

Remy's eyes bulged in shock as he sputtered, "What? That's impossible! One of those paintings alone is worth 5 billion Jenny, and that's just the tip of the iceberg since there's a whole collection of it!"


The revelation sent shockwaves through the group.

Raymond couldn't help but smirk at their stunned expressions. "So, care to explain how you've got billions' worth of artwork in a prison cell?"

"Wait, he's telling the truth!"

"How in the world did a prisoner smuggle in paintings worth billions of Jenny?"

The realization dawned on everyone as they turned sharply to look at Remy, whose face drained of color as he clapped a hand over his mouth in horror at his own oversight.

"Ah, I see. In that case, I declare them both fakes!"

Bodoro roared with laughter, striding over to the paintings and snatching them up before Remy could react.

"No, stop! Don't do it!"

Remy pleaded desperately, but Bodoro merely chuckled.

"Fat chance, hahaha!"

Remy's feeble attempts to intervene were no match for Bodoro's strength.

With a swift motion, the paintings were hurled to the ground, shattering into pieces upon impact.


Remy could only watch in anguish as he knelt before the shattered remains of his creations, tears streaming down his face.

Even though they were fakes, they were still his handiwork.

He had never intended for them to be destroyed; his plan had been to admit to both as his own creations and secure a victory in the game.

It was supposed to be a win-win situation for him.

But someone had ruined everything.

"You son of a bitch...!" 

Remy's gaze shot towards Raymond, his heart boiling with rage.

"What the fuck, man! None of this would've happened if you hadn't tried to be so clever!" Remy's anger blinded him to the fact that Raymond had merely outsmarted him.

He jabbed a finger accusingly at Raymond, spitting out his words, "And you claim to own them? Are you out of your mind? Do you think you're some kind of rich tycoon?"


Yet, as the group's gaze fell upon Raymond's impeccably tailored suit, Remy's bravado faltered.

He stammered, "Hmph! Even if you're wealthy, money can't buy these! You're just a damn liar!"

But it was true.

No matter how deep your pockets, these paintings weren't something you could simply purchase.

They were masterpieces crafted by the legendary hunter Da Vinzi, and everyone definitely wanted to get their hands on one of them.

Most importantly, Da Vinzi had infused them with his own Nen, preserving them for eternity.

Raymond's smirk widened in response to Remy's outburst of anger. "You caught me. I do lie about having just one of them..."


Remy's words caught in his throat as fury coursed through him, causing his body to tremble with rage.

But Raymond's next revelation stunned not just Remy but everyone else present.

"I've got the whole collection set, not just one..."


The room fell into stunned silence once more as all eyes turned towards Raymond, disbelief written plainly on their faces.

With no apparent reason to lie, the truth of his claim began to sink in.

Who was this guy, really?


Follow me on Twi-tter (X): @mythoast

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