
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Ch. 3

~Pov Narrator~

 "Man, this sun is so annoying." Exclaimed Tatsuya as he tried to shield his eyes from the sun beating down on him, causing him to wipe the sweat from his forehead, giving an annoyed glare towards his blonde friend

 "Yes, yes… We know you hate the outside; this is the fifth time you've complained." Said Kurayama with a wry grin on his face, "Plus the faster we can get this done with we can head back home." He continued, as he pulled his smartphone out of his pocket

 "Here, we should keep in contact if anything happens." Kurayama said waving his phone in the direction of his two friends, which prompted the others to nod their heads before the three departed in different directions, searching for some answers

 "And Tatsuya! Don't forget, the faster we can be done here, we can go back home." Said Akira, trying to motivate his blue haired friend

 "Yes, yes. I'll try my best…." Said Tatsuya in response, as he stifled a yawn stretching his arms towards the sky


 ~Pov Tatsuya~

 'Man…. Let's get this over with… I wanna lay in my bed.' Thought Tatsuya to himself as he wandered aimlessly down the streets of Tokyo city

 'Thank the goddess I don't have to worry about housing, it would have been a pain to try and figure that out'

 'I should have paid a little more attention to all that anime Akira showed us, I don't know who I'm looking…. What counts as an anime character?!'

 As Tatsuya wandered aimlessly down the street, marveling at this new world, time continued to pass by quickly, not having received any messages from the other two he continued his little adventure, as the sun set he stumbled across a strange situation, an obviously annoyed young girl, with blonde hair and a stunningly beautiful face, was glaring at two much taller guys who seemed to not be taking the hint

 The situation quickly escalated as the two became agitated towards the blondes' cold attitude, grabbing her shoulder and trying to lead her towards an empty alleyway close by, 'well… seeing as no one else has any intentions of putting a stop to this.' Thought Tatsuya with a sigh as he noticed the people passing by turning a blind eye to the situation

 With a small grumble he made his way towards the small dark alley, already having a headache for this meddlesome situation, as he stepped closer, he could hear the young woman's sharp words, digging into the two young men, 'Well if anything, at least she's a feisty one' Tatsuya thought to himself with a wry smile as he quickened his steps before anything worse could happen

 Before reaching his destination Tatsuya quickly thought of a plan to try and salvage the situation before things turned violent, 'I really hope this doesn't escalate into something bigger, fighting takes up too much of my energy' With this thought in mind he pulled his smartphone out, curtesy of one goddess of reincarnation and began filming, hoping to scare the two off with his actions

 As the two became even more agitated they began pushing the poor girl, backing her into a corner, thinking that it was time to intervene Tatsuya caught the threes attention with an amazed whistle, "Man…. Accosting a poor girl, I'm sure the police would be very interested in this footage I've managed to capture" said Tatsuya sporting a plain look on his face

 The two young men froze in shock, having been caught red handed about to commit a crime, letting the girl go causing her to fall to the ground, "Now we can either solve this the peaceful way, or things can get a little more serious." Said Tatsuya as he directed a concerned gaze towards the young blonde, "If you promise to go now, I will not report this to the police, but if need be, I will get them involved" He continued, showing them his phone screen, which showed the Japan emergency number already dialed

 "Hey man, we were just having some fun, no need to come and ruined it" replied one of them, having recovered from his shock, trying to salvage the situation

 "Riiight…" Said Tatsuya, elongating his words to show he didn't believe a word they said, "I'm sure the poor girl over there" He continued, nodding his head towards the young blonde, "Is having so much fun"

 "Let's cut the crap, and just leave. Yeah?" Asked Tatsuya, having already been done with this whole situation, which quickly earned a small nervous nod from the two before they swiftly left the area

 'Well… it's not like I swore I wouldn't show this video to the police, right?' He thought to himself as he quickly sent the video file to a group chat, he made with Akira and Kurayama, asking either of them to go to the police station and report the situation

 [You just couldn't help but get into some sort of trouble, could you?]

 [Listen, the people passing by weren't batting an eye, what was I supposed to do?]

 [Yeah Kura, being the hero is part of Tatsu's charm!]

Messaged back Akira, noting the group chat Tatsuya had made, to notify the two of what had happened, sporting a wry grin on his face Tatsuya quickly turned his attention towards the young woman, "Hey so, are you ok?" He asked as he knelt to her eye level, a concerned look on his face as he gave the girl a once over, not noting any significant damage to her person

His words snapped the poor girl out of her daze, quickly looking around and noticing the two creeps were no where to be seen, "Uh- Y-yeah, I'm fine…" She responded in a small almost whisper, "T-thank you." She said, having stood from her position, bowing her head in gratification

"Don't sweat it, anyone would have done the same." Replied Tatsuya, waving his head to dismiss the girl's appreciation

"Well…. I don't think so." She quickly replied, looking around noting that no one else was present, even though everything had happened in plain sight before entering the alley

"Meh, who cares about them." Tatsuya quickly said, "At least you're okay now" Which earned a small nod from the young blonde

"S-shiina Mahiru" The young girl introduced herself to her savior, "Once again, thank you for your help."

Once more telling the girl that it was no issue Tatsuya asked Mahiru if she was okay to head off home on her own, to which the girl nodded in reply and the two parted way

Tatsuya however quickly noted the two walked in the same direction, how ever the blonde was too lost in thought to notice. As the two continued to walk Tatsuya noticed they had taken every same corner, walking down the same streets, and before long they had reached an apartment building that looked all too familiar to him

Snapping out of her dazed state, Mahiru turned towards Tatsuya with a cold glare, wondering why he had followed her, even if he was her savior she didn't feel comfortable having him know where she lived

Before she could question why he had followed her Tatsuya cut in and said "Hey just so you know… I live here." He continued as he entered the building, beckoning the shocked Mahiru inside, though hesitant to enter after him she was eager to get back home after today's events

Following loosely behind Tatsuya they quickly arrived at his floor, to which he quickly opened his door and made sure that she saw he wasn't lying, the last thing he wanted was for the poor girl to think he was stalking her

Sporting a wry grin Mahiru quickly turned and opened one of the three doors that was across Tatsuya's, which lead to him sporting his own shocked look on his face

"Well… who would have thought, huh?" He asked chuckling at the absurd chain of events that had plagued him today, he then turned towards Mahiru and bowed his head slightly, "Well miss neighbor, I hope we can get along"

To which Mahiru quickly bowed her head in agreement before she swiftly entered her apartment and shutting the door, wishing to just be done with the day

Shaking his head at the girls' attitude, Tatsuya turned around and entered his apartment, thinking of all that had happened today, 'Well one thing is for certain, there's no way she's that pretty and isn't part of some anime world.'

Sighing he quickly shook his head and reached into his pocket pulling his phone out and checking any messages he might have received

 [The situation has been reported, me and Akira happened to cross paths so we are going back together, we might stop by the convenience store, you want anything?]

 Before Tatsuya could reply he heard a quick knock at his door, sighing at the sudden noise he stood quickly to check who it was, face he opened the door, allowing one of his best friends to enter his humble abode

 "Hey man, why haven't you been answering your phone?" Asked Akira as he walked into the apartment with a couple of bags in his hand, food from the convenience store right around the corner

 "Yeah, sorry about that, with everything going on I kinda just stuffed my phone in my pocket and forgot about it" Replied Tatsuya wryly as he rubbed his head in embarrassment

 "Well, that's fine. We were able to report it all to the police, and last I heard they were repeat offenders. So, they might already be in custody." Cut in Akira as he shrugged his shoulders, not at all worried about what those two's fate had in store

 "Well!" Said Akira with a clap of his hands, before he dropped the food on to Tatsuya's bed then sitting down, "I don't know about you, but I am extremely hungry after all of that adventuring." He continued with a big grin on his face before digging into the bags and fishing out three bento meals

 "Where's Kura?" Asked Tatsuya as he sat near the tall blonde, reaching for his own bento, but before he could open it, Kurayama walked through the unlocked door, giving a small nod towards the other two and sitting with them reaching for the last bento in the bag

 "So" Said Tatsuya after a moment of silence, "I hope things went a little less eventful on your end?" He asked the other two, which earned a small nod from Kura, and a vigorous nod from Akira, "Anything worth noting?"

 "Well, actually!" Cut in Akira before the other friend could respond, beginning to narrate what all he had encountered out in the world