
Thriller Paradise

This is a game beyond dimension–the pursuit of truth. The unknown seal, the gambit between gods and demons… The defiance against data, the retribution of human… In a virtual world connected with reality, consciousness dictates us, consciousness chooses us, and consciousness dictates our consciousness. Now, throw away you fear. Throw away your selfish interest, question, and disbelief… Free your thought. Welcome to Thriller Paradise. Feng Bujue lost his ability to fear because of an unknown psychological disorder. Through a virtual reality game designed for players to experience fright and despair, he began his search for his lost fear. Could he finally regain his ability to fear? Could he outwit the scenarios presented to him? Could he finally uncover the truth hidden inside Thriller Paradise?

San Tian Liang Jiao · Games
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1519 Chs

Win a Battle, Lose the War (1)

Translator: Lonelytree Editor: Millman97

The nature of the guild Blade Edge was mentioned in the previous chapter. They were affiliated with the government. All the members of the guild were selected from the police, military, or administrative branches of the government. The department that they were grouped in seemed to be an isolated extension of the internet police unit, but in reality, there was a big secret conspiracy behind it.

Some might question why a government body would group together a bunch of people to purposely infiltrate into a game by making accounts and even building a guild. What could possibly be the purpose behind this?