
Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse

Ex-Pro gamer Yoo Joonghyuk is suddenly thrown into a real life game world filled with monsters, quests, and deadly scenarios. Will he be able to survive, and what secrets does this game hide under it’s already dark undertones?

g0d123 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Queen’s Entrance

I helped Geunmeo up and handed him a health potion, people began cheering as if they just watched the olympics and I don't blame them because I doubt these people will ever achieve the things we did in this fight.

Our stats were only Level 20 and they caused this level of destruction, how much stronger than building must these monsters be to force us to keep scaling our strength. I stopped thinking of the future for we were in the present, I began walking through the tunnel with Geunmeo to his home station.

Word of his loss spread fast as his station had already been taken over by another King, or actually Queen.

<You have entered the territory of Christine Terra, King Charm and Deceit>

The queen of the station was a foreigner who was staying in the area, she had a beautiful face and stellar figure, but that's how she climbed to power. She manipulated those who lusted for her and used them as stepping stones. My original plan was to recruit all the kings and create an unstoppable team of people but this girl wasn't needed for my plan.

"Hey you, get down here." I yelled at her, she glared at me before looking away ignoring me. Fine, if she's not coming to me i'll come to her, I jumped up to her. She looked at me shocked, but she quickly shook it off and activated her charm ability.

<Mental Barrier has blocked Christine Terra's Charm.>

Lucky for me, this isn't my first run in with mental abilities. Christine looked up in fear when she saw her one trump card failed to affect me. I pointed my sword at her throat, "Say you resign and i'll spare your life." I tried getting this over with quickly, though i'm not going to offer her to join me.

She immediately began talking, "Fool, do you really think Charm is the only thing I can do?"

I looked at her with a puzzled gaze, then she turned into a snake and bit me. She could shapeshift, that explains the Deceit part of their title. I got up to chase her but I couldn't feel my leg, the poison from her bite had number my leg.

Now I knew that she could shapeshift she had much more use, she could definitely be of help now. I chugged a poison heal potion and began to pursue her, I used Sprint to close our distance before using Blood Lust to make her stop. I picked her up and she turned back into her human form, however this time she had a much more average look.

Her pretty form must've been a fake, she probably took that form to aid her charm ability. I put her down and made the deal, "Join me and resign your title, I promise to let you live and you'll be protected by me and this strong guy here." She looked over at Geunmeo and chuckled, "You amuse me Yoo Joonghyuk, very well i'll join your company but just know i'm a needy woman."

<Christine Terra has submitted to Yoo Joonghyuk>

That's 2 Kings under my command now, I expect there to be at least ten. I help Christine up and introduce her to Geunmeo, they seemed to hit it off well. We begin to head to the next station in the tunnel, little did we know of the team awaiting us.