
Three Kingdoms: Starting with Orator Talent, Zhang Jiao is Shocked

Wang Yan, a modern scholar, transmigrates into the body of Wang Yan, the son of a governor, during the Eastern Han Dynasty. He awakens on an execution ground amid the Yellow Turban Rebellion and discovers he has an "Orator System" that allows him to influence people through speeches. Using his new abilities, he plans to convert rebels into followers, build an army, and navigate the chaotic era to become a powerful leader.

A_Beam_of_Radiance · History
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37 Chs

Chapter 24: Does Zhang Jue Know Sorcery?

The Han army, though elite, numbered only fifty thousand. With Dong Zhuo dismissed and Huangfu Song yet to arrive, they now faced an enemy force twice their size. Fear and panic spread among the soldiers, causing morale to waver.

As the highest-ranking officer, Commander Zong Yuan prepared the troops for defense. Meanwhile, Zhang Jue's massive army approached, forming a grand formation but not rushing to attack, as if the Han forces were already within his grasp.

Before Zhang Jue's army, hundreds of soldiers carried wood and ropes, quickly constructing a simple high platform. On it were an incense burner, a flag, a sword, and Taoist instruments.

Wang Yan observed with mild confusion. "Is Zhang Jue performing a ritual?"

Indeed, Zhang Jue did not immediately order an attack but slowly ascended the platform. He waved his sword and chanted loudly, his voice resounding across the battlefield.

"Heaven has perished, and the Yellow Heaven shall rise. In this year of the Jiazi, the Han's decline is foretold!"

"The three generals stand to lead the Yellow Heaven, combining the virtues of Heaven, Earth, and Man to drive away evil spirits. I offer my body as a cure for the world's ailments!"

"Zhang Jue calls for the death of the Han!"

This display left everyone stunned. Wang Yan felt speechless. "A formidable performer, indeed. His acting skills rival mine!"

"But does this work?" Wang Yan remained skeptical, but those around him were not. All eyes were fixed on Zhang Jue, and each person was on high alert.

Suddenly, Zhang Jue shouted, "Wind, come!"

Instantly, a fierce wind swept through the battlefield, kicking up a cloud of yellow dust, making it almost impossible to see. The Han army's flags fluttered wildly.

Zhang Jue then commanded, "Rain, come!"

Shortly after, dark clouds gathered at an alarming speed, covering the sky like a heavy curtain.

Wang Yan stared at the unfolding events, bewildered. Feeling the strong wind and the imminent rain in the air, his pupils dilated. "What's happening?"

"This isn't scientific!" Zhang Fei exclaimed nearby, "The weather is changing? Zhang Jue is using sorcery again!"

Wang Yan was stunned. "Sorcery? Where did such sorcery come from in a world as low on magic as the Three Kingdoms?"

Yet, the reactions of those around him were genuine. Wang Yan glanced at the Han camp, seeing the soldiers terrified, shaken by the display. Some started to flee while the cavalry's horses became agitated. The camp fell into chaos, losing its defensive formation.

At that moment, Zhang Jue shouted again from the platform, "Thunder God, assist me!"

A flash of silver light descended from the clouds, followed by a deafening thunderclap that shook the heavens and earth. Countless bolts of lightning began striking down, creating a hellish landscape of shattered rocks and scorched earth before the Han camp.

Seeing this, the fifty thousand Han soldiers were utterly demoralized. "A deity has appeared!"

"He summons thunder to punish us!"

The soldiers threw down their weapons and began to surrender. Zong Yuan's heart sank. In his previous battles alongside Lu Zhi, he had seen Zhang Jue use minor weather manipulations, but Lu Zhi's strategies and morale always countered those. This display of power was unprecedented.

Determined to fulfill his duty, Zong Yuan shouted to his troops, "Ignore these tricks! Hold the line and prepare for battle!"

However, no one responded. The soldiers, paralyzed by fear, remained rooted to the spot, entranced by the supernatural display as if they had lost their souls.

"Disobeying orders is punishable by death!" Zong Yuan drew his sword and executed two soldiers, hoping to restore order.

But it was futile. The soldiers were too terrified, paying no heed to Zong Yuan's orders. Seeing the army beyond control, Zong Yuan felt a deep sense of despair. "We are doomed to perish at the hands of this sorcerer."

At that moment, the hundred thousand Yellow Turban soldiers, led by Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang, bypassed the lightning-stricken area and encircled the Han camp from both flanks, quickly overwhelming it.

Zhang Jue's voice, like a divine decree, echoed once more, "I, Zhang Jue, acting on Heaven's behalf, shall eradicate the Han. Surrender, and you will be spared. Resist, and face death!"

None of the fifty thousand Han soldiers dared to move. Those who surrendered were taken captive, while the few who resisted were killed. The Yellow Turban soldiers began systematically taking control of the Han camps.

Meanwhile, in the distance, Dong Zhuo looked back far from the battlefield and felt a wave of fear and relief. "Life is unpredictable. If I were still the commander, I'd be doomed."

Indeed, there is fortune in misfortune. Reflecting on Emperor Ling's hasty decisions and the incoming Huangfu Song, Dong Zhuo's expression was mockery. "Dealing with Zhang Jue is beyond me. Who among you can succeed?"

Dong Zhuo cast a glance at Wang Yan, standing on a distant hill, surprised. "Why hasn't this boy retreated? It would be a shame if he perished here."

Wang Yan looked at the stormy sky and then at Zhang Jue on the high platform, deeply shaken. The Records of the Three Kingdoms mention Zhang Jue's sorcery, which was authentic and terrifying here.

This sorcery was incredibly potent, controlling wind, rain, and lightning. With such power, how could Zhang Jue fear the Han's collapse? Even Wang Yan's system seemed inferior in comparison.

Could Zhang Jue be the true protagonist of this story? Wang Yan began to doubt his place in the narrative.

As he wrestled with these thoughts, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei grew visibly anxious. Zhang Fei, the most restless, said, "Brother, Zhang Jue's sorcery is terrifying. Our situation is dire. We should retreat!"

Liu Bei appeared not to hear. Thinking Liu Bei was too shocked to respond, Guan Yu said urgently, "Brother, the third brother is right. We must rethink our strategy. Let's retreat to Zhuo County."

Wang Yan glanced at Liu Bei and saw his calm demeanor, eyes fixed on Zhang Jue. It was puzzling. "Shouldn't Big Ears be fleeing by now? Why is he so composed?"

Wang Yan refocused. If Liu Bei wasn't panicking, why should he? Observing Zhang Jue, now wielding his sword on the high platform, chanting with fervor, Wang Yan noticed that only a few thousand soldiers guarded him.

Wang Yan's eyes brightened, sensing an opportunity amidst the chaos.

In his heart, Wang Yan felt a mix of determination and trepidation. The tales of Zhang Jue's supernatural abilities seem more realistic than legends now. Despite his doubts about the scientific basis of these phenomena, he couldn't deny their impact on the battlefield. The wind, rain, and lightning were natural, and their effects on morale were undeniable.

"This might be my chance," Wang Yan thought. "If I can take down Zhang Jue, it could turn the tide of battle and solidify my position."

He turned to Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, who were still discussing their next move. "Brothers, this might be our only chance to strike at Zhang Jue directly. If we can disrupt his ritual, we might demoralize his troops and give our forces a fighting chance."

Liu Bei, seeing the determination in Wang Yan's eyes, nodded. "Ziyuan, you're right. We cannot let fear dictate our actions. We must seize this opportunity."

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, always eager for a challenge, agreed. "Let's do it!" Zhang Fei exclaimed, gripping his spear tightly.

Wang Yan quickly outlined his plan. "We will need to move swiftly and silently. Zhang Jue is focused on his ritual, which gives us a small window to approach undetected. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, you will lead a small detachment to flank the platform. Liu Bei and I will advance directly."

The brothers nodded, their eyes filled with resolve. They knew the risks, but they also understood the importance of this moment. It was a do-or-die situation.

As they began their approach, Wang Yan's heart pounded in his chest. The sounds of battle echoed around them, but he focused on the high platform where Zhang Jue stood, still chanting, seemingly oblivious to the danger approaching him.

The wind howled, and rain began to pour, drenching the soldiers and making the ground slippery. Lightning continued to crackle in the sky, adding to the scene's chaos. But Wang Yan and his comrades pressed on, their resolve unwavering.

Drawing closer, they could see the intense concentration on Zhang Jue's face as he continued his ritual. His soldiers, though numerous, seemed more focused on the spectacle than on guarding their leader. This was the opening Wang Yan had hoped for.

At Wang Yan's signal, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei led their detachment around the flanks, moving with the stealth and precision of seasoned warriors. Liu Bei and Wang Yan continued their direct approach, their movements swift and silent despite the torrential rain.

As they neared the platform, Wang Yan could see the intricate designs on Zhang Jue's robe, the symbols and totems that seemed to glow with an otherworldly light. He felt a chill run down his spine but pushed it aside, focusing on the task.