
Three Ways to Survive the Apocalypse

Ex-Pro gamer Yoo Joonghyuk is suddenly thrown into a real life game world filled with monsters, quests, and deadly scenarios. Will he be able to survive, and what secrets does this game hide under it’s already dark undertones?

g0d123 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The Boot Camp

Getting stronger was no simple feat, it required persistence and hard work. I know I can handle it, but can the rest of my party.

I turned around to face them, "From today we will begin training, as you know Shin Yoosung is an SS rank threat and need to be killed to continue the scenarios. I will begin training you all with a personalized regiment for your skills sets."

I started with Christine, her biggest flaw was her time to transform, it took her about 10 seconds to become an animal. We started with a parkour course to see her current skill level.

The course consisted of jumps, crawling, and swimming. The course will be ran through and periodically I will tell her to transform. This should help her slowly transform faster and increase he control she has over he transformations.

For Geunmeo I made some make shift weights, but instead of the traditional plates he had to lift actual rocks and debris. This will not only increase his strength but also his grip on natural terrain.

For Gwangsin I focused on his magic control. He had to shoot an elemental ball through a ring and maneuver it to hit 3 different targets. To help increase his stamina I forced him to create a ball and maintain it for as long as possible.

Finally, there was Gyeong. She was the most proficient in her weapon compared to her others so I decided to teach her a new skill. I bought wood, feathers, and sharp rocks. I tried to teach her how to make arrows but I couldn't quite figure it out myself, So I let her try to figure it out.

Now that my team members all had something to do, it was time for me to begin my training. After repeatedly using Sprint the skill had leveled up, so my training was going to be leveling up my Skills as high as possible.

One Week Quickly passed and it was time to check in on our progress; Christine's skill evolved into Advanced shapeshifting allowing her to turn into the advanced forms of her original morphs.

Geunmeo became much stronger and as a result gained the skill Muscle Enhancement, it allowed him to increase his strength by two times when activated.

Gwangsin's skills all leveled up and he also unlocked some advanced spells like Fire Pillar, Tidal Wave, Hurricane, and Earth Wall.

Gyeong learned the Fletching skill, it allowed her to make arrows very quickly, the more time she put into making and arrow, the higher the quality.

Finally, I was able to max out my Sprint skill, Bloodlust evolved to Killing Aura. Killing Aura was a passive that neutralized anything weaker than myself, I began to wonder if it was truly an evolution but I paid it no mind.

With this new array of skills and strength defeating Shin Yoosung didn't seem like a pipe dream. All that was left now was to make an army and fight her.