
Untold Feelings


9:06 a.m.,

Arnab suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. The bed is quite comfortable. There is AC running in the house. Arnab came to his senses as soon as he woke up from the sleep, he didn't go to college yesterday! He has to go to college today. He pick up his Mobile phone from the bedside table and after looking at the screen, he got a big shock. There's 13 missed calls of which 9 belongs to Shanchayita and the rest belongs to Shreyan, his best friend. He then quickly got out of the bed and after looking at the wall clock, he couldn't believe his eyes! It was 9:10 a.m. The College at half past nine. He got up quickly, washed his hands and face, changed his dress and went out with the college bag. Arnab took a taxi as it would be late if he waited for the bus. There is only 720 rupees in his wallet.

"Even today I have to work with Flake(a cheap 5 rupees per stick Cigarette)." Arnab sighed and said to himself. In the meantime,there was a incoming call on the phone. He saw, it was Sanchayita, by looking at the screen. As soon as he received the call he heard Shanchayita bursting with anger from the other side!

"Where are you ??? I've been calling since when! I can't trust you. You stupid idiotic creature! I told you to call me in the morning. I told you that today was the submit date of the college project. Have you forgotten all about these by watching movies till 3 a.m. ??? "

"What's the point of shouting so much? I'm coming! And the project is with me. So don't worry."

Arnab left the phone. His heart rate has increased. That's what always happens when he talks to a Shanchayita. He loves Shanchayita from high school life. Her smile, her eyes, her sociable expression and her madness. Arnab has fallen in love with everything. But so far he has not been able to speak openly. Maybe He won't say it in this life!