
Three Fold World

Slave… Trash… Unwanted… Hundreds of words had been hurled at Asher in his short life. He was greatly familiar with them and knew to ignore them for his own worth. His mother had told him find the good in people and look past their masks. But even a saint had a limit. And when Asher hit his limit, he also hit the limit of the overseer. Getting banished from his mine, Asher was left jobless and also became target of denigration. But when the demons poured out from the earth, and invaded his world, what was Asher to do? Especially when even the divine immortals, the most sacred and holy, deemed him as a heretic; Asher had little to do other than run. How could someone rejected and hated by all survive in the harsh Three Fold World? Only by overcoming all odds and eradicating those that opposed him would Asher rise to the top of the world. Humans, Demons, and Immortals... All shall kneel before the Empyrean of the Three Fold World

Grand_Void_Daoist · Fantasy
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116 Chs


Asher had heard stories about Heretics and knew that they were feared due to their abilities. 

They held a power that was in opposition to the Mages and Knights, making them quite strong. Though it was often shown that the Mages and knights were stronger as they slaughtered most of the heretics they came across.

The only time they spared them was like in the current case, where they thought it would be a lot more beneficial to interrogator them and find out more about the other heretics.

Despite this, Asher didn't know what exactly were the powers of a heretic. No one ever mentioned it, due to the fact that they themselves didn't know, or to not get caught by the guards talking about it. Glorification of heretics and anything related to them was forbidden, after all.

Even if the heretics were hated, Asher didn't care about that anymore. He was branded as one too, and with all that had happened, this was the least of his worries. 

'It wasn't a Heretic that killed Grandmother… It was an Immortal.' Asher had dangerous thoughts rising in his mind, thoughts that would get him imprisoned with ease if they were ever spoken aloud. 

One might get away by insulting the king, or even the clergy, but insulting the Sacred Immortals would be a swift death sentence.

It wouldn't even have to be guards that might punish him. Even the normal people would take great offense to it and would gladly take matters into their own hands. And even if they killed someone like this, the guards would be totally fine with it and would agree with the murder.

In a majority of kingdoms, insulting the immortals was the same as Heresy and would result in death.

As such to Asher, there was no luxury of choice right now. 

It was a time of desperation where he would get help from anything and anyone he could. 

"Yes… And it's not called Heretic power." The man replied. "You are a heretic now too. It's best you learn more about us." The man stated, making Asher a bit intrigued.

"What are they called, then?" Asher asked, willing to learn.

"The power we use is also magic." The Heretic replied, making the boy surprised.

"What?" Asher couldn't believe it.

"More accurately, we use a form of magic called as Sorcery!" The Heretic revealed.

Hearing the word, Asher found it unfamiliar. 

"What's the difference between Sorcerors and the Mages?" Asher inquired.

"Mage was originally a collective term for all those that use magic. This is something that had long since been obscured and changed." The Heretic answered, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "In the past, there were multiple paths of magic. As such, there were Mages of various kinds, though they were mainly divided in two: The Wizards and The Sorcerers." He explained.

"Wizard and Sorcerers… If Sorcerers are the Heretics, then…" Asher started to put two and two together.

"Wizards are what are now known as Mages." The Heretic answered, surprising Asher once more. "The main difference between the two is the source of their power. Tell me… Do you know what Mana is?" he asked this time.

"I do. It's what the Mages use to power their spells and what the warriors use to strengthen their bodies." Asher answered. "I've learned this before from grandmother." 

"That's right." The Heretic nodded. "If Mages use Mana, then us Sorcerers use another form of energy called as Miasma." He revealed.

"But I heard the Heretics use the power of the demons?" Asher said, feeling confused. "Don't they obtain power by being servants of demons?" 

"Bah! Us? And servants!?" The heretic scoffed. "There was a time when the Demons and Sorcerers stood on equal grounds. Only those that were weak and submitted to the Demons became their servants." He said, feeling angry.

All this was shocking information to Asher, and went against all common knowledge that he had learned.

"The only truth to what you said is that our source of power is indeed the same. Miasma is something that both the demons and sorcerers use." The heretic said after swallowing his anger. 

Asher listened to the man intently and branded everything he learned in his mind. Since he was a Heretic too now, he reckoned he needed to know at least the basics. There was no going back from this anyway, after all that he had lost.

"Wait… is this Miasma a dark red smoke?" Asher suddenly asked, recalling something.

"Yes… While Miasma has many forms, that is indeed the most common one." The heretic replied, wondering how Asher knew this. "Have you seen it before?" he questioned.

"Y-yes… I saw a two horned demon absorb it." Asher replied. "It had ripped out a crystal from another demon and then this dark red smoke came out of it." He added.

"Hmm… So you saw it absorb the Demon Core." The heretic confirmed. "Though for you to be alive despite seeing that is quite lucky. Someone like you would have easily become a meal for a two horned demon." He added.

"I managed to hide far enough." Asher responded. 

"But yeah, that was indeed Miasma." The heretic said. "It is good that I don't need to explain how it looks to you now. It'll be easier for you to learn how to use it when you already know what it is." He added, making Asher feel a bit taken aback.

"M-me? Using Miasma?" Asher almost couldn't believe it. "But they tested me in the past… I can't use magic." He stated with disappointed.

"Hah!" to this the heretic laughed, making the other prisoners scared by the sudden outburst.

"You think the standard of those Wizards apply to us Sorcerers?" He said with a scowl. "You are a First Generation Heretic. If anything, you will have a better talent at it than me. It is in your blood. You've always had the ability to use it!" he stated with confidence.

This made Asher's eyes go wide.

"I… I can use magic?"