
It Should Have Been Me

"What a beautiful day", a young woman wearing an elegant floral dress mumbled while basking in the morning glow entering the room from its single large window.

"Perfect weather for a picnic don't you think?" She turned towards the bed. A woman with an almost identical face to her own laid on the bed. Silence filled the room as Sarah hoped for a response from her recently comatose sister. Minutes went by and Sarah grew more and more despondent.

Her sister had suffered from a car accident on their way home from a family trip to the beach while their parents had died from the impact of the crash. In a moment of misfortune, Sarah had lost her family and was left alone in the world. The doctors told her that her sister suffered from a cerebral haemorrhage and had likely lost some neurological function that would become apparent if she were ever to awaken from the coma.

It seemed as though everything that could go wrong had gone wrong.

The family trip was arranged to help Sarah relax during her holidays from university but ended up leaving her in despair. Life support was expensive and she was barely making ends meet as it was.

"What do I do?" She struggled to vocalise the words as her throat began to clog up and warmth gathered around her eyes.

If she didn't manage to conjure up enough money to keep the life support going until her sister awakens she would truly be left alone in the world.

"Why couldn't it have been me?" The tears flowed from her eyes as she reminisced on the past year.

First time author. Please go easy on me.

m(_ _)m

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