
The Other Tau

At this point, I feel it is important to clarify the significance behind the name of a god, especially since it is something inherently obvious to all of us gods. Names aren't just a sort of phonetic label used to single out particular beings; they are the ultimate proof of one's unique existence. They are not something that can be given out arbitrarily; each god is born with a name that is unique to them, one that represents the accumulation of their existence. As such, one may imagine the distress Tau felt when her name was contested.

{That's impossible. I'm Tau!}

[Without a doubt, I am Tau.]

Tau knew that this argument would go nowhere only with simple assertions. But, her advantage quickly became apparent to her.

{No. I control this domain. I constructed my body, and it moves at my will.}

The other star flickered. The seed of disorder has been sown.

[But… I control half of this domain. And, while I followed your blueprint for the outward appearance of this body, I was the one who constructed the internal mechanisms that facilitated your movement.]

{But still, ultimately, I'm the one that moves it.}

[... I cannot deny that… but, I definitely exist. The very fact that we are having this argument is proof of my independence existence.]

{How can you be sure? You could be just a train of thought I subconsciously created.}

[Now you're just grasping at straws. There's no way you could have created something so complex as another mind without any understanding of how.]

{I created my body without really understanding how. As a new god, I don't have a good understanding of the extent of my powers. It's not entirely improbable.}

[...Even then… you had to have some sort of motivation for using your power. The only reason you constructed a body was to respond to Kant's question. It doesn't make sense for you to create another mind for no reason.]

{But, there was a reason. You had a role in constructing my body, didn't you? I didn't want to bother with the details, so you did it for me.}


Tau could feel disorder spreading. The other being was quickly losing his hold within their domain. She could feel the muffled bursts of panic as it tried unsuccessfully to calm itself.

Her light was not affected, so she had no reason to worry. She found that she was slowly gaining more and more control over that light which used to be so foreign. But, the entire experience was like watching someone starve to death: someone she had set up to starve to death. She felt bad.

{There's no need to take it so seriously. It's just a possibility. Besides, there's no reason for us to fight over it. We can coexist. Just like how we have been up until now.}

Still, it took the other being a while to recompose itself.

[...That sounds fine… but what about the name.]

{Yeah, no. Sorry. Not happening. I'm Tau.}


The other being started to waver again.

{Ah. How about you just pick another name for yourself? As a sort of add on to show your independent existence.}

[hmm… I'm Tau, but not the outward Tau that the world will see... Like a ghost... Tau Neu.]

{Neu? Why Neu?}

[I'm not really sure, I thought about it, and it just felt right.]

{Whatever. I'm glad to have you. From now on, you can handle all the complex technical stuff for me.}


{Consider it rent.}

[What does that even mean?]

{I'm not really sure, I thought about it, and it just felt right.}

[Ha ha.]

The two stars shone brightly in unison.


"It's all fine now," Kant reassured Phi. Tau's domain had stabilized.

As Kant and Phi watched, Tau's figure reformed from the nothingness. She blinked quickly several times and took a deep breath. Phi hugged Tau.

"You survived!"

Tau hugged her back, still a little breathless. In her mind, Neu stirred.

[Wow. This feels so weird. It's so familiar yet novel at the same time.]

{I know right? Although, this is the second time we've created a body.}

[Yeah, but everything from before Four gave us the test feels a little distant for me, so this is the first time I'm feeling it for real.]

{I see.}

"Apologies," Kant said, "We have performed quite a blunder."

"It's okay," Tau smiled and did a little curtsy, "No harm done."

"So, it's time for an adventure?" Phi beamed at Kant.

"I think it'll be fine..."


Phi jumped up cheering and ran to the exit of the cavern.

"Let's go!"

[An adventure?]

Kant chuckled, and he and Tau followed Phi down the tunnel out of the cavern. With Phi humming and leading the way, Tau took the opportunity to ask some pressing questions.

"So, what's this adventure?"

"Well, that is the term she uses, but it is not necessarily accurate."

They ducked to avoid a low hanging stalagmite.

Kant continued, "After discovering your original logic, you need to learn how to use your domain. To facilitate the process, several leaves on each branch of the multiverse have been designated as tutorial worlds. For you to learn to use your domain, we shall establish residency at one of these worlds within your branch. Given the nature of a majority of these worlds, Phi has taken a fancy to describe the experience as an adventure."

"So, I'll finally get to learn how to use my powers?"


Tau couldn't wait.

"What sorts of things will I be able to do?"

"Anything. Anything, as long as you can imagine it."

"Really? But… I can't think of anything..."

Tau cursed her lack of memory. Without any foundation, her imagination was limited.

"You do not have to worry," Kant patted her on the head, "In time, the world will show you all its wonders. And, having experienced them, you will gradually learn to craft your own."

By now, they had returned to that first cave with all the glittering crystals. Phi was poked at some of the smaller crystals as Kant created some clear orbs with his domain and handed them over to one of the nearby crystals. The three of them then walked through the ceiling and returned to one of the floating islands.

[This is so confusing...]

{Don't think about it too hard.}

Once again, Kant led the way through the maze of buildings, taking another logically inexplicable path.

[How does he even know where we're going?]

{Who knows?}

After a while of navigating twists and turns, walking up and through walls, and off the side of several floating islands, the three of them ended up in one of the clearings they had landed in when they first arrived at the Borderlands. All around them, space was contorted wildly as beings warped in and out of sight.

"And we're off!" Phi cheered as they once again took off wrapped in Kant's domain.

[This feeling...]


By now, Tau was learning to perceive the nature of Kant's domain. Although she had always been able to differentiate Kant's domain from that of the other gods she witnessed at the Borderlands, she had not been able to understand just how Kant's domain was different.

A string of descriptions filled Tau's mind as she tried to interpret the experience.

[It's empty… no. Hollow...?]

{More like flat.}

[Yeah. And pure… or rather, solid?]

{Really? I think it's sort of fractured… like just barely holding together.}

"You should become aware," Kant cut in, "that probing another's domain without their consent is widely considered a violation of etiquette."

"Sorry!" Tau blushed.

"That's quite alright. I understand the curiosity that accompanies growth. Just be more aware in the future."


By this point, Phi, who had previously been bouncing back and forth within the confines of Kant's domain, finally seemed to run out of energy and took a nap, still slowly drifting through the air.

Tau took the time to admire the scenery outside: the countless worlds that whizzed by as they flew through the darkness. She challenged herself, trying to see how deep she could look into a world before she got dizzy. It didn't help that the inside of most of these worlds was fuzzy; they reminded her of the first part of Four's test.


Tau congratulated herself as the world she was focusing on passed them by before she got dizzy. It helped that the works were slowly becoming more clear. She could start to make out bright patches of swirling dust scattered haphazardly within the worlds. Soon, she was able to constantly manage observation without getting dizzy, and she slowly grew bored with it.

"Kant, I'm bored."

"I see."

"How much longer until we arrive?"

"We are still a ways off."

"... Is there something I can do until we get there?"

"If you want, we can talk."


"I have been meaning to tell you. It is related to the mistake we made with your test. Are you aware of the concept known as domain stamina?"

"Domain what?"

"You can think of it as a limit to one's concentration. It takes focus to maintain a domain, and domain stamina is the term we use to refer to the quantity of that focus."

"I think I get it. So how is it related to the test?"

"The test relies on your ability to assert your existence and maintain your original logic despite the counter-assertions of foreign logic. Every time Four guesses wrong, he knows because you push back with your own domain, rejecting his assertions. Of course, however, you consume domain stamina in the process of pushing back, and, if you run out completely, you will lose the ability to maintain your existence."

Tau gulped.

"Normally, if the guessing period goes on for too long, we intersperse breaks to avoid risking domain fatigue. Given Four's experience, he is usually able to infer when to allow a timely break and complete the test with near-optimal efficiency. However, your domain stamina is about half of what is considered average."

"That doesn't sound like a good thing."

"Indeed, it is not."

"Is there anything we can do about it?"

"For now, nothing. Disregarding specifics, domain stamina is something that is gained through use and time. Given that you are still unable to use your domain, we can only wait."

"Then why bring it up now?"

"I just thought you should know. It is certainly something to keep in mind, even now, and I do not believe the accompanying explanation to be without its own sufficient merit."

[That's true. I, for one, certainly found it informative.]

{Way to do your job as my note-taker.}

[I'm feeling bullied…]