
Chapter 109: Guest from the Zoldyck!


Machi exclaimed, seeing one of Shizuku's arms severed.

She couldn't help but turn to look at Raymond, growling, "You bastard, how dare you!"

"Come on, I didn't do it. It was one of your friends over there who cut her arm," Raymond chuckled while pointing at Feitan, whose eyes were laced with killing intent as he looked at him.

"...You think I'm stupid?"

Machi shouted at him, her annoyance evident. She believed Raymond was playing games, which in essence was true.

However, it was also true that it was Feitan who ended up severing Shizuku's arm.

The atmosphere grew tense with the arrival of a third party.

Sin approached Raymond and spoke with concern, "...Master, should we still follow the plan?"

"Hmm, let's see," Raymond responded lightly, silently observing the situation.

On the Phantom Troupe's side, Nobunaga glanced at Raymond before redirecting his attention to the additional guests from the Zoldyck family.

He asked, "Shit, things are getting complicated. What do we do now?"

"Keke, of course, we should prepare for a fight, right?"

Uvogin chuckled excitedly, his gaze fixed on Silva Zoldyck.

His blood boiled with anticipation.

He felt that Silva was his type of person and he immediately yearned for a battle with him.

Feitan remained silent, his frown deepening as he observed the situation, which had deviated from their plan.

"I wasn't expecting to meet you both so soon..."

Raymond's voice interrupted the tense moment as he addressed both Zeno and Silva.

"It's not like we planned this, Celestia," Silva answered, shaking his head.

Zeno glanced at both Raymond and the Phantom Troupe, commenting, "Phantom Troupe, huh? Seems like you've got quite the opponents this time..."

"Things happen, you know," Raymond chuckled as if it were a trivial matter.

However, their casual banter put the Phantom Troupe on edge. They noticed the familiarity between Raymond and these two Zoldycks, causing them to tense their muscles.

"Things are truly out of hand this time," Shalnark silently thought as he observed the scene quietly.

Turning his gaze towards Zeno and Silva, he mused, "Those two assassins are not easy opponents. We might have to put our lives on the line here."

Arriving at the scene somewhat late, Shalnark was unaware that Raymond had already fought against his fellow troupe members in a 3v1 encounter. Despite this, as he beheld Shizuku's severed arm, he couldn't help but take Raymond seriously.

"If he could injure Shizuku this badly, he shouldn't be an easy opponent either," Shalnark pondered silently as he reached for his phone, intending to contact their leader about the current situation.

He muttered to himself, "Do we really have to fight it out here?"

Raymond's gaze lingered on the Phantom Troupe members before turning to Zeno and Silva.

"Still, why are you guys here?"

"For a job..." Silva replied.

"A job? Oh, that's great to hear. It seems like I won't have to fight these people on my own anymore."

Raymond nodded satisfactorily at the answers as he shifted his attention to the Phantom Troupe, who began to draw their weapons.


"No, seems like you're misunderstanding us," Silva stated firmly.

He shook his head, and a surge of Nen enveloped his whole being, exerting immense pressure on the people in the hall.


Their expressions turned serious as they felt the weight of his power.

Zeno mirrored Silva's actions, intensifying the pressure across the hall.

"Our job is to assassinate you, Raymond Celestia," Zeno declared.


Raymond blinked in confusion, taken aback by the sudden revelation.

However, Silva's figure suddenly vanished before reappearing in front of him.


Raymond widened his eyes in surprise as he tried to block the incoming punch with crossed arms.


Despite reacting in time, the impact sent him hurtling across the hall, creating a crater in the wall with a resounding boom that shook the building.


Sin exclaimed, his face twisting with anger as he blurred across the floor, ready to attack Silva.

"You should've looked around better, little one..."

But just as he swung his foot at Silva, Zeno materialized behind him. Sin quickly crossed his arms to shield himself from Zeno's attack.


Zeno's strike landed, sending Sin crashing out of the building.

Crackle! Crackle!

The sound of shattering glass echoed through the hall.

Zeno glanced at Sin's figure flying away and shook his head, "Besides, it's not your place to interrupt adult fights..."

"Urgh, that kinda stung..."

Raymond's voice echoed as he emerged from the debris of the crater, brushing dust off his shoulder. His crimson eyes gleamed as he turned towards Zeno and Silva, a smirk playing on his lips, "Looks like I just need to go with the flow, huh?"


Before Zeno and Silva could react, Raymond appeared above Silva in a flash, swinging his feet towards Silva's head.

Reacting swiftly, Silva leaped back to evade the attack, recognizing the potent aura of Nen emanating from Raymond's feet.

Blocking it head-on would be disastrous!


The force of Raymond's kick created a deafening blast, opening a crater beneath them and shaking the entire building to its core.

"Shit, he's actually this strong? I thought he was some random guy..."

"Who the hell is that guy?"

The Phantom Troupe members stared in disbelief at the aftermath of a single kick, quickly retreating to avoid getting caught up in the impact of the attack.

Shalnark's eyes widened as he pieced together the extent of Raymond's power.

"No wonder he could do that to Shizuku," Shalnark muttered, turning to look at Shizuku, who had managed to secure her arm before leaping away with them.

He examined the wound and commented, "Machi should be able to stitch it up."

"Let's leave them to complete their own business. We'll continue the plan!" Shalnark shouted, prompting everyone to nod in agreement.

"Huh? Why?"

Uvogin couldn't help but frown.

He was itching to join the fight after witnessing the strength of these people in front of him.

"They're going to destroy the building at this rate!"

However, Machi chimed in while observing the ongoing fight.

Zeno and Silva launched a counterattack, teaming up against Raymond. Their fierce clash reverberated throughout the entire building, each blow causing further destruction.

Machi watched with a frown as the building trembled under the force of their battle.

She knew that if the fight persisted, the structure would collapse entirely.

After carefully considering all of those points, Machi added, "I agree with Shalnark; our plan is to disappear quietly right after. We can use them as a distraction."

"...Whatever, then."

Uvogin clicked his tongue in annoyance despite wanting to fight them.

Following the plan while it was ongoing was a priority for him, so he could only follow the instructions as their figures disappeared.

They were heading for the vault!


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