
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Ch. 5

"Huh… so you were finally able to live out your truest fantasies?" Asked Kurayama after digesting his blonde-haired friend words, the trio having been sitting in total silence as they listened to Akira narrate his face off against Aomine

 "Wait I actually have a question" Asked Tatsuya as he raised his hand waiting to be called on, giggling at his actions Akira asked what it was about, "So you asked the goddess to make you able to rival the top players in any sport, does that mean that Aomine stands at the pinnacle of basketball? Since he was able to contend with you"

 "Actually, that brings up a good point." Said Kurayama as he pushed the rims of his glasses further on to his face, "If I had to take a guess, I imagine that he is not?" He continued

 "Wait what do you mean?" Asked Akira, now confused at what his friend was saying

 "Well first of all, it would be absolutely improbable for Aomine to be the pinnacle of anything, no matter how skilled he is, from what I can gather from your story he is the same age we are, about to enter high school." Explained Kura after a brief moment of gathering his thoughts

 "I'm sure any amateur adult basketball player could wipe the floor with him, the adult anatomy would simply make it a cake walk." He continued "It would also be absurd for Akira to rival those same adults as nothing but a child compared, I imagine the goddess understood this fact herself, you would draw too much attention to yourself."

 "Oh" Said Tatsuya simply, "So maybe Aki has the potential to rival them in the future?" He asked, "Which means our wishes come with some sort of constraints to fit this world."

 "Exactly, while he may not be able to hold a candle to the top players at the moment, in the future he'll be a rising champion." Said Kura

 "Huh, I guess that does make sense." Said Akira as he grasped his chin, lost in thought. "Well nothings lost, being able to rival them at this point in time would take all the fun out of playing basketball at all, I would basically be another Aomine."

 "But at an even worse level, you'd get to a certain point where no one in the world could compete against you." Explained Kurayama, "With these limits the goddess has actually saved you from suffering that heartache."

 "I wonder if that means there are limits to our wishes as well?" Asked Tatsuya

 "Well." Said Kurayama, "Our wishes actually already had these limits built in, while blondie here wanted to be made the best, I simply asked for the possibility to be able to rival the smartest if I studied hard enough" Kurayama continued to explain, "And yours well... it isn't innately overpowered. You actually have to put in mild amounts of effort."

 The explanation prompted a nod from the other two as they marveled at their friend's genius mind

 "So anyways, how did you two end up finding each other?" Asked Tatsuya

 "Oh that," said Akira



 'Well, this should be enough, right?' Asked Kurayama as he looked intently towards the small laptop and a few other things he had chosen to buy, 'Really though, Gaia-sama didn't hold back, did she?' Thought Kurayama as he recalled finding a small check book whose number contents made him dizzy, 'At least we don't have to worry about money.'

 "Will that be all sir?" Asked the store clerk, bringing Kurayama out of his inner monologue, to which he nodded and handed over some cash to complete the transaction, "Thank you for stopping by!" Said the store clerk



 "Wait did you say checkbook? Where the hell did that come from?!" Asked Akira as he cut Kurayama's story short

 "You mean you didn't bother to check the desk the note was on?" He asked

 "Note? What note?" asked Akira once more, which earned a small sigh from Kurayama as he pulled the note out of his pocket, showing it to him. Which prompted Tatsuya to do the same

 "Oh…" Said Akira as he sheepishly smiled before explaining, "I guess I was just too excited to confirm whether the whole reincarnation thing was true, I didn't even bother check…." Which earned a small helpless smile from his two friends

 "Well, I noticed the letter, but I didn't bother to check the drawers of the desk" Said Tatsuya, as he turned towards his own desk and opened it up, seeing the same checkbook, grabbing the thing he quickly opened it up before feeling a little dizzy, "S-she really didn't hold back huh?" He asked before passing the checkbook to Akira who almost fainted after seeing how much was held in the account

 Kurayama nodded silently before he began telling the rest of his story


 ~Flashback continued~

 After stepping out he noticed the sun having moved past the point where it had originally been when he departed with his two best friends, 'Wow I spent way too much time in there, but this is a worthwhile investment' He thought to himself as he turned heel to continue his investigation

 'If I remember correctly, Shuchi'in academy should be right down that street' Thought Kurayama as he recalled his preliminary online searches for the current top schools in the nation, 'a quick glance should yield favorable results' Cutting his inner monologue short he swiftly made his way down towards the school

 After arriving at his destination, Kurayama quickly took note of the fact that there weren't many students, only two dressed in pristine looking all black uniforms roaming the campus, 'the school year should be a over, right?' He asked himself as he made a mental note to do a quick search on how exactly he and his two friends fit in to this world, 'Gaia-sama has been pretty thorough with her preparations, I doubt she'd throw us in here without some sort of footing in this world' He said to himself as he nodded in satisfaction and continued walking, wandering around aimlessly thought 'I really should have asked what I should be on the lookout for, this is much more of Akira's area of expertise'

 As Kurayama walked away one of the two currently on campus saw his departing figure, 'I don't think that person is anything suspicious but just in case' thought the young girl as she quickly took her phone out snapping a picture of Kurayama's side profile before sending the photo to someone and making a call, "Look in to this person, it's probably nothing but he stood by the entrance looking intently towards the school, let me know if you find anything suspicious, in the meantime I'll be sure to inform lady Kaguya about this if anything strange comes up, in case one of her older brothers has gotten any funny ideas" Said the young girl to someone else on the line before turning back to her friends with a bright smile on her face

 "Oh? Did something draw your attention, Ai?" Asked the second girl present, a calm but somewhat distant look on her face

 "Nothing of importance Lady Kaguya" Responded Ai as she bowed her head towards the other person

 A while later as Kurayama wandered aimlessly not knowing what to do, he heard his phone chime. Quickly checking its contents, he saw Tatsuya's newly created group chat and the video he had just sent, after watching the video Kurayama quickly searched for the nearest police precinct and after finding it was close to his location he messaged back agreeing to head over and report the situation on Tatsuya's behalf

 After a few minutes of walking, he encountered Akira also making his way towards the nearest police station, "Hey Kura!" Akira yelled jogging over to catch up to his glasses wearing friend, "Headed towards the police station?" He asked to which Kurayama nodded his head, as the two friends walked together Akira began to detail his intense game with Aomine, Kurayama silently smiled after hearing his friends excited ramblings

 Having finally arrived at their destination, Akira's ramblings were cut short as the two headed inside

 "How can I help you boys today?" Asked a middle-aged police officer

 Kurayama then narrated what exactly had happened, and showed the officer the video footage Tatsuya had recorded

 "Really, those two again?" Said the police officer, "I don't think they can walk away with a slap on the wrist this time around" Sighed the police officer as he shook his head in annoyance

 'I guess this isn't the first time someone has reported them for something similar' Thought Kurayama as he observed the officers reaction to the video, "Thank you boy's for bringing this to our attention" He said as he bowed his head in thanks, "With this video we may be able to make them face some serious punishments" He continued to explain, asking Kurayama to hand over the video that was taken, Kurayama happily obliged

 If there was anything the three friends could agree on, it was that all creeps should be dealt with accordingly, after handing over the video the two excused themselves and headed back home

 "Hey, we should stop by the convenience store near our apartment building" Said Kurayama, "I'm sure you've worked up an appetite with all that exercise"

 "Wait but we don't have any money, also wait what's in the bag?" asked Akira as he pointed out the bag Kurayama had been carrying this entire time

 "Really? You JUST noticed?" Asked Kurayama, "Well I'll explain later once we meet back up with Tatsuya, and don't worry about the money" He continued

 Akira just nodded happily, too hungry to even argue for a response to his question

 After arriving at the store Kurayama fished his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick message to the group chat, asking Tatsuya if he wanted anything. Having not received a reply he just decided to grab him something simple, before turning towards Akira and asking him to get a few drinks to go along with the three bento's he had in arms


hope you enjoy~