
Three shooting stars

Nothing too serious, three friends get transmigrated to an anime mash up world, and their adventures navigating their world, the anime world is pretty much au, with some similar aspects to their original works, but molded how i felt would fit this story the best, (also using this as an excuse if i end up misremembering something ;;;), i do not own any of the characters besides my own oc's This is something im writing for fun to practice my writing, so if you see any blaringly obvious mistakes please do excuse them on that note, i do not have any plans of dropping this any time soon, ill be writing for this fic whenever im motivated to write and just wanna have fun, so i hope you all enjoy whatever it is i end up putting together, and if you all have any suggestions please do let me know!

ValAverescu · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

Ch. 11

 ~Pov Akira~

"That was a lot of food, even for me" said Akira as he rubbed his stomach, a slight bulge to the poor thing, "all in the name of these gains" he said, while imagining himself flexing like a certain black haired body builder, who had the strange ability to hide his muscular physic when wearing his signature blue sweater

"Anyways, time to head home" said Akira as he was now alone, Satsuki and Aomine having gone home themselves, "I wonder how Tatsuya's secret meeting went?" he asked himself, as he leisurely strolled his way to his apartment, catching the eye of most people walking past him, 'Its not everyday you see some handsome, tall blonde like myself' thought Akira as he tilted his head slightly upwards, a smug look gracing his face, oddly enough his nose also growing somewhat pointy

As Akira was walking home, he suddenly remembered his mobile game, the one he hadn't been able to play at all today, "oh no! my dailies!" Sobbed Akira as he quickly logged online to do some chores, 'almost missed out on my daily materials… that would have been awful' thought the boy, completely losing the air of arrogance he had just a second ago, now completely lost in his phone he made his way down to his apartment, as he was entering his apartment building however, he bumped into a smaller girl, which startled the two of them

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that!" Said Akira, bowing his head in slight apology, the poor girl however was frozen in shock, 'Is this finally my time?!' Thought the girl, her eyes widening than they normally would, her characteristic eye bags seemingly having vanished at Akira's appearance

"D-don't w-worry!" She said, before chastising herself, 'yeah real smooth Kuroki, I'm sure blondy here is already swooning' she facepalmed at her pathetic attempt at socializing with someone that wasn't a computer screen

After their brief exchange, Akira held the door open for Kuroki, allowing her to get inside first, coincidentally showing the girl his phone screen as he had held the door open with the hand holding his phone, 'no way someone that hot plays gacha games?' She thought to herself, as she slowly made her way up the stairs towards her apartment, silently judging herself over the smallest things, 'I'm walking weirdly aren't i?!'

Scared she might do something to creep Akira out, on the other hand, our resident himbo was too lost in his game to pay attention to his surroundings, 'oh hey, another 5-star. And she's so hot?!'

As Akira arrived at his apartment floor, he put his phone away and headed for Kurayama's apartment instead of his own, curious as to what his friend had been up to today, completely missing the fact that Kuroki was in fact the mysterious third person living in the last apartment on their floor, who they had never really had the chance to see due to her reclusive nature

~Pov Kuroki~

"Ahhhh, why did I stutter?!" Said Kuroki as she jumped onto her bed and hugged her pillow close to her face, lamenting her lack of social skills, "I should just disappear…" She said, after a while she had finally calmed down and sat back down at her desk, booting up one of her many dating sims, which may or may not be the cause of her skewed view of romance, "You'll never do wrong by me right?" She asked the character that was currently on her screen

~Pov narrator~

"Oyyyy, Kurayama" said Akira as he walked into Kurayama's apartment, having found the front door already unlocked, "oh, hey Tatsuya!"

"What are you two up to?" Asked Akira, which prompted Tatsuya to give a small explanation as to what he and Kuryama had talked about previously, the fragmented memories and the fact that their bodies seemed to have had a life before they woke up in them, "Oh hey! That whole memories thing happened to me too" said Akira as he explained his side of things, "So yeah, that happened. Oh, also it seems I'm not originally from Japan like you two are"

"Ah right, I forgot to show you guys" said Tatsuya as unlocked his phone to show the two what he had previously found, his social media account and the post made to celebrate Akira's brief visit to Japan, "I think this is gonna be the first time you're actually staying in Japan" he said

"Cool!" Said Akira as he quickly pulled his phone out to check his own social media accounts, "look, I have one too!" he said as he showed the other two his phone screen, showing an account that had many followers just like Tatsuya's but with way more post having been made to the account, as he scrolled through each post, vivid memories of his time in America slowly started coming back to the boy, slowly filling him in on how his time there was spent

"What about you, Kura?" Asked Akira, as he motioned his friend to check his phone

After a few seconds of browsing his phone Kurayama finally said, "yeah, doesn't look like this body was the type to have any sort of social media"

"Makes sense though, you weren't the type to have any even in our old world" said Tatsuya, as he remembered his friend stubbornly refuse to open up any sort of account, saying it would only be a detriment to his time spent doing more productive things, "so many of the girls that liked you always complained about the fact that it was so hard to get through to you" he continued, a teasing grin on his face as he then recalled his friend simply not giving any sort of romantic thought any sort of attention

"Ahem," said Kurayama, as he cleared his throat in an attempt to push aside his embarrassment, "it's not like I actually needed one, Akira always posted enough for the two of us combined!" he continued to try and justify his decision

"Riiiight, that's why" said Tatsuya, seeing past Kurayama's attempt to brush the fact that he was always too socially awkward to share anything with anyone besides his two friends

"ANYWAYS," Kurayama cut the conversation short rather loudly before the two could continue the teasing any longer, "it seems that in this world I actually have a family," he said, presenting the two with what they deemed to be serious news

"Wait what? Why are you only mentioning this now?!" Said Akira, as he quickly set his phone down, giving his friend his undivided attention, "when did you find out?" Asked Tatsuya as he too sat on the floor, ready to listen to his friends' words

"Earlier today actually, 'my' mother sent me a text message this morning, wondering how I was adjusting to living on my own" Kurayama explained the chain of events that had happened just that morning, narrating the conversation between him and his mother

After a few minutes of explanation, Kurayama finally took a deep breath to steady himself, the thought of having parents for the first time in his life since childhood seemed to shake the poor boy to his core

"So, how are you feeling?" Asked Akira, clearly remembering his friend's past and specifically his parental situation

"Uh, well…" Said Kurayama in an attempt to respond

"It's okay man, talk when you're ready" said Tatsuya, knowing that his friend only needed some time to be able to talk to them openly about the whole thing, "what about you, Akira?" Asked Tatsuya 

"The last time we spoke, I think; was before I boarded the plane that brought me to Japan" said Akira, his parents having the same carefree attitude that he had

"Still as carefree as ever, huh?" Said Tatsuya as he gave his friend a wry grin, remembering that even in their past world, Akira's parents were pretty laid back when it came to him, "yeah I mean, it's not like this is my first time in Japan" responded Akira 

"True" said Kurayama as he had snapped out of his daze, focusing back on their conversation, "plus they know you have us here, what more backing could you need" he continued, surprising both Tatsuya and Akira, the heartfelt declaration having caught both off guard

"Awww you're so sweeeeet" said Akira, as he wrapped his arm around Kurayama's shoulder, much to his dismay, knocking his glass off his face due to the forceful movement

"Alright alright, let's not get too crazy" said Tatsuya as he separated the two, allowing Kurayama to place his glasses back onto his face, "hey man, you can't blame me! That's two heartfelt moments from this one in like a day!" Responded Akira as he tried to defend his excitement, Kurayama never really being one to be open about his feelings, something that the two had come to accept him for

After the room ha settled back in silence, the three sat there enjoying the moment, before Kurayama spoke up, "Oh right, weren't you gonna talk about your meeting with mysterious message person?"

"Oh yeah, this one's sudden entrance made me forget all about that" said Tatsuya as he motioned towards Akira, which caused him to respond by raising his hands in mock surrender, "So about that…" continued Tatsuya, mysteriously letting his words hang before he delivered the news

"I was able to get us three direct recommendations for Shuchi'in academy" Tatsuya had decided to finally drop the bombshell he had been keeping the two waiting for, leaving them shocked in surprise as they digested his words, the room full of strange silence as they slowly processed what he had just said

"Isn't the whole point of Shuchi'in academy that its like, super hard to get into?" Asked Akira after some time had passed, which earned a small nod from Kurayama, "Yeah, the whole point that I decided to check the study material was for those extremely hard entrance exams, how'd you manage that?" He asked