
Three Tycoon Sisters

HIATUS (idk how long I'm more focused on my other story now) Zhihao Tian has been born at one of the biggest family’s in Xie city. He lives luxury for almost eighteen years but unhappy last year’s unhappy. After his mother died and woman that his father been cheating come to his life with their brother. Days before his eighteen birthday Zhihao have accident and power of his family show up. Seeing it his stepmom hire some people to kidnap him. While spending almost two years with them he has been tortured and after escaping he promises himself that revenge will come. Now Zhihao is working in the bar and creating his revenge but after he overslept he takes a shortcut to his work and accidentally meet one of the ruthless triples Lou Linai. For her, it should be the happiest day not only she won a bet with her mother and sisters but most important she can marry her love. After hearing his conversation with his best buddy she been heartbroken and run away. While doing it drug start working at her and she meets her savior. who would think that this isn’t they first meet but while they been child’s they meet and Linai with Jianhou and Yaling promise to marry Zhihao when they grow up. while being under drug she forces Zhihao to sign papers that happen to be a marriage certificate. What happened next and how he makes his revenge lets found out --------------- this novel is harem and unreal. It has some 'superpowers' there. To make all clear all three of sisters are connected with each other and they share all feelings so that why some scenes will happen. I will try to not write a lot of Zhihao memories of days when he been tortured but still some will show up. cover is not mine

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While Zhihao been cooking Linai Jianhou and Yaling been watching him. While some time pass Linai come closer to him and after she hugs him he had zero response. while she hugs him stronger still zero from him

While looking at this Jianhou and Yaling come closer to them and hug Zhihao too. While he felt they bodies on him he start moving to let being free. While it hasn't work Zhihao stays calm and cook to the end.

While he finishes it he places all on a big plate and starts going to the table. While he was doing it girls follow him. While he put food there Zhihao goes to baggage which was still in the same place from the arriving and he takes some new boxers. While having them he put them on him and goes back to the table.

While observing him Linai Jianhou and Yaling dress to underwear and they start eating.

"What next we will do" Linai ask

"I don't know," Jianhou said

"Oh Zhihao tells us what you want to do," Yaling said finishing girl's questions.

While hearing her Zhihao hasn't moved his head from the table and he eats slowly. While he been treating silence sisters each look at him and wonder why he is doing it.

While he finishes eating Zhihao looks at girls and while he saw that they are eating he get up and go to the toilet. While he comes inside of it and close doors after him he said in low voice "what should I do it's so hard to ignore them." while he finishes saying it Zhihao look around and while finally been quiet he goes to bath and lay there.

While feeling something hard under him he falls asleep don't know when.

While Zhihao go out Linai finish eating and while looking at her sisters she said "we probably go too much"

"Oh it was you, sis, who start it one again," Jianhou said then Yaling add "and we only follow you"

"Now I don't know what to do he is ignoring us and we probably should think what to do to make him feel better," Linai said

"Yes I know," Jianhou and Yaling said at the same time. While they were talking Linai phone call.

While seeing it she comes to it and while she answers voice comes to her "we have ten percent of shares"

"Good make it more and contact Jianhou and Yaling PA and work together and send me some buildings that we could buy," Linai said while looking at Jianhou and Yaling

While she finishes talking Jianhou said "for what you need building"

"Zhi company he needs headquarters," Linai said

"Oh that good but he is hiding and while he shows up as head of the company that comes from nowhere it's could be hard," Jianhou said

"I know but he writes something on some forum after he disappears from the pool and while I saw this I don't know what that means. But still, I trust him" Linai said while looking at a laptop that had a new notification

While she opens it Jianhou and Yaling with plate come and they start looking at some buildings that been free for some time. While seeing them Linai starts hacking and while seeing that three from six buildings don't have cameras she drops the idea of looking more of them.

While she starts looking at rest all be in 13 districts but in all different places of the biggest district of the city.

While looking around first Linai could see that it's looking good and while looking at underground parking she found out that fire been there and it's not been in papers.

"What do you think," Linai said

"I don't know its look nice but let's look at another" Jianhou said and Yaling nods her head

While Linai comes to the second building she could see from cameras that it have a nice view from the window to the river going across the city. While she was looking at it this building been smaller and it's been after some recording company. While looking around there were no equipment but all walls been covered and been a lot of space.

"It's nicer but still it has only five floors, not as first ten," Jianhou said

"This is better, Yaling said while recognizing the building from a company which she takes over a few months ago. They rent it and now owners of it wanted to sell it but they put to high price.

"Ok, last one and we will decide," Linai said and when she starts the first camera she could see some fabric that been there illegally. While seeing it Linai takes her phone and after calling to her PA to disappear it.

While she finishes doing it Jianhou said "so first or second"

"I'm still for second they have a lot of things there and we will not need to buy them and trust me he will need it" Yaling said and while hearing her words Jianhou and Linai nod they head and Jianhou take her phone while taxing mom to buy building which they choose and not to let know outside word that they are buying it. She has been the best in these things and after she did this Yaling said "ok lest look after Zhi and we will need to talk to him"

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