
Thrive Through Hate

Dante Rutizzo and Noha were in love for last nine years not only with happy memories but also with many painful moments cause they were not so welcome couple. Dante is from old ancient royal clan and Noha is nothing but a simple boy from a normal family. Dan's family decided to trick Dan and marry him to Liistro clan's last princess Quandra is also Noha's best friend who helped them face all difficulties cause Dan was Quandra's first love but she moved on that's what she says to herself. What will happen after the forced marriage? Will she can be loyal to her best friend or old flame will get fuel? What will Dan do after finding Quandra's intention? Will Noah have a happy ending with Dan without getting hurt? Let's find out with twists and turns

045_SUVI · Urban
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3 Chs


Quandra Pov

Four days passed like wind. All were set and I am in front of the mirror while the makeup artist doing his best to make me look beautiful. Honestly, I didn't know what to feel about all this, I mean my marriage. I know I am the one who suggested this but what to say,  marriage is the big day for every girl in their life and that big day is gonna be fake for me. I always dreamt of marrying a guy who loves me unconditionally waiting for me to show up on aisle. Adore me while I walk towards him, make pledges wholeheartedly, and look into my eyes like I am his world while slipping the ring and kissing me like melting my soul. But my fate decided to play differently in my life. My thoughts get snapped when I heard, "All set Miss. Liistro". I nodded my head at the makeup artist. He bowed slightly and left me alone here to make me wonder about my life choices.

Suddenly, I heard some noise behind the curtains, I panicked and stood on my feet, and searched for a weapon to attack. When I raise the vase to attack Kai chinned up and stood before me. I dropped the vase, rushed to him, and hugged him tightly.  He kissed the crown of my head, I part from him and asked, "Are you out of your mind Babe? What if someone sees you here?"    he chuckled, kissed my forehead, and said, "You know me, Bae, no one will stand a chance against me. And I wanna check on you. Are you ok Bae?" see, this is why I like Kai so much, he is the most considerate person in this world. This is the time,  I took a deep breath, grabbed his hands, and voiced, "Babe, I want to tell you something" he nodded his head like continue, I licked my lips and started, "Babe, you know me well, I personally have some principles which I never compromise for anything. I don't think I will see you after my marriage". He frowned and whispered, "What!"

I squeezed his hands and voiced on the verge of tears, "I mean I am breaking up with you for real." he snatched his hands from me and said with glossy eyes, "No, don't. Please". I sniffed, wiped my tears, and said, "This is not permanent Kai. We don't know what would happen this year. I can't cheat on the back of my husband even if he is fake. If you do not fall out of love even after a year then I will be there for you". He shooked his head and voiced with a cracked vulnerable voice, "I am the one who should ask you, Jay, will you return to me? Cause I am in love with you, still now I never heard you say that to me". I licked my lips, walked to him, grabbed his shoulders, and said, "I know but you were there always for me, I like you so much. So trust me, I will. And when the time we get married I will give all of myself to you. I promise". He nodded his head, kissed the crown of my head, stepped back from me, and said, "At least we could be friends?" I smiled at him and nodded my head. He wiped his tears and said, "Ok Jay, bye. Take care. Call me whenever or whatever you want. Hmm?" I tiptoed and kissed his cheek and replied, "I will bye Kai". He smiled and hopped out of the window. I sighed and sat on the bed. Good thing I have waterproof makeup.

Suddenly the room door bang opened and there stood my brother Kinn in a black tux looking good as usual. He looked pissed. He walked to me and asked in an annoyed tone, "What's all this Jay?" I frowned and asked back, "What?". He tugged his hands inside his pocket and voiced, "Breaking up with Kai". I looked down at my fingers and stayed silent. He walked to me, sat next to me, and started, "Jay, from the beginning I didn't like this idea. You getting married to Dan. I know you. Do you really faking this?". I know why he is questioning me like this. He knows that I loved Dan, and how I was devastated when Noha introduced Dan as his boyfriend. I shook my head and voiced, "If you know me well means then you should have known that I have some principles like being true in my relationship and saving them at any cost". He sighed and said, "I know Jay but I am scared that you would get hurt. Dan is meant for Noha. He loves him. I don't want you to get trapped in past, I want you to move on and live your life. You deserve better". I grabbed his hand intertwined our fingers and spoke out, "I know Kinn, and who said I didn't move on? I had Kai". He licked his lips and asked, "If is it true, have you ever loved Kai?". I looked down my lap by bitting my lower lip without knowing what to say next.

He sighed, squeezed my hand which is in his, and said, "I know you never loved Kai". I chin up,  looked into his eyes, and said, "But I liked him so much Kinn, and I am ready to marry him after all this mess". He frowned at me and queried, "Jay, what's your problem?" I frowned back and asked, "What?". He explained, "Does Marriage looks like a joke to you? You can't marry someone to save their property or marry someone who you just like. You should marry a person who you love and are willing to do anything for them if they do the same thing for you too". I chuckled bitterly and replied, "Kinn, not all will get much love in this world. I wish I would but for this lifetime I can't so I will marry Kai and be loyal to him till my last breath and build a family with him. I am happy at least my bestie and my first love found such love and I wish you too found someone like that. Don't worry about me I would be fine" with that lay my head on his shoulder. He took a deep breath and kissed my head. I don't know why but I feel this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I guess it's just because of nervousness nothing more cause whenever I felt that something bad happened.

My revive get snapped when our father opened the door and announced, "It's time". Kinn glared at him and walked out. He walked closer to me and voiced, "Let's go". I nodded my head and walked behind him. Once we reached the closed big door, he extended his hand, I hooked my hand with him. He whispered, "Smile, and don't make any trouble". When the doors opened my heart dropped in my stomach but I smiled wide as my father said and began to walk. All eyes were on me. In a short time, they did a great job in decorating this hall and all. There are only a few families, friends, and some elite members here to attend my marriage. Even when I think of it my tongue felt bitter. I saw all were checking on me. I returned their smiles and when my eyes fell on Dan's family my heart picked up extra pace. They all were way more intimate than mine still, I decided to fool them, and thinking of that I felt sick in my guts. If they ever find out, I No, not only me but my whole family will be doomed.

I smiled at Dan's aunts who were throwing draggers from their eyes, without care I tried to smile at his uncles who has big scowls on their faces. His two cousins look like they want to strangle me to death. Then there is his favorite cousin Mia, she is only one who gave me bright smile genuinely. When my eyes fell on his parents my stomach crunched with a knot, they were exact version of my parents. I was busy sharing smiles so I didn't have the chance to look forward to seeing Dan and me without knowing I was in front of him. My dad grabbed my hand and placed it in his hand. He gently, I mean without touching me fully but pretend to.  And walked to podium.

We both were standing by facing one another, priest began his prayers and continue with his pledge of confirmation which I heard as a low mumble in distance, the only voice keeps me sane is my father's, 'Smile and don't make any trouble' that's the only words swam in my mind. When he finished, Dan replied without any emotions, "I do". Again priest continued for me to answer which I did in end, "I Do" with a bright smile, of course, that's what I was instructed. Wait! What did that priest actually ask us? Before I wander further into thoughts priest voices, "I announce you both husband and wife. You may kiss your bride". What! Suddenly, Dan snaked his left hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him a little. He leaned in and pecked my lips for 0.1 seconds. Before I proceed anything just happened now all I heard is loud applause confirming that I was tied to Dan for a year.

When I was in high school I dreamt of this moment so many times but today I can't feel anything other than numb. What should I feel now? Happy? Sad? Worried? I don't know. My train of thought get snapped when I felt a little nudge on my shoulder, I turned to see Dan with a raised eyebrow. I frowned at him like 'what?' so he tilted his head lightly toward the crowd, I understood and turned to crowd and walked beside him with again the big fat smile which conceals my messed up mind. Dan introduced me to his business partners. I didn't see Ryan around, he is also one of the friends and partners of Dan. I want all this to be over soon, my usual I didn't get what I want, host voiced it was time for the cake cutting. Dan and I walked to the center where the big five-layer cake was ready to devour. Dan gets the knife and turned to me, so as a cue I grasped his forearm gently and he began to cut the cake. Once he finished he picked a fork, dug a little, and brought it near my mouth. I licked my dry lips and opened a little so he shoved the fork inside my lips. Before I taste it he pulled it out and when I grab the fork he walked away. I sighed and dropped it. Then the host announced first dance with a light soft melody.

Dan suddenly snaked his hand around my waist and dragged me to the center of the hall, in instinct I placed my hand on his shoulder and his free hand. We elite society kids were taught many things to carry elegance like ball dance, horse riding, ancient board games, many languages, and much more. Dan began to move perfectly in flow of music so I accompanied him. I didn't look into his eyes neither did he. We danced like dolls which are keyed.  Once the music stopped he immediately withdrew his hands from me like he touched fire. I stumbled a little in impact of sudden action but composed myself on ground before I embarrass falling in front of everyone. My husband walked to his lawyer friend. My heels were hurting me so much, and the tightness of this dress is not helping so I waddled to the corner of hall and took a seat, and felt someone pull me from the back before I proceed, I was behind the curtains which are here for decoration purposes. A warm palm was in my mouth, and my eyes met a masked man whose face is completely covered with elegant black mask designed with golden flowers. He lean in and whispered, "Happy married life" in blink of eye I have swirled around when I turned I can't find that mysterious masked man anywhere who made my heart race at speed of thousand horses and drowned my thoughts of who he is.

To be Continued.